Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello everyone! I’m LowPolys.

  • I found Roblox in late 2012 from an ad on a flash game website.
  • I think I wanted to make a theme park, but it pretty much ended up being a green baseplate with some free models, but atleast it got me into it.
  • This year I want to fully release and advertise a working game for the first time. Something I can be proud of.
  • I build, script, and do GFX and UI design.
  • I can’t express how grateful I am to have access to the Developer Forum, can’t to see what comes from the community in 2019.

Hi, i’m Cakeymasterluke. I’m a modeler,builder and graphic designer. I have been a developer since 2014 and I have been playing Roblox since 2013. My passion for developing games was when I started watching YouTube videos on how to make a game popular and I thought it would be a cool idea to do this as well.

It’s a honor to be on the developer forum and I can’t wait to see whats next to come.


Hello, my name is BakonBot! I’m a UI Designer and a programmer. :grinning:
I am currently working on a zombie game called Dread, and have worked on many other projects which I never got to finish.
I found out about Roblox back in 2013 from YouTube videos that were criticizing the game. I decided to check it out and it was something better than those YouTube videos described.
I wanted to try out developing games in 2015. I was using free models at the start, but I was learning so fast that I was using less and less free models as time went by.

I am really happy that I got accepted to the Developer forums as a new member and it’s a big achievement for me.


Hi there, I am WhereAreTheLights, also known as “CodeTheIdiot” or “CodeAddict”. I’m really glad I became a new member of this forum!

Back to my story:

Many many years ago, my friends were playing “Dodgeball” on Roblox, I did not really know what Roblox was at that time. I really wanted to keep up though, so I went and checked it out. Me and my friends played it and it was really fun. I figured Roblox was not just a “game” but a “game of games”. I played other games like Undead nation, or Kill spongebob.

After playing for some time, I wanted to know how these game were made, I really wanted to make a game that I could show off to my friends. I started to explore the rest of the Roblox platform and got into the “Develop” tab. I started with free models (everyone got to start somewhere, eh?) which were so cool (at that time). I showed this to my friend, and it didn’t take long before he started to start building. He just got better and better, I wanted to keep up with him (and be even better), but I soon realized building was not something for me. So I went into studying coding!!
I found coding to be very interesting and I almost immediately fell in love with it. I joined the forum (never knew about the forum back then), and saw the scripters subforum. I looked into the posts being made there to see what people struggled with, and started doing research to find things out.

My current goal on the Roblox platform is to actually release a game, not to earn money or anything, but for the sake of learning. I have never felt a need to earn money on everything that I’m doing. Releasing a proper game, that I have dedicated time and my heart into is what I want to do. To be honest, I want to be a game developer on Roblox, earn enough money to keep making games on the platform and evolve as a developer.

As of now, I’m a web developer, (a newbie music) composer, and programmer on Roblox.

Most of my friends call me Martini, and you are welcome to do so too. I hope we can get to know each other. I can’t wait to properly contribute on the DevForum.



Hey there. I’m Chrisofdoom. I found out about Roblox around 2012 when I saw an ad on a website. I started my development carrer when I made a 2-team Battle game which never released. My roles are building and animating. It’s such an honor to be here on the DevFourm!


Hey everyone! It’s great to finally be a part of the Forum.
I found Roblox from my friends at school back in 2015 and have been on the platform since. Once again, one of my friends got me into developing too. He showed me his ‘game’ which was just an unedited template, but I didn’t know otherwise at the time and thought it was amazing. I also explored the templates for a while until I decided to work on a tycoon game from Zed’s Tycoon Kit which was super popular at the time. I learnt a ton from his tutorials on YouTube about the basics of studio. I went on from there to make 3 tycoons which are now broke from FE, but then started on Crazy Crates . I’m still working on this and hope to be finished pretty soon. I’ve built and scripted the game, but would prefer programming over building any day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi there, I’m Bloxxer! I’ve been a user of Roblox for 10 years now! Originally I saw the game on a Youtube video back in 2008, and my curiousity got the best of me and led me here. For years I’ve dabbled in Studio and have been following feature updates for as long as I remember! One of my favorite that really got me into development had to be the update that introduced voxel lighting back in 2013. I found all the different things I could do with it to be extraordinary fascinating and have been developing since.

Now that I’m a bit older, I’ve gotten heavily into programming and have even released my first game a few months ago! We’re about to hit a million visits which is something I couldn’t have fathomed even 5 years ago, and I couldn’t be happier to be doing it on such a great platform. At the moment, my goals are to get several more games out for users to enjoy, and then maybe undertake some larger projects of the type that haven’t been seen on Roblox yet.

Ever since the Devforums were introduced, I’ve always wanted to be apart of it so that I could discuss my passion for Roblox with other like-minded people, so it’s really an honour to be here. Thank you so much for inviting me!


Hi, I’m PhantomVisual.
I joined this game in 2011 when my cousins showed me the game when I was 8.
I got started developing when I was in middle school. I was getting bored with games and wanted to make my own, so I taught myself Lua. Couldn’t have done it without help from the ROBLOX community through the forums and videos.
My goals are to make a game to pay for my college without my parents’ support. I also want to make developing my full time job.
My role is a Programmer.
I find it fascinating that you can make lines of code into something amazing and I hope this platform will live a very long time!


Hello! I’m Kord. I joined Roblox in late 2013.

I found Roblox through, I believe, a Google search, as I was very interested in making my very own game. I remember searching something along the lines of ‘how to make a game without coding’, and I hopped into Studio only to realise that I did indeed have to code. Instead of giving up, however, I decided to learn. Roblox is what got me into coding and game development and I will be eternally grateful for that.

My goal is and has always been to make a highly successful game with a great community.

As mentioned earlier, I code but have started doing other things, such as modeling in Blender, building, animation, UI and Photoshop to name some.

I’m honoured to finally be part of the dev forum and I wish all of the other new members the best of luck in whatever they are trying to achieve!


Hi! I found Roblox through an advertisement in early in 2009/2010, as I was looking to build my own game.

I’ve been creating on this platform since the day I discovered studio. I found an open-source prison game that I tinkered with in 2009, and continued adding features, and eventually started making my own things from there. The quality wasn’t very good, but it lead me on my path to success. It’s crazy to think that I’ve been using this platform for many years and I have drastically improved performance since.

My pipeline for this year is to contribute more to open-sourced projects, giving people an educational experience about new features, and some features they may not be familiar with. I haven’t really worked with open-sourced projects that much, so it definitely will push me to document things more clearly for other developers to learn from. As of right now, I’m interested in plugin development and experimental features on this platform, figuring out things before they are documented, and I just love to tinker with things. That’s just one of my passions for this platform, as if something breaks, I can easily rebuild my studio client without any hassle.

I mainly do programming and building, however, I’m leaning more towards the side of programming more than ever.

I just wish the best of luck to all of the developers on this platform, with the tools provided by Roblox, people can really make amazing things, and everybody has their own personal preferences and experiences, which is pretty gnarly to see.

I can’t wait to collaborate with other people on this platform.


Hello, I joined ROBLOX on this account in 2012, I found ROBLOX while trying to find a fun game to play, and it worked. I used to suck as a developer on ROBLOX, following the worst practices imaginable. Now I am a full-stack, developer outside of ROBLOX, and I have to thank ROBLOX for allowing me to get the experience to learn other languages. Right now I am working on Roller Coaster systems, and Robloxian Mountaineers. I am a Programmer, UI Designer, and I am an alright builder.

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Hi there, I’m JoshRBX! It’s great to finally have the opportunity to make use of the devforum properly after simply only having the opportunity to read through posts that others have made for such a long time.

I found Roblox in 2012, as one of my friends had asked me to play with him. From there I instantly became hooked and started playing for hours every day, namely daxter33’s Paintball, which was by far my favourite at the time. As the years went by, I started to try making projects in the Roblox Studio, as I loved the idea of being able to create anything I wanted that I could share with others.

Around 2-3 years ago, I found the Roblox forums and a lot of my posts went into the Scripters subforum, where I always enjoyed helping people with their scripts. A few months prior to the closure of the forums, I started a Discord server for scripters by the name of ScriptersCF, which has since become one of the largest and most active servers for scripters on Discord with around 2,800 members. Since then, I started working on a few minor projects of my own, before starting to develop a racing game that I hope to complete soon.

I plan to make good use of this opportunity as a new member of the devforum. I will be sure to help people with their scripting issues, and offer my ideas and feedback on updates and such as time goes by.


Hi I’m Brandon i’m new to the forum .

I enjoy building and scripting

I found an advertisement on youtube

My current goal is to make a successful game

i look to become part of the community,thank you,:sunglasses:

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So, hello everyone :smile:

I’m TheAdmiralMaxwell and I’m from Russia (so an English isn’t my native language, i’m sorry about mistakes). I’m playing Roblox since 2015 and in this year I tried to create something for the first time. I’m learning Rbx Lua since 2015 and every day I explore something new.

In addition, I’m amateur translator of games (like “Project Hospital” and “Mad Game Tycoon” ) from Russian on English, and I have some expirenece with this. Also, russian developer community is very small and my main goal is expand it.


Greetings. I am Xenothekid. No, I am not related to aliens or cowboys. (Or cowboy aliens for the matter.) I am grateful for the new promotion and am excited to take my journey further.

What started out as an awkward user who decided to try out this game advertised all over the internet who then tried to build a shoddily-built mall using freemodels later became a seasoned developer who has yet to be known but has the capability of being so.

I also dabble in graphic design from time to time. Here’s two pieces I did:

Presenting two peeps you haven't met yet: Mikau Falzar and Starla Ichigo.

I also have a few personal projects in development such as something secret and not related to world domination with custard tarts.

Anyway, I hope to meet more of this lovely community. Thanks!

~ Xenothekid

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I found Roblox back in 2011 on an old account called Melysion through an ad. Made this account a bit over a year later.
I started developing pretty much as soon as I joined, at first I used a lot of free models, but I would read them and mess with them, I also used the wiki a lot.
My current goals on Roblox are to release fun games and to help people.
I am a programmer mainly, but I can also animate.

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Hello, my name is Brad_Developer or Brad5203 and I joined Roblox in 2013 after getting recommended it by a friend. I started doing Roblox development because as much as I loved the games Roblox already had, there was many types of games which I liked which were not on Roblox. This made me want to start doing development for myself and then others. My current goal is to release a game I have spent months on. Currently, I do programming, building, and UI designing. In conclusion, I would also like to thank Roblox for giving me the opportunity to get promoted to new member.

-Brad_Developer :smile:


To anyone currently reading this:

Greetings, my name is Jahaziel van der Has. (No, not really.)
Formally a developer for the platform since late 2013.
I found ROBLOX through a friend a handful of years ago, and I believe my first experiences with development were, ironically enough, back when the Stamper tool was a thing. I remember experimenting a lot with that and the classic building tools to make all sorts of new things with it, and from there it just grew out. Shortly after I found myself tinkering with code I found, and kept on experimenting.
My current goal in the platform is to release my development group’s first product: Legacy, but more on that in another post. I’m mostly a programmer, but if needed, I can use blender, build, design, and basically anything that is required except for sounds, and even then.
Lastly, I hope we can all get along together.

Sincerely, Van der Has.


Welcome to the forums!


Hello! Seems like I finally made it. I’m SundownMKII.

I’ve been around since 2012, but never really transitioned from player to developer until late 2014, early 2015 when I started experimenting more and more with Studio. From then on I’ve sort of just done odds and ends, learning whatever I can wherever I can.

Most of my plans generally revolve around me getting better with working with Roblox’s UI system. Most of my stuff is non-functional, but I design all of it around as if I was going to script it and make a game out of it - or as an upgrade/refresh of another game’s UI. My main goal here is to simply be able to script an entire UI backend on my own, at least for a small project. Even then, though, the fact that some of my UI work has ended up in Phantom Forces is more than enough motivation to keep going.

Maybe one day I’ll finally get around to doing that big project I’ve always wanted to do… :smile:

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