Introduction thread for new forum members

told ya you’d be in


(Also your story isn’t embarrassing. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Welcome, and that story ain’t embarrassing. I probably have a much much more embarrassing Roblox story hehe.

Welcome to the devforum.

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Hello great to finally after 6 months of waiting to be part of the forums, I started playing Roblox back in around late 2011 (I was around 13 years old) at first when I seen ads I thought it was stupid then my younger brother started playing it then i decided to try it one day and loved it, played as guest for a year and one day my dad was watching and said I should make an account so I could change the look and save my builds (at the time I played roblox building a lot) that then opened me up to the personal places and I used the build mode for a while until my dad wondered about somethings that was in some games, after finding out about studio I’ve been building ever since and getting better along the way.
I don’t really have any fully finished builds but I hope to get some done. I know the basic beginners Lua but not enough to make a basic game (yet,I hope to in the near future).
I am a beginner in Blender I can make low poly things I haven’t really tried higher detailed stuff yet.
Follow me on Twitter to see some of my builds (I need to post more of my stuff more often). Or check out my roblox profile I have some places active



I’ve actually been on the Roblox Developer Forum for over 1 year and didn’t know how to get the regular member role. But anyways, I’m YaBoyZelda (I am aware the character Zelda is female it’s a callback to my original username). I found Roblox in 2012 when trying to find games to play with a friend and I got started with development around late 2014 thanks to some inspiration sources. I’m goals/achievements on Roblox are to release a successful game and to be able to DevEx for the first time. My role in the developer community is a mix of UI Designer, Programmer and Builder. I plan to deliver fun games that will be good additions to the current games on Roblox in the future and can’t wait to be able to interact with more the the developer community using the Developer Forums.


Welcome! If you have any questions about the forum feel free to PM me!

Well, welcome again! Glad to have you back!

Welcome @12mrcool and @YaBoyZelda.

Hope you enjoy your Stay at the Roblox Developer Forum. :wink:

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Hello there,

My name is YouFoundRory and I recently got accepted into the DevForum among others. I joined ROBLOX in 2015 where I played many games. ROBLOX appealed to me above other games as I liked the style of the games there were at the time.

I decided that I was going to try and get into developing which is something I have done. I tried multiple types of developing: building, scripting and graphics. The thing that I liked the most was Graphic Design.

I am now a pretty good graphics designer and since then I haven’t really had any big projects. My aim is to get a good project to work on to allow me to get even better at graphics than I am now. I hope to see you all soon.

Yours Sincerely,

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Howdy everyone

My name is Thenumb2004 or just Numb I’m pleased to be accepted on devforum
i started to play Roblox since 2015 when i saw a youtuber playing a tycoon :3.
In 2015 i tried Roblox studio and i started to love how simple it was to create a game.
My goal was to become a very good developer. Now i’m a very good builder and that is what i want now.

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Welcome @YouFoundRory and @TheNumb2004!

If you got any questions my PMs is open :wink:

Welcome to the DevForums, @YouFoundRory and @TheNumb2004

Welcome! Any questions feel free to PM me!

Welcome! PM me for anything you need!

Hello. Nice to be hear. Me and my team, we are pretty new to Roblox. Discovered the platform a few years back and now we are developing a new game that should be available by the end of the month. I am the Lead Producer and again, it’s a pleasure being here with all you creators!


Hello! I just saw today that I had my invite email so i’m just introducing myself now, hoping to become a member here on the developer forums.

I am CrispyBrix, I am 18 and will be 19 in a couple months. I found Roblox around 07-08ish, my dad didn’t want me downloading stuff on the computer but I sneaked it on anyways and it soon became a daily habit to hop on after school.

I didn’t actually start getting serious into development on Roblox until probably 2014 or so. Prior to that I loved making games but it was just jumbles of free models. It started with building mainly and after some years of that I started really trying to get the idea of programming everything myself.

Achievements wise, coming so far in terms of what I have learned is a personal achievement. I think I slipped a transformers game on to the front page for a few days so many years ago. My goal is ultimately to make it on this platform. Not in terms of profit, but in terms of fan base or following. To have a game or multiple that people enjoy. Knowing people chose to put their free time and enjoy something I have created is really what would be amazing.

My role really could vary. I have dabbled in a lot of things. I have done commissions for GFX, I have been building for years, I have been programming for less years. I “can” do UI but being honest it is not something i’m too experienced in.

That’s about it in terms of an introduction for me. I am really thrilled to have been invited here and hope to meet lots of people! I’m sorry if this was a little longer than other introductions I guess the excitement got to me.


