Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello everyone! I’m ImplicativeRecursion, and it’s an honor to be the part of the community.

I’ve found Roblox long time ago, when I didn’t acknowledged that the developing was possible. However when I found out it was, I was interested, and that’s what got me into developing.

My current main goal in the platform is to develop plugins, which extends current studio tools (Output, Explorer).

My role in the developer community is Programmer. I’m looking forward to learn other languages such as C++, too.

Anyways, thanks for accepting me to the DevForum. It’s a bit late, but Happy New Years everyone. I hope to meet you sooner or later :grinning:

– ImplicativeRecursion


How did you find Roblox?
I hardly remember, I was scrolling through some games on the App Store and stumbled across a clean icon. The thumbnails pleased me and here I am.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I got started with developing by finding out that Roblox Studio was something. I found a script inside a kill-brick in the obby template and I got curious.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
I’m a veteran here on Roblox and I aim to learn more advanced things this year.

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I mainly script but I do mess around a bit with UI Designing and Modelling.

Anything else you would like to include
I still can’t believe this is happening, hoping it isn’t a mistake.


Hey!! I just found out I’ve been added to the devforums :blush:. I just want to say hi, and I guess I will just follow what everyone is doing and give you all an introduction to who I am

I’m 2Dry. I’ve been playing since late 2010, and I’m currently seventeen years old. When I was younger, I loved clicking ads on different games and checking out what they had to offer. I eventually found Roblox by pure luck, and I remember my exact reaction to this day. It was AMAZING to see a platform where you could make anything, and enjoy creations made by other players with a bunch of friends.
I’ve been developing ever since. However, I haven’t been serious about it until I saw the potential it had.

During my earlier days, I used to make all kinds of quirky games. Some of my best memories on the platform was getting Robux for Christmas and then converting thousands of those Robux into TIX for ads. Did I ever earn back the money I invested? No, but I absolutely loved bonding with players joining my game. Getting comments on my game, and messages about how they “loved” it made my day. Looking back at it now, the games were by no means perfect, but they were the result of my crazy ideas, haha.
Since then, I’ve owned several games, some more successful than others. I’ve been lucky enough to work with amazing people over the past few years, and it has made me grown not just as a developer, but as a person as well.

I do UI design, I build and I do GFX. I’d love to learn coding, and that’s definitely one of my biggest goals in 2019 :stuck_out_tongue:.

I look forward to getting to know everyone! :wink: :wave:


I also fondly remember turning Robux into thousands of Tickets, only to waste them all on advertising a group of mine with some MS Paint masterpieces (none of which landed a CTR of over a couple percent).

I hope you enjoy learning to code. It’s certainly quite fun once you get into the swing of things!


I found Roblox on the app store, and for some reason, I thought I’d heard of it before. I got it, and was super happy. I instantly tried the most popular game at the time, Work at a Pizza Place. I was a guest at the time, but I loved everything about the game. I wished I could learn to make that!

And so I did. A few years later, I found out the ‘Edit’ feature- I’d had a blank game with some gears, so actually making stuff was a big jump! I went into Roblox Studio for the first time, and made an animal role-playing game… Free model morphs, but I made my own terrain.

I want to just make a new generation of good games. I’m working on remaking a speed-run type game that I made a long time ago, and I hope to make it way better, and do my best on it.

I’m mainly a builder, but I can script a tiny bit (make a particle start from a part, like a hidden flamethrower in a wall).


Hey guys! After 2 applications and no response for ages, my goal of being on the devforum is completed! I hope I can do what I said I would do and use the devforum as a platform to help others become better developers, and help myself become a better developer aswell. I found roblox in 2012 when I was playing a browser game by an ad, and me and my brother decided to try it out. We mostly played in the starter place that we were given, building bases and exploring while killing eachother. It was truly some great bonding. I expanded to play some more games, my favorite being the old Survival 303. This game truly lead to some great bonding between me and my brother, something I can only credit to the devs of that game. I started development in about June of 2018 when I was fed up with trying to hire other people to do the work for me, and just decided to learn it for myself. It was a long experience, but now I feel I am at a point where I can help most beginning scripters with basic problems. My goals on the platform are to reach out to more people and make sure that I leave a imprint by helping people become better developers. My role is Programmer/Scripter, whatever you want to call it. Thank you for the chance at being a member of the DevForum!


Hey! I’m Elttob, and I’m new here. I’ve been using the devforum as a learning resource for ages but today I’m a new member, which is pretty neat :stuck_out_tongue:

I found out about Roblox from my older brother way back in 2007, and started this account in 2008. I’m 17 years old, which means I was 7 back then!

I got started with Studio a few years after, mainly through building with Free Models (and later on, stamper tools). Eventually I started learning how to script on the Wiki. It was fairly natural to pick up and I started writing small scripts for these places.

Nowadays I do a lot more scripting than building. It’s easy to tell because I still build things in the old Roblox style! I’ve pretty much mastered writing Lua at this point, and also now make my own music. In recent years, I also picked up UI design, which has carried over to Roblox and helped me make more professional UI.

With all of that, you’d probably expect me to have some sort of massive portfolio to point at. I’m not great at finishing things I start! I do have some projects on my profile page, but they’re either small demos or largely incomplete. I’d like to see a project through to completion this year!

My favourite thing I’ve made is Project Vox, a small test of mine to implement a voxel engine into Roblox:


(yes that’s running in Roblox - might have crashed my computer a couple times trying to get it to run at an acceptable framerate lol)

Right now, I’m a moderator for the aspireRBXDev discord server, and I do scripting, UI, music and sound design on Roblox. That’s basically everything!


Hello! I’m Waylon and I’m super excited to be apart of the devforum!

My friend introduced me to ROBLOX on a old game I used to play that I’ll refrain from mentioning. At first I wasn’t interested in it as it was in the same sentence as a game I didn’t care for much. So I held it off and then I saw an ad and remembered the name. It looked VERY cool! I decided to diwnload it on my phone. At first I thought it as a scam as it said “Millions of games!”, and man was I wrong. I am very happy I downloaded it as I then introduced my family and friends and they play with me all the time!

I got started developing whenever I stumbled upon ROBLOX Studio. I never knew the games were made by real ROBLOX Players. So I went in to studio, saw toolbox, and off I went. Adding anything and everything I could. It was so fun to think I could make a game. I looked inside a model and saw a 10 line script which at the time looked like the most complicated thing ever. Eventually I learned that I could do that too. I thought scripting was extremely hard - I was right. At first I went to the ROBLOX Youtube channel and saw scripting tutorials, this is where it all began. I found more and more channels that tought scripting some being; AlvinBLOX, SkeleDotLua, juel sandy, etc. I knew immidiately that I could do that, and I did it. I began interest in early 2017 and have been scripting, building, UI Designing, and doing GFX ever since, and I’ve loved every minute of it.


Become fluent in Roblox Lua,
Become an more advanced builder,
Make tutorials for people who want to get into scripting, building, UI Design, and GFX.


2 1/2 years on ROBLOX,
Learned to script enough to call myself knowledged,
Gained many friends that develop too!

I am a Scripter, Builder, UI Designer, and GFX Artist.

Thank you for reading this and I hope all of you become more sucessful than you already are and know that you are amazing and do not change for anyone. Let your Imagination go wild and make anything you can put your mind to!


Hey everyone! My name is Vlade and I am 15 years old developer coming from Serbia! I am really thankful to ROBLOX Developers Relations Team who accepted me today!

I joined ROBLOX 2017 and I really liked it! My first game that I played is Natural Disaster, but my favourite one is Lumber Tycoon 2.

One day or 4 months after I joined on ROBLOX platform, I turned on my computer and saw a little blue icon that looks like on ROBLOX one! I clicked on that small blue icon and poof!
All my dreams come true! I realised you can do a lot of amazing things in ROBLOX Studio, so I started to make a simple obby that I called Jungle Obby!

After some months of learning, practicing and making in ROBLOX Studio, I realised I can do more! I started to build a lot and improving my buildings skills. Also I like to code in LUA programming language! Why? Well, it’s really exciting to code something like… moving platform and make stuff alive! How did I start coding? A lot of YouTube tutorials helped, mostly AlvinBLOX’s channel. I realised you can learn more on ROBLOX Wiki and after some time I heard of Developer Forum! Full of interesting and amazing posts waiting to be read!

What am I doing these days?

Well, I am currently working on really amazing MMORPG project called “Tales of Zinovia”! I am working on the project 5 months! It should be done until March 2019.

What am I?

I am a experienced Builder, Scripter, Animator and GFX Artist!

Here are some pictures of my work.

My Biggest Goals are:

To Finish “Tales of Zinovia” project

To Meet More Developers

And maybe one day go to Roblox Developers Conference!

Well… looks like that’s it! Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it! I hope we will all meet one day!


Welcome to the devforum! I finally found the person that created this:

Yeah I am probably the first person who made it. I just made that to be an office for one group. It took me 11 hours!

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Hello everyone. People like to call me Siren.

I enjoy spending the free-time I have programming, and helping others with scripts if they need it. Programming is something that will always keep my mind racing; because learning new things in Lua, Java, or any other languages feels never ending.

My goals here on ROBLOX, well I only really have two goals, and those would be to learn and help others learn. I’ve been on ROBLOX since 09, and I am truthfully happy to still be here. Thank you.

Water wave stuff
I find working on these types of things relaxing.


Hey! My name is Jim and I have been on Roblox for a couple of years now. In fact, a friend of mine introduced me to this platform and since then I have not stopped playing! Roblox gave me the opportunity to start developing for the first time! My whole journey started by watching some YouTube videos, studying various scripts from models and watching different topics on the DevForum. After 3 months, I was able to write my own code. Then, I learnt even more programming languages, like Python and Javascript, and got to know some other game engines, like Unity and Unreal. My dream now is to graduate as a Software Engineer and get a job at a big company, like Google or Microsoft, after working at some startups. All these thanks to Roblox and this wonderful community that introduced me to the astonishing world of programming! I cannot thank you all enough!


Hello… everyone, I’m GFlipTop mostly for who working with me called me “Flippy”. From Thailand.

Firstly I overhype after seeing message promotional from Roblox Developer Relations Team, Thank you for accepting me!

When did I start to join Roblox?
I start to join Roblox in around April 2014 and start using Building mode in May-June 2014 and start the real challenge on Roblox Studio in July 2014.

(Because my personality is I like building stuff but at the first moment on Roblox Studio.
It was too complex for me for using it first and I go to building mode then I go Roblox Studio later on… Heh heh…)

What I mostly doing today?
2 things majorly, UI design, and Building.
Scripting? …I do but I just do not quite much just some simple script.

What group that I currently working for them in Roblox?
Currently, I am Founder of G Universe Studio, Start to make this group on August 4, 2017.
And the Head-Builder & UI Designer of Further Studios.

What a game projects that I finished and currently I’m doing?
From the beginning until today here is the list that I do and I already finished
(The places that are publicly open to playing)

2014 - 2015

Ultra Lumber Warfare Tycoon 1 by Me
ULFT - EOL - Roblox

Ultra Lumber Warfare Tycoon 2 by Me
ULFT2 - Roblox

2016 - 2017

Ultra Lumber Warfare Tycoon 3 by Me (Transferred to G Universe Studio in 2018)
ULFT3 - Roblox

Ultra Lumber Warfare Tycoon 4 by G Universe Studio & Industrial™
(The game that I currently working on)
ULFT4 - Roblox

Is there any other non-game work about me like UI or Models?
Here is the main place where I keep a few… of my large building and my works.

Random Large Thing

It is the pre-sketch large building prototype for ULWT4
Ultra Large Building - Roblox

My works

UI Designing

What is my goals on this platform…?
Ugh… well… I feel shy to say something like this so I blur them…

I not set many goals here… My goals on this platform are that I just see the happiness of the player enjoying my game that I work hard for long because of the Happiness and also great feedbacks of the player is only one thing that makes me happy and feels to continue doing a good thing on Roblox even more…
Even… It… not… popular… and Lastly joining the Roblox Developers Conference is my highest hope to go but unfortunately, I don’t have enough money to go to RDC, But If I could go someday, I will go

ちょと! Oops sorry, Here is some extra content that I want to tell a little~ bit more!

I not only doing a UI Design and Building too When sometime I boring for working two of this
I will do theme re-design (CSS) here!

And lastly…
Thank you for your time to reads all of this…
and I hope someday we might work together!.

See you later~~~!


Heya! I’ve played and used Roblox for as long as 2009 or so. I’ve seen how Roblox changed from its earlier MMO block game days to the platform market it’s in. Eventually I hope to start my own game on Roblox with people here. I’m a 3D artist with Blender experience and have done tons of Source Filmmaker things with Source engine knowledge.

Currently I’m an awesome builder, and you may have seen my works such as “New York City Subway” which was featured in an admin video once featuring some new post processing effects, or “Metropolitan Gothic” which is an interactive urban showcase. I am in the middle of learning the most of entry level scripting so I can prepare for my next big project. Thank’s for having me.

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Hello! It appears that I’ve been accepted through the beta program for active Non-DevForum users, and I’m glad to have been selected! I look forwards to participating in this wonderful community.

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I found Roblox while I was having a conversation with my friends back in 2016 or so, and I wanted to try out something new, so I did a search of “roblox” and was directed to the Roblox page and created an account. It’s a shame I couldn’t of stumbled across this platform earlier as I don’t think Roblox does adverts in my country.
  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    It all started out with a little friendly discussion about Roblox games inside my friends group. My friends were giving constructive criticism about the front page games, and I couldn’t help but wonder, what did it take to make one of those games?
  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My goal on the Roblox platform is to make a game that is entertaining and enjoyable; ultimately to create a game, or experience that makes players happy, and is catered to most, if not all, of the players’ needs.
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I would classify myself as a seasoned scripter (I know quite a lot about scripting, but I’m just lacking that experience factor as I haven’t completed a course about programming or done mainly any other programming other than Roblox LUA), and a basic UI Designer, GFX Artist and Builder.
  • Anything else you would like to include
    Have a nice day :slight_smile:
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  • How did you find Roblox?
    I found it when my brother was playing it a lot, so I started to play as well. I started out as a guest but then I decided to make an account to play on the site.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I first loaded up studio in 2011 and tried to make my own fighting game. It was really amateur and simple and my building style was horrid. I didn’t develop much until 2016 when I started to learn scripting, and that is when I started my development on many games.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My current goal is to make one finished and polished game for people to play. I have one project right now which I’m working hard on to completely finish and call it a full game.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I try to make my games solo so I’m a small mix of everything but my main role is a Scripter.


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Hello everyone! Im IdyllicDestroyer and Im happy to be here.

I found roblox ages ago through a flash gaming site that ran adverts for it, I loved legos so I gave it a shot. Many a fun hour was spent playing the wide variety of games that were around back then. A friend actually convinced me to get into development, he had ideas and I had the creative mind to try and make them a reality, though the attempts were rather poor at the beginning, but it was a lot of fun.

Currently, I’m developing RoVerse among a few other projects, I love doing things that no one else has ever done before, so I’m pushing the engine in ways it never has. Creating an amazing project using smooth terrain to its limits is my current goal.

I do a bit of everything, I’ve considered myself a builder more than anything, but I know my way around lua, both writing from scratch and modifying other’s work. I’ve designed UI and UX, and done some rendering.

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Hello there!

  • How did you find Roblox?
    Back in 2015, I was on YouTube, looking for some cool transport simulator games until I saw one Roblox video. It seems to be really fun, so I created an account and once I was on the game’s page, the game was closed since 2014. Was a bit sad but ah well, I continued further, playing other games.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    My first creation was on the same day I joined ROBLOX. I can’t really remember how I did that, but okay. :joy: I was probably just playing with the settings and all that, then after some days, I started to create some things. I was trying to create a city with buses, and I must say, it was pretty cool to make. Although it was very blocky. :stuck_out_tongue: Back then, I was really into the Toolbox finding stuff to implement in my game, haha.

    However, I now have a bus simulator which was really popular in 2017-2018. I’m now focussing on adding more “equipment” (buses), making it more user-friendly (by GUIs for example) and creating new simulator games!

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My current goal is to make more (transport) simulator games for people to play and to enjoy it! To experience how it is to drive buses and trains for example. I’m currently on my way, I’d say 60%.
    Another goal of mine is to help other people in building and scripting. I really like to help people!

    An achievement I’ve had was having a popular bus group on ROBLOX. Due to a bot error (I still feel bad for it), the bot (that a friend made for me) kicked 4000 members from the group. However, I’m looking forward to gaining it back with future updates.
    Another achievement is having a popular bus simulator with 259k+ visits. :smile:

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I see myself as a Builder, a Scripter but also a GFX Designer. But I guess that all combined is called a Programmer :stuck_out_tongue:. I make thumbnails, icons and such for my games. I’m (kind off) a beginner with scripting: I know how to use remotes, script simple things like turning a light on with a GUI button from the client, slightly understanding datastore, etc. I’m also interested in looking forward to learning other languages such as C++, too! Oh, and I just started working on Blender.

  • Anything else you would like to include
    I would like to say thank you very much for accepting me into the Developer Forum! I was just browsing around today when I suddenly saw a notification pop-up saying “Promotion to New Member”. I was speechless!


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