Introduction thread for new forum members

While I doubt anyone’s actually going to read this, might as well do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

The username I currently go by is superhudhayfa, but you can see whether that’s been changed or not. I found Roblox through overhearing a conversation between my siblings back in late 2011, before making an official account in early 2012.

I started trying out development on Roblox at around 2013, with my goal to become “rich and famous”, though at my age, my skills at that time were, to say the least, terrible - don’t worry, my goals changed! For a couple of years, I’d quit and I’d try again repeatedly, eventually giving up on building and going to programming. Likewise with this, I kept quitting and restarting until eventually, I was old enough to actually understand what I was doing and not mindlessly put it code. This was around 2015, my unofficial beginning of becoming a developer on Roblox.

My current achievement on Roblox is having the pleasure of being an idiot that got scammed! Also owning a few groups, though all of them eventually got shut down.

My current goal on Roblox is to help myself become more established in the development community (whilst maintaining interest in my projects, which has never happened before) as well as help me in my future choice of career, which is currently game development (specifically VRMMORPGs (SAO reference) ;P), though I still have time to change it.

I specialise in programming, though, if I put my mind to it, I like to think I’m good at Building - though painstakingly slow at it), decent at UI Design and amazing at stealing (I can’t do a strike through because I’m dumb, just imagine that’s crossed out) GFX.

I have nothing else to say, except goodbye and thanks for reading!

That’s a lie, I actually have a lot more to say, but I guess I got ahead of myself

This time it’s bye for real!!

]]-- (Get the scripting reference? … Okay, I’m going!)

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Thanks so much! Glad to be here!

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It’s been quite long since I discovered Roblox, to be exact, I started in 2006 on a previous account (that account no longer exists as it was compromised in 2012, loosing it was devastating. On that day, I decided to take a break up until mid-2014 when I registered my current account).
Unfortunately I do not remember very well how I discovered the platform, I believe it was when some of my friends were talking 'bout it, but that’s all I remember. Oh and I originally started as a builder and in 2008 I begun my take at scripting even if I did a LOT of trial and error.
Fun fact: I started programming BASIC and Batch on my Dad’s old IBM PC/AT 5170 (more on that later, this particular one has a interesting backstory)

My goals on Roblox: Finally finish a old showcase project of mine, that I never had the opportunity of finishing and the second one would be becoming a beta tester (as someone who likes tinkering with things, see how they work et al)

My role as a developer : I’m between a builder and scripter. 50/50 to put it short :joy: buuut there’s a lot I need to fiddle with until I feel confortable using (I’m looking at YOU ParticleEmmiters)

More about me:

I’d like to get this out of the way, I have Asperger’s syndrome.
I’m also a vintage computer enthusiast, currently I own only 1… The PC/AT that my dad bought in 1985 or so, it got handed down to me in 2006 because I found old game floppies and because I was curious as if it still worked but mostly because I wanted to run old games on it, that’s on this computer that I begun writing programs in BASIC and in MS-DOS batch, until I realized “Hey! But I can write the same scripts in Roblox as well!” believe it or not but that’s how I discovered programming :stuck_out_tongue:

So thanks for accepting me as a new member! It’s a honor for me :blush:


Thanks so much! I’m so excited and happy to be here!

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I started when I was just over 13. I had been looking for some cool multiplayer games to play and found Roblox in a list of online games; signing up for an account was simple and quick back then. Ever since then it’s all been uphill! :grinning:

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    After about two months on Roblox, I decided to take a look at the other shortcut that had appeared in my start menu, the one called “Studio”. At first, I didn’t know what to do: I knew how to move things, add bricks from the toolbox, and I could change their size by changing these numbers, but that wasn’t much. I soon made my first attempts at scripting, and while it was very much trial and error I eventually had the basics down.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I’d like to create content in areas where Roblox does not yet have content. For example, we do not have any VR games on Roblox currently. I’d like to fix that, as I already have ideas and designs, some of which include Roomscale in a very simple way.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I am a good UI Designer, I can program, and I’ve built for others in the past! If I had to pick my best quality, though, it’d be UI Designing as I have already created UI designs for other DevForum members in the past!

  • How did you find Roblox? I was referred to it by a friend.
  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform? I just downloaded studio when I was bored and started doing things. Scripting, mostly, although I can script AND model
  • Current goals/achievements on the platform: I want to bring unseen genres to Roblox - things that have never been done or done well on Roblox. I hope to in this way help the quality of games on the site increase overall.
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc) I can program and build rather well, I can make rigs, and I can do UI relatively well. However, I particularly focus on scripting and building when I get tired of scripting.

I want to say it has been five months coming, and now I’m finally at the door. Let’s just hope I don’t trip over the proverbial doorstep.

  • How did you find Roblox: I found out about Roblox in late 2009 from my brother who used to play with a few friends.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform: I used to be an avid trader - I hadn’t paid much attention to the actual development part of Roblox until late 2016 when I started to see a spike in concurrent players in the top games. It was quite interesting to watch throughout all my years on Roblox seeing old “Base Wars” as the top game barely pulling 1,000 people to now seeing 100,000 concurrent players normal. Seeing this spike peaked my interest on the possibilities on Roblox.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform: An achievement I am proud of so far is having my game being Featured on the platform and being an early adapter to Rthro!

  • What is your role in the developer community? My role in the developer community is UI design. However I am able to do small amounts of scripting to help with my team!


I was told about ROBLOX via my first best-friend, back in elementary school. I signed up with the user-name ‘Giantgrumpyspooky’ May 21st, 2012, and that’s where my story starts.

I started out with the 2012 ‘Edit’ button on my game. (Or whatever opened ROBLOX Studio rather than Build Mode.) Curiously, at the young age I was, I soon figured out that I can make my own game! I learned how use the interface, and learned how to make my own content by looking off of others from the Free Models.

I’ve helped a few people with their codes, but nothing major. I have decided to re-create the Simon Says game by ‘RobRedEyes2’ due to his extended inactivity on the platform, and the run-down of the game. I have also been coming up with an original game idea, which I expect to begin development on once Simon Says is decently complete.

I am a Programmer, specific to the ROBLOX Lua. I plan to learn other languages later in life.

Thanks for the promotion, and thanks for reading my introduction.

  • How did you find Roblox?
    My daughter started playing Roblox early last year after watching YouTube videos. I created an account to play games with her and ended up playing a lot by myself also.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I was going in to change some settings one day and noticed the Create button. I clicked through and started reading up on it before downloading studio and taking a look. Game development has been a hobby of mine for many years and I had recently been playing on and off with Unity, but the community aspect behind Roblox led me to dump those projects and focus on Roblox.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My current goals are to finish a whole project. I am currently working on two different games and hope to have them out in a couple of months. My biggest achievement is having one of the games in a very functional state and having people play test it with me.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I am a programmer at heart, having spent many years working on MUDs, but I am working on my UI and Building skills but they still have a long way to come.

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I’ve been on ever since I learned about Roblox through a YouTube video in 2010. It was a roller coaster video and I had found it looking at a bunch of Lego videos as a did when I was that age. I’m nostalgic for the years from 2010 to 2012, before I left for some time and came back. But once I came back I had gained a spark for making stories, and I’ve been having fun on the site since. :smiley:

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I just kind of started messing around when I wasn’t interested in making games. I learned CFraming back when that was impressive, and after making a small medieval town I decided I wanted to learn scripting to make Guis and menus of all sorts. That dragged me into this wonderful world of development and I don’t know what life would be like now if not for it.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I haven’t yet finished a game per say, but I have released one. At the moment, its not open anymore as I didn’t want people to spend money on a game that I haven’t worked on in months as I’m working on a major overhaul. But, I have also done building commissions, met many wonderful developers, and done a lot that will never get released that I know I want to keep on working towards making more stuff that I will release one day.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I’m a scripter first and foremost. I can’t say I’m the best but I do love learning tricks from those that are better than me. Sometimes you learn someone isn’t necessarily better than you, but rather proficient in ways you aren’t, creating a bit of a trade off that makes it fun to discuss. Other than scripting, I do enjoy building from time to time and I have dabbled in graphics and UI design, but wouldn’t put myself in a place to work on those exclusively, especially the former.

  • Anything else you would like to include
    I’m glad to finally have made it onto the forums. I’ve been working towards this for a while if I’m honest, but always tried to release a full game. I’m glad I finally let loose some and just made a few small projects and tests to show off my skills rather than going and getting myself burnt out again. Along with all other new devs, I bet this is going to be a great time.


Hello there! I’m AdvancedDrone and I’ve been on Roblox since 2010! (Developing since 2013.)

I’ve created several games including Freeze Tag, which had over 3,000 concurrent players at one point! This was in 2015-2016 so that was a pretty massive player count back then. Though the game is not functional anymore.

I’m a Programmer and Digital Artist on Roblox. I’ve created dozens of icons and thumbnails for popular games, and love helping people out! My specialties also include UI Designing and some building, though I rather prefer to program and design game art for many games!

I’m honored to be a part of this platform, thank you so much for the opportunity!


Hello peoples! I am ndrwcswll, and a began playing roblox back in 2016. I started learning to program and develop games a year or two ago. I am an advanced scripter, and I can create GFX, Animate, and design UI’s. I don’t build very much, but I am always looking for ways to improve! I joined the forum because I love to make games and script things and I would love to join in on the whole community of developers. I have made some pretty nifty places and systems, and I enjoy resolving common development issues as well as improving on current methods.

dont make fun of my outfits

hyped on the promotion :stuck_out_tongue:

  • I found roblox back in April of 2008 because I loved Legos and the creativity of Roblox is awesome
  • As a kid I always tried to make my own game but could never wrap my head around coding (until I got older)
  • I want to become a prominent figure in the Roblox community and make games that people love playing
  • I mainly script, but I can also build and make guis
  • Glad to be here! my current game in progress is Dungeon Quest! ⚔️ RPG Adventure - Roblox

Hey! I just got into the forum and I’m really excited to take part of this community!

I found Roblox when I saw a video on Youtube of someone playing it so I just wanted to give it a try.

Since I was really young I wanted to become a Game Developer, when I saw that you could develop in Roblox, I didn’t think it more than once, I downloaded Roblox Studio and started creating!

I want to become a professional developer, animation wasn’t my focus at first but now I love it and wouldn’t have any problem doing it more. Also one of my goals is to take part of a really good studio where I can be comfortable with my work and the people around, and also work with some developers I know that I admire a lot.

I’m currently an animator at the platform.

I would like to thank you all, I literally had no inspiration this last weeks and this is just what I needed, thanks. I want to Link my Medium guide to get better at animation, you can check more of my work at my twitter and that things blah blah blah, Thaanks!


Hey everyone, I am XXRichPlayerXX and I am very excited to be accepted into the forum.

  • I found Roblox on May of 2015, I don’t remember how did I find it originally, but I think one of my friends lead me there.
  • When I was younger I wanted to own a game, but I never got to the point of developing one, so I decided to give Roblox a good try, and so far it has been amazing!
  • My current goal is to become a successful group owner.
  • I would say I am mostly a programmer, even though I can build, make GUIs and animate.

Hello everyone! I’m Lost_Reed, a developer here on the Roblox platform. I’m so glad to be a part of the Roblox developer forums!

  • I found Roblox around early 2012 when I was interested in making my dreams come true: Making my own game. I looked up “free game making software” or something along the lines of that and I found Roblox!

  • I got started with Roblox development out of boredom. I decided to have a go with learning how to script and found it really fun and easy compared to building (in my opinion).

  • I don’t have any specific goals on Roblox at the moment. I just develop here to kill off time, unleash my imagination, and have fun!

  • My role in the developer community is primarily scripting.


Hello, guys! I am really happy that I can reply now and be more active on the developer forum as I’ve been trying to get in!

  • I found ROBLOX way back in like 2010 when my sister was playing it and I asked her what she was playing.

  • I started developing by using uncopylocked games and learning how everything works and I started to learn more and more without using tutorials (which isn’t the best route but I’m still learning)

  • My goal on the ROBLOX Platform is to become a small developer that earns money and then work myself up

  • My role in the community is a Programmer

  • I can’t express how happy I am to be a part of the developer forum!


Yaaaay!!! Welcome to the Dev Forums!!! The animation at the beginning of your article (wrapping the present) is SO GOOD, I love how he accidentally pushes the box away as he’s moving then has to pull it back. It’s such a tiny detail but it makes it so realistic! Can’t wait to see what else you make!

  1. In 2014 or 2015 one of my cousins introduced me to Roblox and we played Natural Disaster Survival together.

  2. I messed around in Roblox Studio using free models and the building tools.

  3. My first goal currently is to finish an open source project I’ve been working on. After finishing that I want to finish my own game and release it.

  4. I mainly consider myself as a programmer, but because I haven’t worked on a team yet I fufill all the roles on my projects.


Hi! My names Mashdee and I’ve found roblox in 2011/2012. I don’t have much memories of the site back then, but I do remember playing random games with a bunch of gears in them. I found roblox because a friend showed it to me and I’ve been playing sense. I took a hiatus for a few years and later came back in 2016 and the progress the site has made was amazing.

How Did I Get Started With Development
I’ve been interested in making games since I was a little lad. I’ve grew up with a wii and got sonic colors on it. My friend, who is a sonic fanatic, and I would roleplay as sonic characters. One day I got the idea of making my own character which evolved into a game. I called it sonic desert. I then pretty much gave up on my dream of making a game as most adults would constantly say it was math. Years later, when I went back to roblox, I went back to my dream by playing a game called Pilgrim Islands Reborn. It was a building game where you could make anything and everything. Using my experience into building I wanted to make my own game based on another roleplay I did. I guess that is how I started with development.

Current Goals
My current goals on roblox is to flesh out my game development and animation group, get my game to the front page and put a smile on others faces.

Dev community role
I’m one of those people who like to mix and match, I started off as a builder, then branched out to GFX, UI, and animation. After some feedback on a rig I was making I decided to learn to model on programs like Cinema 4D and Blender. Now, I decided to dig my fingers into programming, and I’m very bad it.

Final Words
I’m glad to becoming a new comer to the Dev Forums. I hope I can learn some new tricks from others. With that, I’d like to end with thank you.