Introduction thread for new forum members

Hey, glad to find you all here.

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Hey everyone!

I design games for myself, so I do a little of everything, UI design, Animating, and Scripting. (Mosty scripting and UI design though, I donā€™t need to make animations often)

  1. My sister told me about it after playing it with her freind (lol she said it was super fun!)
  2. I wanted to know how games like Adopt Me! were made so well, so I started researching and came across these forums and realized there is much more work put into games than most people realize.
  3. A big goal of mine is to get a crown of Oā€™s, any crown of Oā€™s, even just the easiest one to get is still super hard.
  4. Iā€™m a UI designer, Programmer, and Animator (Well sorta), I work on my own games, so I design animations when I need too, which is rarely)
  5. I use Roblox sometimes as a stress reliever, so when I get stressed, I just get on Studio and make something cool!

Hello! My nameā€™s andk2,

I joined Roblox back in 2014 as I saw both of my brothers had been playing it, so I decided that I wanted to join too. We played games such as apocalypse rising, call of robloxia, ro-planes, etc. I never really thought about game development that much back then since I was young and only knew about the gameplay side of things. But after a while, I decided to try it out, failed, and gave up. Then a while ago after seeing friends in-studio and seeing these things they had created I thought - why not try again? I guess my goal is to just have fun where I can and hopefully make something that people can enjoy, whether that be loads of people or a small group. I mainly focus on building, but I am also trying to learn to program.

I am pretty late to this - but oh well.


Whatā€™s good? Iā€™m Temporalist. I script (somewhat) cool things on roblox for fun.

Hi iā€™m DevFoll i found roblox by a friend. And started developing beacuse one of my friend was in roblox studio then i wanted to do it, i couldnā€™t understand how beacuse my toolbox was closed. After 4 months i saw a tiktok of a guy making a ww2 game with free models (Benjamin thunder) he is banned now. but then i wanted to do the same and i tried and failed then tried again and did it. (with free models) until his game died and he made a new one with scripters and stuff. And then i couldnā€™t beat him or be on the same level since i knew nothing about scripting building etc. So i started to make more projects and learn to script. My current goal is to DevEx for first time and show my parents im making money. If u need a commission thatā€™s not too advanced hit me up

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Hi! Iā€™m Iamhere and Iā€™ve been playing roblox since January 2017. Iā€™ve always been interested in programming and the day I got a computer I began learning how to use roblox studio. This all happened a while ago (2019) and now iā€™m an intermediate programmer (and also beginner UI designer lol). My account has been unable to join the devforum for a while now so Iā€™m glad I can finally use it!

Finally, Iā€™m allowed to post!

My username is SpaceNightrider but I now go by Nexxarian for all purposes. Years back I made an alt with that username so no one else would take it, but since Roblox now lets you change your name for free I can finally have my username display differently.

I found Roblox in early 2012. At the time I was playing the MMO Lego Universe, and prior to its closure at the end of January Iā€™d heard how some of my friends were moving to Minecraft, which I already knew of but hadnā€™t yet played at the time, and Roblox.

Iā€™ve been on the site for nearing 10 years now and Iā€™ve yet to actually make a game. Iā€™ve worked with some friends on developing some but we just couldnā€™t ever get them done, things fell apart, etc. Honestly, for the last couple years I havenā€™t been very active on Roblox at all. College, work, and life in general along with a lack of interest just kept me away. Now and again Iā€™ll come back to play a select few games when Iā€™m bored, but thatā€™s about it.

However, I hope thatā€™s about to change. Iā€™ve come to the Developer Forum in order to begin to get help with a potential project I want to work on eventually. Iā€™m currently a 3rd year college student, supposed to graduate in Spring '23. Iā€™m hoping that maybe this coming summer or at least after I graduate to begin working on my project. The only thing is, I will need a team. A couple friends have expressed interest in helping me with this project, but Iā€™m not sure of their skill level and whether they will have the time for it.

My role is definitely a builder. Iā€™ve made models before, but now my skill has greatly increased. In college I am majoring in 3D modeling, animation and game design, after all (mainly focusing on the modeling/texturing concentration of my major). Iā€™ve done texturing and graphics for my assignments as well. Iā€™d say Iā€™m pretty good with digital art, myself; I use a Gaomon PD2200 tablet.

My favorite games on Roblox back in the day were Apocalypse Rising and Phantom Forces. 2013 was my favorite year on the platform between all the various events and whatnot. Late 2012/early 2013 was also when I began foruming. I accrued 42,029 posts on my main account before the forums were closed, primarily on Roblox Talk. I had another 3,000 or so on my alts.


Hi! My name is Andre, I am a scripter and project manager. I got onto the roblox platform a few years ago, then less then a year ago I decided I want to try to become a developer. I have multiple friends who are good developers so they thought me what I know today. I have been in 50+ projects around roblox ranging from correctional facilities, hospital, hotels to cityā€™s. I love Roblox and I love the development community.

Hello! Iā€™m Dan. I been on here on ROBLOX since 2016, which is a very long time for me. But, my passion is building, but still learning and improving. But, Iā€™m sure from seeing posts and forum through DevForum helps me to learn new techniques and tricks to build and script. I usually ask for suggestions and questions relating to anything on development and ROBLOX itself. I know a computer language too, which isnā€™t related to ROBLOX. One of my friends found this website useful, so Iā€™m here to see that. I do really like their development community, and ROBLOX!

Thank you! :smiley:

  1. I found Roblox in my middle school, I thought it was an another app for School, but it wasnā€™t!
  2. I started in 2016, of course. In that year, all I did was pasting a bunch of free models, and that it. But then, in 2019-2022, I started to build models. I was learning a lot, and few months later, I actually got a hand of it.
  3. Make a good game, and try to make more games for fun!
  4. Builder. Builder role will be nice.
  5. I donā€™t know if there are more questions from me. But I am good.
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That what I said too! I want to be good at it too! If you see my own reply(not the not I replying to you now), I started to play Roblox since 2016 too! Most of my accounts are gone due to forgetting passwords and one of them got hacked. But I everything to protect my account now days. In the year of 2019, I started to build stuff, and I got good at it! I hope you get you goals as mine! Wish you luck! :grin:


Hello! Iā€™m not new, but nonetheless.

  1. Playing since I was a kid. Random ad on some website, I think.
  2. Friend of mine at school roped me in.
  3. In the middle of making a game with said friend.
  4. Programmer.
  5. Anything I can do to get to Regular rank at the moment? I have a bug report ready to post, but canā€™t post it.

Hello everyone, Iā€™m Staffy97. I originally joined ROBLOX on May 21st 2017 and my original account was DinAdam. But unfortunately it got Password guessed! Now Staffy97 is my main account! Nowadays, I make good horror games, etc. Well I did played ROBLOX in late 2016, but I played as a guest at the time. Now finally, let me tell you how I found ROBLOX. Well I found ROBLOX on YouTube, when I was watching DanTDM at the time. Another reason I found ROBLOX, is because I seen the ROBLOX advertisement, right after watching a random YouTube video.

So thatā€™s my story of how I found ROBLOX and been playing it for 5 years!


Hey guys! I was given member back on May 21 and I just realize this message just now (better late than never). To start, Iā€™m Dragonfable6000.

1. How did you find Roblox?
I found a cool advertisement back in 2013 of this cool blocky game, looking kind of like Lego in a way (my favorite toy).

2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I was with a group of friends messing around with a free model admin command where I notice I could give myself an f3x building tool. I would build for fun and have my friends play around with my build which led me to continue using the tools that Roblox has provided me to use.

3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
I wanted to have a game that is original and unique and hopefully have many players and build a community based on the games that I create. For now, I am making games that arenā€™t so much uniqueā€¦ but using these games as a lesson for me to build my foundation in scripting.

4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I am primarily a programmer and secondary as a builder.

5. Anything else you would like to include
If anything, I would like to stand out as someone who likes to learn and help others with what I have learned through otherā€™s work :smiley:


Iā€™m Shung Jung and I have played ROBLOX for at least 2 years now. I started programming since I was 10 and was not so interested in making ROBLOX games back then until I got curious and tried it out for myself. It has at least been 1 year of me scripting my games in roblox, however Iā€™m still not that good as I thought I would be haha. I am happy to be a member of the forums as I can get help from the community more easily and have more fun!


Hi, Iā€™m WayCoolPlayer, or way for short.
I didnā€™t find this thread for a bit so I already have 10 posts but oh well.

  • How did you find Roblox?

First played it with an irl friend.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

Found out I could make my own games and went to do that.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform

Want to build a game for robux at the moment. Also seems cool to have a community in a game of mine. I currently have like 800 total place visits.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

As a solo dev without much robux, all of them, though I think Iā€™m best at scripting.


Hey everyone! Iā€™m Romi but I often go by Derp on Roblox. Last year, I started learning how to become a developer but stopped to pursue other things for a bit. I just found out about this thread and thought it would be a great way to start my return.

1. How did you find Roblox?
I found Roblox through an old classmate back in 2016. The dude single-handedly got like half the class hooked on it, including me.

2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I started development near the end of 2020 when I got the idea for a knife-fight game with platformer movement. I just took a bunch of free assets and copy-pasted a bunch of code from tutorials. It was overly ambitious but I somehow made something like I imagined. The game was really buggy when I tested it out with a friend but that just made it more enjoyable.

3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
Other than the ā€œgameā€ I made, I donā€™t have many achievements yet. However, itā€™s my goal to meet and collaborate with other devs as well as improving in skills Iā€™m genuinely interested in.

4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
My role in the community is an animator, but I do plan on becoming a music producer in the near future. Iā€™ll probably try other roles but these are the ones Iā€™m most confident in.

5. Anything else you would like to include
If youā€™ve taken the time to read this, thank you! I hope to be a friendly, helpful member to this community.


This is very late but Hello!

Im spydercam500! Most people call me spy/spyder so feel free to call me that!

I found roblox back in early 2017 the only thing I can really remember of how I found it is from a DanTdm video about natural disasters!

I started development in around 2019 I think I cant exactly remember but its around there! I started off using places that were un-copylocked I stopped using those though and stopped developing all together it was only a year later in august when I started looking at tutorials on how to make Low poly terrain in roblox without blender then somewhere around that I tried out blender and it was my favorite development thing to do right next to building!

My current goals are finishing a game im making with friends, trying to get into UGC, learning LUA, and just learning a bunch of development things in general!

Right now im a modeler a builder and a beginner GFX artist!

I hope anyone who sees this post is having a great day!

Happy Developing!


@spydercam500 @DerpCraft327

Seeing all these posts that are like ā€œback in 2016ā€ make me feel really old! :rofl:
(2009 boomer here)


1. How did you find Roblox?
a friend showed me it back in 2016 it looked cool and the next day i was hooked
2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
in 2017 or 2018 (might be 2018) i wanted to make a game like jailbreak so i tried learning how to script, after a bit (2018 me didnt know i cant make an overnight success in a week) i stopped though, in 2020 i learnt again and i really enjoyed it
3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
none really, i just make stuff when im bored because i can never come up with original ideas but if i hit 10k visits one day thatā€™d be cool
4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
i do programming, i tried building and didnā€™t really enjoy it
5. Anything else you would like to include
i probably wont post or comment much, im not good at talking i never know what to say