Introduction thread for new forum members

  • How did you find Roblox?

I don’t really remember how I found Roblox, because I was really little back then. My brother probably introduced me to it, but I really can’t remember a single thing from back then :l

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

Around 2015, I guess I got bored and decided, “Hey, I want to make my own games.” So I just started examining free models, and trying to work out how they work. Then I used the Wiki, and probably a few videos. I was mediocre at scripting, and I only knew Experimental Mode, so… everything from back then broke. I’m pretty sure I then quit for a while, and I forgot everything I knew. Then around like, 2016 or 2017, I wanted to pick it back up again, so then I started scripting and learning more and more, eventually making the switch to FilteringEnabled, and now I’m where I am :smiley:

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform

I’m happy to say I’ve made the first game I’d consider finished! (well, with the help of some friends :slight_smile:) My current goal is to try to make another finished game, but right now I’m kinda stuck experimenting with random scripts that don’t really adhere to a theme.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

I am a programmer :slight_smile:

  • Anything else you would like to include

Thanks for accepting me into the DevForum! It’s kind of weird suddenly having permission to see all these new things, and actually do something other than just hearting, and I’m pretty scared and don’t want to mess up, but I’ll try to contribute to it as I lurk around. :sweat_smile:

  • I found Roblox after I clicked an advert on an online games website. I soon got hooked!
  • I started to become interested in developing while looking through free models and wondering how they worked.
  • I’m currently programming for a role play game based in the Netherlands. I hope by becoming a member of the forums I’ll be able build on my skills and assist others.
  • Programmer

That’s a wholesome number of introduction posts

Anyways, welcome to the Devforum, everyone!!


Hey everyone! My name is David and I’m glad to be a new member.

I found out about Roblox when I saw my brother playing it in 2010, and made my first account in late 2011, only for it to be scammed away a few months later.

Soon after I got a bit more familiar with the platform, I started to make my own games. The earliest game that I remember I made was a personal server building game. I got this game to the front page numerous times (though that only took about 50 players if I remember correctly) and eventually got the Bricksmith badge.

My current goal on this platform is to make a unique game that the Roblox community has not yet experienced. I quit Roblox some time in 2015 and came back in December 2017 which is when I started taking game development more seriously. The first game I made when I came back was Robux Mining Tycoon in January 2019 using Zednov’s tycoon kit. After that I also made The Undead Returning and Winter Casualties with the knowledge of RLua that I accumulated.

My role? I guess I’m most talented at programming, though right now I’m getting interested in 3D modelling using Blender. I’ve modelled two weapons so far and programmed them to work in studio.

Thanks for taking your time to read this,

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Hello! Just wanting to say hi as I’m a new member on the developer forum.

I found Roblox around 2015’ish from an advertisement on another account, I fell in love with roblox and have been on it since.

I used to love playing group games like frappe, etc and wanted to learn how to make my own groups, cafes, and other things such as that. I then abandoned most of that in search of becoming a programmer for games such as this instead of completely making my own.

My current goal is to be able to go to RDC by 2020.

I am currently a Programmer, and a UI designer.

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Hi everyone, I’m Eyryse and I’m more of an all-rounder in terms of what I do as a developer, but I mainly do programming as it is something that I am doing in college and the only thing that I thoroughly enjoy doing as a developer aside from media art.
I came across ROBLOX thanks to a childhood friend 8 years ago and played as either a guest or on his account when permitted, until I made my own account for ease of access later in the year.
In terms of development, I started out as a builder then converted to a programmer and media artist as time went on, as I began to realize that I could not bring my ideas to fruition as a builder.
In terms of programming, I have multiple projects that I am working on, most of which involve me bringing features from other engines and software such as Unity and After Effects.
In terms of media art, I mainly do video editing/creation and animations, although by animations I am referring mainly to character animations and not cinematic animations, despite likely having the capabilities to do so.
Sorry for the long introduction post that may seem like a life story; to those that read this, I hope you have/had a great day! I look forward to working with and/or communicating with everyone here!

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Hello Im Astra :stuck_out_tongue: Im a render artist and its always been a dream to be part of the community that is Roblox Devforum. its an honor to be a member in the forum and hope my journey goes well :smiley:

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Hello, it has been a while since I last time sent in a application to join in the developer forum. I am laengand, and I have a big interest of developing stuff to make Roblox a better platform. I am a new member and have been introduced to roblox since 2012. This current one as you may look is made in 2014, but it was a long story.

I have transitioned from a player to a developer during 2016, this made me experience all the tools that roblox provide even if theres more on its way. My goal is to make a game in which will make everyone be interested in, keeping them and letting them enjoy it.

I am currently a Programmer as of now, still learning more about it but its where I am at for now.

Its nice to be here and I will enjoy here as much as every other developers will. For now, its nice to see you all!

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Hey, I’m Profess_ional!

I first started playing Roblox in 2008 as a guest and created an account a few years later. In 2016 I started to really appreciate the games for what they were, which was hundreds of hours of work, multiple builds, thousands of lines of code etc. and I started to learn the basics of UI Designing myself.

I have become pretty proficient over time and I base most of my UIs off of Google Material. I am also a decent scripter and am still learning more.

My goal for 2019 is to collaborate with other developers and create a game with at least 25k visits.


Hi, I’m SteamyMu. I’ve been on Roblox for quite some time, starting with game development in 2009, but really getting into it in 2012. I consider myself a full-stack developer as I have multiple years experience with UI design, graphic design, programming, server/client game development, and working with/hosting web & game servers. Now that I have access to the forums, I’ll do my best to contribute to the community in the form of free assets, development help, and constructive criticism. :slight_smile:


Hi Robloxians! I found Roblox from an youtube video a while back experimenting with trains, and a video messing around with it’s engine. I got started with development on the Roblox platform by looking at free models and checking out My current goal is to get a career going on in Roblox, and be a really long staying member. My role in the developer community is a scripter. And the rest of the things I’d like to include is that I like rap :slight_smile:


Hi everyone! I found Roblox several years ago after a friend started playing and wanted me to join him. I started developing soon after joining through the old default starter place, and then I started experimenting with models.
I’m a builder, and I’m currently working on a showcase and some cued stage lighting.
I’m looking forward to another interesting year developing on Roblox!


Hi! I’m ProgrammerA10, as you can probably tell by my hastily thrown together ugly banner thing.

How I found Roblox
I found Roblox through conversations on Khan Academy, where I first started programming. Roblox sounded like the logical next step in my learning, so I signed up and started developing pretty much right away.

My current goals are to actually finish some of my games, like

  1. Round-based hovercraft battle game
  2. Sci-Fi RPG (I wish)
  3. Round-based game where a superhero attempts to capture a supervillain, navigating through the villain’s lair, avoiding traps and minions along the way.
  4. Group Recruiting Plaza, but for finding/advertising games and gathering groups so you can play dead games with full servers.

I recently finished a starship for a Star Trek roleplay group I’m in, it’s not much to look at, but it was a huge leap in my development career, as it was the first major project I brought to completion. My favorite part is the procedural planet generator, very slow but produces some pretty impressive results sometimes. The link is below, procedural planet generation is accessible from the console to the right of where you spawn.

Development Role
I really do pretty much everything. Scripting, building, UI, writing, graphics, everything except music and complicated meshes.

In closing, I’d just like to express my gratitude for this honor, and I hope to become a constructive member of this community!



Hey everyone! I’m Repto,

How did you find Roblox?
I believe I started playing Roblox when I was in grade 4, I’m currently In my second year of university… wow

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
In grade 6 I decided I wanted to learn to program so tried to learn through Roblox, I ended up failing miserably since I was just copying and pasting code having no clue what was going on and gave up.
In grade 9 I tried again and it clicked! :smile:

I’ve currently been programming now for over 6 years both on and off of Roblox in many programming languages!

Current goals/achievements on the platform
Most of my achievements on Roblox so far amount up to an amazing collection of unfinished Idea’s haha,
My goals are to complete some of them for once!

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
My strongest skill is programming but I’ve done a little bit of everything (GFX, UI Design, Building, Animation, 3D modelling, drawing ads, drawing players, making shirts, …I’ve been on Roblox a looong time ^.^)

Feel free to message me and say hi.
Looking forward to meeting new developer friends! :slight_smile:


I found ROBLOX through a Miniclip ad.
A friend of mine taught me the basics of LUA and I decided to take my time to learn the rest of it.
I am a Programmer.


Hello everyone!
I joined Roblox in 2011 after I saw one of my siblings play it, and thought it looked interesting.
I got started with developing after I decided I wanted to make a group, and I struggled with the building and graphic art aspects of it, and it’s made me what I am today.
I’ve achieved a few things during my stay at Roblox, but most of them are group oriented. I’ve affiliated myself with the Halo genre here, and have launched a few groups. I intend to have one final go at it, before I transition to developing full-time on real games. I consider myself adept at most fields of development, as I can build, make GFX, and design UIs. I hope to contribute to this community, and I look forward to meeting all of you.


Haha, I can actually relate. Me and my brother found ROBLOX off an ad aswell back in 2010 (I believe it was from miniclip too!)

I built too many memories here and is still a no-lifer. Looking back at my old account really brings me back. Ah, the nostalgia.


Welcome everyone!


Hello! I’m new to the DevForum! I’ts been my dream to be able to gain access to the developer forum, I joined Roblox back in 2016. (Not a long time ago) I love scripting! I am mainly a group cafe/hotel builder, but I’m looking into Roblox front-page ish game development soon! Thanks again Roblox, for letting me into the DevForum. And a special thanks to Gr_mp who has stuck with me throughout all of my development!

How did you find Roblox?

I began to see & find a few Roblox ads on sites I browse, Roblox seemed cool so I signed up! (On my old account)

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

On my new account (this one) I got interested in developing, I used some of the templates and now on one of my (old and pretty trash) games I got 500 visits. Then I moved onto more sophisticated developing.

Current goals/achievements on the platform

I am a Veteran on Roblox (1yr+).
I’ve been employed by over 50 Roblox groups. (I had to leave a lot)

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

Programmer. I’m also doing a bit of web development.

Cheers, OMG_Gaming404.


I’m new, thanks for having me.

  • How did you find Roblox?

I clicked on a banner ad on one of those classic Web 2.0 flash game websites when I was little.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

Playing with Roblox Studio. I toyed with scripting and attempted to learn it many times before it clicked. Nowadays I don’t spend nearly as much time in Studio, but Lua has grown into my favorite programming language of all time thanks to Roblox, especially when used as an embedded language to expand the functionality of a C/C++ program like it was intended.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform

Having fun and spreading Lua gospel. I don’t really want to get a game marketed to the front page or build a corporate enterprise. I’m very passionate about scripting, but I’ve never clicked much with the rest of the things Roblox considers in the developer skillset, namely marketing and PR stuff. But that’s fine. I could stick around and answer scripting or programming questions forever and not get bored.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)


  • Anything else you would like to include

It’s nice to be here. I liked using the old Scripters subforum and having the legacy forums knocked out was a bad time for me. I’ve been wanting to get into this forum since it was announced, but I never made it through the devforum application process and actually gave up after a while. I’ve spent the last couple years hanging out with Roblox scripters on 3rd party platforms and feeling somewhat homeless. But the site now seems to have selected me for the New Member role automatically. I’m probably going to start posting because of this.