Introduction thread for new forum members

Welcome @Pressswipe and @CrispyBrix.

If you have any questions or need some help, feel free to shoot be a dm.

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Hellou, iā€™m kenami, 19, France.

I Found roblox from a Advertisement while i was enjoying multiplayer games in 2009,
As soon i discovered that games weā€™re community made, i jumped to studio to try figuring out how to make my own, and i eventually gained experience from successfull (kinda) and failed games.
althought iā€™ve often had huge pauses like a whole year incause of my other passion toward 2D Animations

My goal is toā€¦ uh, finish a game that i would be proud of, as iā€™m currently known for not-so-decent games.

I can do pretty much anything, i specialize in Designs, specifically in all type of animations :
UIs, R15 Rig, Custom Rig, Models, Whenever itā€™s about Motion Design or Traditional (Tweens or Frame by frame), and iā€™ve made some 2D Animations which optained around 250,000 views on YouTube.
(not linking in cause of violence in it), My Roblox works are on my Twitter @KenamiRBX

i have nothing much to add aside that working on games with only robux as motive is bad for your health


Bienvenue petit.


Hey man, do you remember me?

Welcome to the forums!



eyyyy youā€™re now a big boi ! glad to see you being active again.

also thanks Stelrex
not chichine :smirk:


Hey everyone. Iā€™m Turgon, or Turgy or Tearfalas.19 years old, Turkey.

Iā€™ve been on Roblox since 2010 though i havenā€™t been playing the last couple of years. Iā€™m mostly focused on development. Trying to get a game out there. Iā€™m trying to learn more about scripting but i also animate and i actually got in through my animations.
Iā€™m hoping to be someone who has actually released games on Roblox and has somewhat of a recognition. Iā€™ll be posting an animation portfolio soon, hoping to land some work!

I started developing around 4 years ago, but itā€™s been extremely on and off. I would work for a week then stop for months, then work for a month and stop for almost a year etc. I gathered all my knowledge over time like that.

All in all, iā€™m glad to be included in this forum and canā€™t wait to work with you all!

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hi hi hi


Welcome! Have fun browsing the forums. If you need any help donā€™t be afraid to ask!

If you have any questions DM me!

Welcome! If you have any questions DM me!

Hi there, Iā€™m Wizard2268, usually shortened to Wizard, Wiz, or Wizzy. Iā€™ve been playing ROBLOX for probably almost a decade when I was introduced by a friend. At the time my favourite practice was taking free models in the catalog and seeing how they worked.
Iā€™m not currently working on anything specifically and usually just work on small projects here and there.
I was probably better well known among the clan and guild community where I worked on projects for groups. I would say Iā€™m mostly a jack-of-all trades, although building is probably my weakest area. Iā€™m most confident in my UI and clothing work, and I have passable programming skills.

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Welcome! If you have any questions about the forum you can PM me!

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Welcome, Wizard!!

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Greetings all! Iā€™m Guilbrob000 or ā€œGuilā€ for short.

Iā€™ve been playing roblox since 2009 and I found roblox via an ad whilst I playing other online games (mostly flash games).

I mostly learned my first years of development like other members, through the free catalog. From there I started learning the basics of Lua and C++ and created some of my first places and weapon models.

Some of my accomplishments are: one of my first places on roblox ā€œLive as a Puppy or Puppy Ownerā€ hit the front page in 2012. Leading a group (The War Series) since 2009 with over 30k+ over the years. Plus just meeting some great life-long friends here at roblox!

As for my role in the developer community I would consider myself a ā€œJack of all Tradesā€. I dabble in scripting, building, UI making, clothing/GFX but Iā€™d consider one of my prime skills right now to be weapon/model making.

Iā€™d like to thank the community and Developer Relations Team for accepting me in and look forward to working with and meeting members of the devforum!

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Welcome! If you have any questions about the forum or anything else feel free to PM me!

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Welcome to the Dev Forum an extension of the Roblox platform.


Hello everyone! It is great to be a New Member in this wonderful community. Now a little bit about myself.

I have known about ROBLOX since 2014. I started on an account called ā€œamthrā€ (Ikr I was so naive). I am now on ā€œrooboo14.ā€
Getting started is a really long story, one I am willing to share. It started back around June 9th, 2017, when I made the rooboo14 account. I would play games, and enjoy them a lot. I started with group games a lot, and from there decided to make my own group. This group was called Nightly Owl Obbies; I wanted to make obby games ofc, but I still didnā€™t know anything about developing. I had a developer who left us, so I decided to take it upon myself the start developing. It was in December 2017 that I started, and I wasnā€™t too good, but now I am not half bad. I have come so far with developing, and it has been such an amazing journey, that is no where close to ending yet. :slight_smile:

My goal is to develop a game on ROBLOX that people want to go back to playing. I really want to get 50-100 concurrent players on my game, so maybe it will be good enough! (This game is planned on release for the end of this month, August.) Achievements just consist of being a good person, and successfully learning lots of new ways to script and build.

I should really see what my role is lol. if I do not have my official ā€œroleā€ yet, then Iā€™d say Programmer and Builder (but mainly programming, I am better at it.)

I would like to thank everyone of the ROBLOX community who helped me get into development, and help me along my journey. I hope I make a huge POSITIVE impact on this community. :slight_smile:

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Welcome!! If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. :stuck_out_tongue:

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