Introduction thread for new forum members

Welcome to the DevForums! We all hope you have an amazing experience!

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Hope you have a good time :slight_smile:

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[repost because im literally changing my whole message]
Follwing a format here

Hey, Iā€™m a user back from the 2010 days, yes the time when tickets existed, just you can skip to the end if you just want my role in the community

How did you find Roblox
I honestly donā€™t remember how I came across Roblox, I guess it was so long ago

How did you get started with development on the Roblox Platform
I was developing games (if you call flooding them with free models) after a few days after I joined, about the 2012/2013 area, I got into scripting and soon after that I was working on proper games

I took a GCSE in Computing which helped me understand programming concepts better (functions, OOP, etc.)

Current goals/achievements on the platform
My current goal, as I said before, is to make a successful game on Roblox, and I have been trying to do this for the last 2 years, always losing motivation later on in the process

What is your role in the developer community
Iā€™m a programer, undeniably, but I do have the odd part of UI design and pixel painting, aswell as maybe, if it is super basic, modelling

Iā€™m a programmer


Welcome again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome :smiley:

Hello old friend!! Welcome!

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Hello! I wanted to introduce myself, Iā€™ve been a member for around 2 months now, but havenā€™t seen the email until now. So, I guess itā€™s time for the introduction.

  • I was shown roblox by some friends early 2010 and finally made an account around 2011, and it got hacked, and created another one in 2012 which is this one.
  • I got started with development around 2012 because I wanted to build Baseball Stadiums, which is what started me in building. I later then grew into programming because I wanted to learn the more technical side of game development and now have moved into programming in other languages such as Java.
  • My current goal is to hit the front page.
  • I am a builder as well as a programmer, but I mainly code.


Hi, welcome! :grin:

Hi everyone! Iā€™m cowiki, an aspiring, intermediate, and self-taught Roblox Lua scripter that strives to one day make an awesome game for everyone to play and enjoy. Although I script mainly as a hobby, I do sometimes assist groups with some scripting on the cuff.

I actually found Roblox about five years ago when I was browsing for the best free game that was currently on the market. Roblox popped up, I checked it out on YouTube, and I instantly got hooked. I loved the idea that you could make your own games for free and have millions of players play it.

Iā€™ve been here for a while, but all Iā€™ve been doing was browsing and checking out some cool threads other even cooler people made. I figured that itā€™s time that I start replying and contributing to this community instead of just browsing the surface right before I go to bed (lol). Todayā€™s the start of that journey, and Iā€™m really excited that I have you all to turn around and talk to if I need some help. Itā€™s truly an honor and a blessing to be here. Thanks! :slight_smile:



Hi, Iā€™m IXDark00LordXI or just Dark. Developer since 2016. 3D Modeler/Builder. Iā€™ve been a member but havenā€™t seen the email until now, so here is my introduction.

  • My friend actually got me into Roblox as a player and after a while of being into roleplaying groups I found out that there was a developer community part of Roblox. I got started quite quickly with making small models for my groups and slowly moved on to 3d modeling. I am also a Web Developer, AI enthusiast and glad to be part of the developer community.



Hey! I just got into Devforums and this is my first post! I have been working hard to get into Devforums for the past 3-4 years! I am so excited to be apart of this community



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Hello! My name is Dev but you can call me Endless! I am new and I got started with development on the Roblox Platform by paying my dad my allowance to let me use his computer to develop things any time I could. My friends played it when I was about 10 or 9 years old and I spent every single day I could trying to figure out how to make games.

My current goals I would say has to be making a lot of friends to develop games with and making enough money to kick start my future!

My role? I do building primarily but I also specialize in graphic design and art, UI design and art, game design, graphic effects or GFX rendering and photography, voice acting, creative story writing, and development management like organizing project details and developers work. However I do not codeā€¦

I am very thankful for the people who got me to where I am and hope I can contribute as much as possible to the community.

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