Introduction thread for new forum members

I first became aware of Roblox in 2015 when I was introduced to it by my grandsons who wanted to play a game with me on my laptops. I had two at the time a netbook and Gamer (Alienware) one.
Roblox was able to run on both and we were able to play happily together.
I am and have been for some time a computing enthusiast and from my work and hobby have some skills in development, maintenance and testing of software solutions.
I started getting into the Roblox development arena in 2016 and have been actively pursuing the development of a game based on a popular game type that is mining.
I am still very much in the learning phase of my Roblox development but have over 40 years experience in software languages including microcode.
I am interested in problem investigation and regression testing and hope that now I have my membership I might be able to get a Testing role added into the list and then offer my services in that area.
I have a number of different devices (Laptops High, medium and low spec, Macbook, ChromeBook, iPhone (currenlty 7plus), iPad) and willing to test out anything for those types of systems.
I am online most days during daylight hours. I tend to relax and get away from the systems in the evening and try not to ā€˜just do one more thingā€™ on my ā€˜close at handā€™ devices.

  • How did you find Roblox?

This is honestly a funny story. My mom invited her best friend from college to come over for dinner. The best friend has a 9 year old daughter. I was in charge of this 9 year old. I remember asking her what she wanted to do and she asked if I knew the game Roblox. I replied with no. So, I downloaded Roblox on my computer and made an account. When I was playing Roblox with her, I felt hooked. From there on, Iā€™ve been playing Roblox for a year now.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

I got started by going onto Roblox Studio and started building. I had a huge interest and I keep on building.

Iā€™ve been making music a few months before I started Roblox. I recently decided to incorporate my skills with Roblox.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform

My goal is to spread inspiration. Inspiration is key when developing on roblox.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

My roles are building and composing.

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Hi everyone! Iā€™m MrSprinkleToes, sometimes known as Luke, and I am super excited to finally be invited to the devforum! I found Roblox back sometime in 2013, and for about a year I played as a guest before creating multiple accounts and finally settling for my main, MrSprinkleToes. I got started with development on Roblox mostly by curiosity. I played so many amazing games on the platform and I began to wonder, how could I make my own games? I then opened Roblox studio, and began watching several tutorials on making games. (It was a while though before I started actually scripting) My current goals on Roblox are to make a game that is enjoyed by many people (preferably one aimed at the younger audience) and to possibly make a living off of my hobby. I like to see myself as a scripter on Roblox. Thank you for reading my introduction, Iā€™m looking forward to the future!

Hey, Iā€™m ToadRBX and Iā€™ve been on roblox since 2010!

I started development about 4 years ago on my now popular group ā€˜Disneyland Robloxiaā€™. The group now has over 3 million visits!

I mainly script but also build, make meshes and design GFX. Iā€™m interested in any new opportunities that Iā€™m able to do, so contact me if you want any help on any projects!

Thanks for reading.


Wow. Itā€™s been since March that I applied and I completely forgot about this lol, but I am so happy to be here!

Hello everyone, my name is AyeeAndrxw and Iā€™ve been around this creative platform since around 2014. I found Roblox when I was playing another online game (that was the thing back then) and then saw an ad on roblox, and how you could create your own world. Surprisingly I actually clicked on an ad in a long time and was greeted warmly with a lovely community. I liked the tycoon genre which was growing steadily at that point, and once I saw all the Robux people made I set myself a goal to create my own little game. A few games (and fails) later and now Iā€™m here!

I really want to stick around on this platform but Iā€™ll need to create a truly successful game to get to that point, so short term I want to upgrade all my setup with DevEx (thanks, DevEx)ā€¦ I can pretty much only program (and a little UI) alongside of Biggranny000. I hope to see some of you later on in the devforum and thank you for accepting me :smiley:

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:wave: Yo what it do homies, itā€™s ya boy barrbosaap :wave:

Too long didnā€™t read, because I write way too much: Started in 2009 after a friend showed me this game/platform. Became increasingly interested in game design and programming. Roblox helped me get a job and internship at a good company. Looking forward to actually finish and publish a good and original game some time soon. Skills include a bit of everything but my favourite thing is programming.

The year was 2009, I was in the last year of what would be the equivalent of primary school, when a friend of mine came to me, with what he claimed to be the best game/program ever. Of course I did not believe him, but he was right apparently, since Iā€™m still using this program almost 10 years later. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

I got hooked on the ā€˜developmentā€™ side of Roblox super quick and was way more interested in building things than playing games. As a child I loved building with Lego but never played with it because it the Lego didnā€™t move on itā€™s own, so it was boring.
In comes Roblox which, at the time, was basically digital Lego. You could place some bricks and then when you were finished building there was this magical button named play mode, which allowed you to actually move and play around in your own 3d world. Which blew my 12 year old mind. I made all kinds of bad creations in the following years and eventually learned how to code, from which it escalated pretty fast. Builds became more detailed, actually could be interacted with, had bug free code, etc etc.

Probably the best thing Roblox has done for me is land me a job & internship at the office Iā€™m currently at. I made a portfolio in which I mentioned and displayed my creations which may helped me land the position. Itā€™s a front-end development/design position (JavaScript HTML/CSS PhotoShop and the like) if anyone is interested.

Same friend which introduced me to Roblox 10 years ago also stayed and developed much better things than me, and a year ago we had the idea to bundle our powers and create games together. We made an amazing base for a game but real life is in the way and we could never finish it. Hopefully we still can and I look forward to sharing our game with all of you some day.

Primary interests and skills are programming and Storytelling. But I really enjoy every aspect of the game development cycle (except bug fixing).

I already typed way too much, sorry!

Iā€™m looking forward to interacting with all of you :slight_smile:

Welcome all new members! :smile:

Hi everyone :slight_smile:
Iā€™m TriggerThirst. Owner of HiddenPowerup and creator of Fart Attack, Haunted Hunters, and Escape the Amazing Kitchen. I found out about Roblox a few years ago when my kids started playing it a lot and was intrigued by the platform and started making games about 18 months ago. My first game was largely my daughters idea and Fart Attack features her voices for the announcer sounds, lol. Currently I do everything from GUI, to Programming to Building but my main strength is in programming as I have a 14 year background in Java development and Javascript web development. Iā€™m currently just having fun making games in my free time but would love to eventually turn this into a fulltime job and start a small studio. Thanks!

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Hello, Iā€™m REALTimothy0812 (As you can see). I created T-Studios, A Roblox development group. We aim to make games fun, easy to learn, and enjoyable to all.

I found Roblox back around 2014, but didnā€™t join till new yearā€™s eve on 2015.

I started development in early 2016, and learned throughout 2016 and 2017. I started my first games around mid 2017, and got my first game popular around mid 2018.

Currently, I just want to expand myself into more areas and get good at actually building. Iā€™m working on a secret game right now that I feel will really push myself and I hope it will be successful.

My role in the community is a developer. Iā€™d like to think Iā€™m pretty good. I really like developing and itā€™s what I really want to do.


This is actually pretty amazing how everything is connected to your kids, itā€™s a win-win situation, and i believe every kid that is fond of roblox would like someone as curious and passionate as you !

Welcome to the Devforum btw :0

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Greetings, everyone!

My username is FatherClan. Iā€™ve been around ROBLOX since 2008. Started building in late 2009. I found this amazing game on a YOUTUBE video. I was soo fascinated with the idea of creating anything that your imagination brought up and transfer it into a game where anyone could see. Even though I did not start building right away. When I did start I stayed hours in the studio learning everything I needed in order for me to gwt my creations done. I always started off small doing simple furnitures, or small houses. Ever since then I started doing bigger, and bigger things ranging from Medieval castles to Sci fi spaceships. I loved to do multiple structures and genres. I didnā€™t really got stuck on 1 specific genre. In 2015 I started taking scripting tutorials from a group I worked for called Acheo. From there I started watching more videos, and reading articles on how to get my skills up.

I am a very open minded person. My goal is pretty simple in ROBLOX. My goal is to learn, and keep on learning. I enjoy seeing new things, and using the knowledge to make everything I do better. I love to help others as well, I enjoy building for free for people, however. When I want to help out groups, and such. I accept payment to give it to them.

As a Experienced builder, and amataur scripter. I have to say my experience with ROBLOX, and itā€™s community has been the best in my time here. Interesting people to meet, and talk to, share ideas, etc. Amazing games that have taken my breath away, gets me inspired to build more. Knowing that the possibilities are endless. That keeps me going.

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Well hello there. I am MoNaYLeviathan of Dark Leviathans. I am a 3D animator, modeler, graphics designer, video editor, game creator, story writer and leader of Leviathans. I am skilled in all of these fields; however I am still a novice as programming. I know a little of several different coding languages, including Lua, however I have a long way to go still.

I discovered Roblox back in late 2011 when my favorite game of the time, Lego Universe was getting ready to close down for good. I had many great times and adventures and built many glorious creations in LU, and I even got featured on their Hall Of Fame once too. But I was devastated at the news of their closing, so after a few months I found out about Roblox.

I created a few test accounts before settling with my current main account, MoNaYLeviathan, and I have stuck with this account ever since.

The first thing I did in Roblox was not play any games, but open Roblox Studio and begin building my first places, and experimenting with how the engine worked. I spent hours building my early creations (some of which are still available for viewing on my profile) and ended up making every single one far too vast and extensive. I couldnā€™t help it, I love to build as big and unique as I can, and I hate limitations.

Over the years I did many things on Roblox. I created and ran my great group of Leviathans, I built huge creations for various purposes, I made videos and I made many friends and had a lot of rich experiences. I almost left Roblox several times, but I donā€™t give up easily.

I have had many projects on Roblox, and though most of them failed or were never finished, I never gave up. I continued working until this year I finally created Prime Course, my latest greatest game under my Dark Leviathans group, and got it featured. I was very happy to have this opportunity, and I have learned a lot from it. Though Prime Course did not do as well as Iā€™d hoped, I still have many greater up and coming projects.

My current goals for Roblox revolve around completing my next even better games, learning all that I can, and finishing some long overdue enormous video projects I have planned too. I hope to one day make the front page, and to at least complete all my projects I have started.

In conclusion, I am honored to have been invited here and I look forward to meeting all you successful entrepreneurs, creators and visionaries.

And though most of the graphics Iā€™ve ever made were not related to Roblox, here are a few renderings of mine that are:

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Iā€™m DevNetx, or Netx for short.

I joined ROBLOX in 2011 on this account after my accounts which I created in 2010 got hijacked and I couldnā€™t figure out how to password reset or what email I used for them.

Despite joining in 2011, it wasnā€™t until 2015 that I started to get into developing things on Roblox, starting with simple small scripts for a group I worked with that I thought would be cool and unique to set us apart from other ones and improve everyoneā€™s experiences overall. Before then I was interested mostly in war clans and other types of groups.

My start on Roblox creating small things in Lua to play with for groups I worked with soon spiralled into me learning more languages like Javascript, PHP, Python, Java and C#. Most of these languages were ones that I made for projects based on Roblox but external to the site, such as for storing and retrieving data or bots for Discord. The rest are ones that I wanted to learn because I wanted to find cool stuff to do in them. I also learned how to use Linux systems as well as some networking stuff. Ultimately, long story short, my start on Roblox has led to me wanting to pursue a career in systems administration and cyber security :slight_smile:

I havenā€™t done much which Iā€™d consider an achievement: earlier this year I worked with a small game dev studio with scripting stuff and the maximum playercount we got was around 100 concurrently, and that was kind of fun, seeing as Iā€™d never achieved something like that before, despite how small the playercount may be.

Ultimately, from now, I just want to work on small little projects now and then which I can transform into full systems which people can use themselves on Roblox :smiley:

Looking forward to meeting more cool people!!

Hello, I am Alanze. I joined Roblox in 2008 after finding a cool game that let me build with ā€˜Legoā€™. I mostly just messed around in studio building the typical glass skyscraper or building castles to show my friends. I continued messing for several years all while slowly improving my building skills. I ended up making a few showcases that centered around either zeppelins or spaceships. It wasnā€™t until I met Hagar5000, now Haggie125, that I started helping develop actual games. We currently run a group called Secondhand Studios with our friend microk. The first game I actually helped develop throughout the whole process was a game called Incursion. Weā€™re currently working on a new project entitled Cruise Ship Tycoon where you can sail cruise ships around and design the interiors to whatever fits your imagination.

Heres a cool picture of a zeppelin I built awhile ago


Hi Iā€™m Z3_N or Zen, and I got accepted into dev forums a few months ago, I forgot to make this but now I finally remember, :smiley:

So Iā€™ve been on ROBLOX for almost 4 years and I found it via a friend I had back in middle school. I loved it and played it for hours. Then I wanted to find out how these people made these games, the amount of love and fans they had, all the people having fun together and chatting, it was so cool!

Thatā€™s when I wanted to make games, not for the fans, but for my friends so we could all have a good time. I didnā€™t realise that opening ROBLOX Studio for a few minutes couldā€™ve brought me all the way here. I thought it wouldā€™ve been easy to create these games, but I was wronged. All the complex building, programming, graphics etc. had my mind blown. I thought it would be as easy to tell ROBLOX Studio to make me a murder game and it wouldā€™ve been done.

Iā€™m mostly a builder, I wish to expand into the other parts of developing, and currently am learning how to program. Thanks to the many great friends and few fans Iā€™ve had, I was able to develop a game with @xuefei123 to create ArrowZ, we didnā€™t think it was gonna do so well, but it ended up doing pretty ok!

Anyways, thatā€™s all, I hope to be able to work with some of you in the future :slight_smile:

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i found roblox when i was 11 years old and started making stuff when i was around 13. most of the things i wound up making were things from doctor who, specifically the TARDIS. i was always fascinated by how the TARDIS worked and its general aesthetic throughout the series. as time went on, and roblox studio became more intuitive, i got better, and wound up making everything i made completely free for anyone to use. i like to think people are using my stuff to learn off of or modify to what they want, but that was a while ago and i tend not to think about it as much now.

my current goal is to make a game iā€™ve always wanted to see on the roblox platform, inspired by some of my favorite games like bioshock. i want to do it right, and i donā€™t want to rush through anything like iā€™ve done in the past. iā€™ll have to learn things iā€™ve never had to before, and be much more creative with the world i want to create. iā€™m pretty excited, and pretty confident in what iā€™ll be able to do.

iā€™ve always been more of an all-rounder in terms of skills, but if i had to be specific, i was always best at building and graphic design.

i would share some stuff iā€™ve made but i mustā€™ve deleted all the pictures. everything iā€™ve made is free anyway like i mentioned above, so if youā€™d like to see, just take a gander at my profile.

Hello all! I have been developing on ROBLOX for years now since 2012 ish.
Iā€™m part of the aviation community which means I develop aircraft and other things, however I have been known to branch out and make ferries and ships and also cinemas!
I would love to own a successful group one day, none of my groups ever take off unfortunately.
Thatā€™s it for me, enjoy the rest of your day! I hope to be able to contribute to the community :slight_smile:


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Hello fellow developers.
My name is Lauri9 and I come from the cold lands of Finland!

Back in 2007 I was a huge fan of Legos (and still am if weā€™re honest). So in the late 2007 I was trying to find new Lego games to play. This is where I stumbled upon Roblox. Little Lauri9 most likely thought to himself: ā€œThis is the coolest Lego game yet!ā€ Only to later realize that only similarity between that and Roblox were the stud textures :joy:

As long as I remember, Iā€™ve always wanted to be able to make all kinds of cool games. So of course, given the opportunity I tried using Roblox to create RPGs and such, tho back in 2007 I didnā€™t have the knowledge nor the skill to make them. But that was the spark I needed to get motivated.

Since then Iā€™ve been very interested in game design in general although mostly in the scripting side. I can thank the initial spark given by Roblox that Iā€™m a Full-time Software developer today.

Some of the things Iā€™ve done as of late have just been playing around with the latest Roblox features.
For example, when the Realtime CSG came out I made these:

Image from Gyazo

as a more recent example before ViewportFrames went to beta:

Image from Gyazo

So that is about it!
It is an honor to be here and I hope a Programmer like me fits right into this community!

Thank you.


Hi everyone! My name is Joe or Tofuu. Glad to be here!

Been a ROBLOX player since 2009, developer since 2017 (newbie still.) Absolutely have fallen in love with the process of game creation. Learning new things everyday and developing a real passion for it.

My goal is to create a game that I can be very proud of. Something that holds a memory in the playerā€™s mind.

Iā€™m always looking to learn and Iā€™m very excited to be surrounded by so many talented individuals.

Hopefully talk to some of you soon!