Introduction thread for new forum members

Hi there! I’m Krunnie and I’m a developer since 2014.
I’m mostly a clothing designer but also a builder, GFX designer and a Polish <-> English translator.
Currently trying my best at learning how to do UI and animate.

It’s an honor to be here and looking forward to contributing here even more than I did before (by spam liking some responses to public threads :3)


Greetings, I am IAmBW. I am 15 years of age, and I have been scripting on this platform for 5 years. I first started playing Roblox in late 2012, eventually creating my account IAmBW in January of 2013. Initially, I participated in many clans such as RJTF, TRR, VE and nUSA from 2013 until mid-2016. Since late 2014, I have been navigating the development community of Roblox, improving my fluency of the rbx.Lua language by doing commissions and helping others in multiple discord scripting servers so that I may one day release a game that myself and the Roblox community can enjoy.

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I vaguely remember searching for games on either Miniclip or Newgrounds, and I came across an advertisement for Roblox. The very first game I played (or my first badge obtained) was BloxLore, an RPG inspired by darkness999999’s The Lost Souls RPG. I gained over 300 levels on that game.
  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    When I first joined, I wasn’t really aware that Roblox was a platform and not a “game” so it took me around a year to start “developing”. Here’s a screenshot of my first creation on 9/29/2013 : Imgur: The magic of the Internet I don’t really know what I was going for, but I’m sure I was once proud of it. Over the years, I just created a bunch of stuff, pulling free models apart to see how they work and eventually learning to script by watching PeasFactory on YouTube. Since ~2 years ago, I have been taking scripting more seriously. I have drastically improved thanks to multiple scripting discord servers and the public posts on the Developer forum.
  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    At the moment I am doing commissions so I can refine my scripting knowledge and dexterity over a large range of different projects (Working with body movers, data storage, or even in-game tools such as guns or grappling hooks!). I am also participating in many discord scripting help channels such as Hidden Developers and DevArchives. My goal is to one day create a game that not only the community will enjoy, but one that I will enjoy developing and maintaining.
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I am mainly a programmer. However, I do have some experience in GFX, UI Design, Building and Modelling.
  • Anything else you would like to include
    Thank you for having me. I look forward to not only taking advantage of the learning resources on this forum, but to also eventually make contributions of my own in the form of helping others by releasing useful scripts and aiding those who are just beginning their scripting career.

I am in the midst of creating a game, once it is stable I will be glad to showcase it :slight_smile:
P.S ( I’ll have you know I have greatly improved since my first creation )

P.P.S ( I was accepted in by the automatic promotion )

~ Brandon

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hey fellas, i’m camper. i like scripting and most things related.

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I found out about Roblox from a friend all the way back in 2007, and I’ve been playing ever since.
  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I got started with development on Roblox back in 2013, at first it started as a hobby I did with friends, but then it eventually grew into a passion of mine.
  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My goal is to hone my game developing skills to the point where one day I will be able to become a full time game developer.
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    My role in the developer community is pretty much a bit of everything. I’m a proficient Programmer, Builder, Animator, etc and I love learning and perfecting new roles.
  • Anything else you would like to include
    My favorite quote: “We have much work ahead, to stand still.” - Mansa Musa

*** How did you find Roblox?**
I can’t remember how I first found it although I think it was from an advertisement; I couldn’t play it much back them as I was using a 3G wifi stick (keep in mind I was about 6) I remember the first game I ever player and it was that theme park from around 2009
*** How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?**
I first got started when I got into nodejs development and then I realised rather than doing everything for free I could do it and get paid, so I moved into roblox development.
*** Current goals/achievements on the platform**
I’m not too sure at the moment, I shall update you as I make them.
*** What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)**
UI Designed & Programmer

Hello! My name is awesomecoolpop, some call me acp for short. I joined Roblox in 2012 when a friend suggested the game to me. Then I started playing around in Roblox Studio about 2014. My current goal currently is to grow better in the community and learn more about Developing. I’m hoping to get known and be able to work on game alongside others. I specialize In building and also art. One thing about me is I love being creative and I absolutely love beans. Thanks!

How I found out about Roblox? I found out about it when I was playing on my computer back in 2009.
How I got started with development on the Roblox platform? I got started by trying to build a city.
My current goals/achievements on the platform is to make my own games. I am currently working on a racing game and a British open world driving game.
My main role in the developer community is being a builder. I have yet to practice scripting, programming and UI design.

I would like to say thanks for letting me join the forum. I just want to also say that being motivated is a good way to achieve your goals.

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How I found Roblox? I found Roblox in 2016 when I was going through the Google Play Store for some games.
How I got into developing games? I got started in 2017 when I managed to get Roblox Studio to work on Linux.
My current goal is to finish making the maze i’m making in Roblox Studio.
My main role in the Developer Community is Building at the moment. I’m learning scripting right now!
Also, last thing, thanks for promoting me to New Member!

Hello! I am CStarGamer14.

I found the Roblox platform when my cousin introduced me to the platform. I became interested in playing the games made by the community about 4 years ago. My interest in development, however, started one year after I found the platform when I watched some tutorials on how to make a sword-fighting game on YouTube (the videos were made by AlvinBlox). I became interested in playing around some things in Roblox Studio afterwards. Eventually, as I learned more about different things I can work with in Studio over a few months, I became familiar with scripting.

Role(s): Programmer/Scripter
Goal(s): Finish developing a timed obby game so it will look good.

It is an honor to be part of this great community and I appreciate such an opportunity to join in!

Heylo! My name is Awesom3_Eric, you can call me Eric for short! :slight_smile:

I found Roblox when my younger cousins started playing it during a Christmas party. The whole concept of being able to play so many user-created games, as well as being able to make your own, special game based on your own creativity and imagination really intrigued me, hence why I’m here now.

I’ve been inspired by many awesome maps around late 2015 from games like Call of Robloxia - Roblox at War, and Work at a Pizza Place. My determination and motivation started early 2016, where I opened “Edit Mode” and started placing random colored blocks on the grass terrain. Eventually I made a huge boat, and moved onto studio to create more complex structures.

My current goals are to finish games I’ve started without losing motivation, advance from being an intermediate scripter, and expand my range on other aspects of development, such as UI Design and Animations. As of now, I’m a builder (I’ve built for Flood Escape 2, Epic Minigames, and a few others) and an intermediate scripter.

I’m excited to be a part of this community! :smiley:


Hello, everyone! I’m TheeDeathCaster, and I’m new to the DevForum. :sunglasses:

I found Roblox in 2010 due to an old friend, and got started with development in 2013 when I was just really starting with studio. I’m a programmer, and my current goal’s to develop an admin commands system (again).

I hope we can all have a good time. :grin:

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I’ve finally got access to the forum, yay!
I found roblox in 2015 when I was 11, playing an online game (web based, probably like boons tower defence or something), when I kept seeing a recommended ad for roblox. I was a bit confused at first but I thought I would check it out. I found that I loved the games there alot, and found some AMAZING friends along the way (many of my best online friends came from roblox, or centred around it), it truly inspired me when I saw so many unlikely people making so many friends through a roblox.
If I’m honest, obbys are the reason that I decided to check out roblox studio to see if I could make an obby of my own. Of course it only had 12 levels without any scripting (or scripts that were my own, like kill scripts), but I really enjoyed seeing my own creations come to life in the way I was in control of everything.
Over time, I started to decide to watch videos on how to script on roblox, it was a slow process, but I learnt variables, functions, events, client - server connections, GUIs etc, all through either watching other people do it, or looking at scripts that other people made.
As for now, most of the time I can just look at the wiki and implement it but sometimes its good to have a couple of friends or fellow scripters to help you along the way (shoutout @asbuff, @Qulmar12, @KoltonBro & scripting helpers for explaining stuff I probably wouldn’t have understood without them).
My current goal is to make an FPS shooter based off many of mine and others favourite triple A titles, such as Battlefield, COD and lots of others.
My main role is a scripter, but I am also experienced in crafting GUIs and making detailed weapons/small items.


Hey there!

How I found Roblox?
I found ROBLOX through an advertisement back in 2010, the advertisement said something like, “Build games for free”. When I clicked on the advert, I immediately found interest of all things Roblox, and made this account, formerly KikosVids.

When did I start development on Roblox Platform?
Back then, I played varieties of Roblox games, such as Work at a Pizza Place, etc. I didn’t start developing on the Roblox platform until 2013 when I found inspiration of Sci-Fi games. I was thinking to myself, I should start working on a Sci-Fi game which I can share with friends. :thinking:

What are my goals on the Roblox platform?
My goal on the Roblox platform is to inspire others by creating unique things that would make other developers inspired as well; Not only to inspire other developers, but to entertain others with Sci-Fi games.

What is my role for the developer community?
My role for being a developer on the platform is to think about crazy ideas and develop them by using Roblox Studio. I’m really into technology in which I create crazy Sci-Fi creations that make my friends and people on Roblox inspired and entertained.

I’m also a music composer! I make music and upload them on the Roblox platform for other developers to use!

Anything I like to include?

I make custom soundtracks on the Roblox platform for other developers to use for their projects, since I really enjoy helping other developers if they need, and how I can help them with the best of my ability.

I’m really looking forward to develop on Roblox and to inspire other developers!


Hi, I am Capslpop. I am new to roblox developers form. I am interested in programming. :smile:

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Yes mah mans, it’s about time that I’m a ROBLOX DevForum member!
I first joined ROBLOX in 2012, I invited my friend to stay over at my house and he introduced me to ROBLOX.

(My official username is fusionFSJAL, but I recently changed my username to NekoNYApoquelia for odd reasons)

I got started in development on the ROBLOX platform around 2014-2015, I started planning on making a zombie survival game and I had no clue how to code in the time being, so I just used free models and attempted to modify code—I was terrible at it. Around the end of 2016, I started to learn how to code seriously and I tried to take free model scripts and modify them and understand them as much as possible. Now, in the present day, I’m almost mastered at modifying code and coding from scratch! (However, I’m not so good when it comes to mathematical CFraming and stuff yet). During the time of 2017, I’ve tried to make ragdolls less laggy, and I somehow succeeded with the game holding more than 3000 ragdolls without removing them!

My goals on the platform are… making good games? And have fun with my creativity? Not really sure how I can be specific with this one… I personally find making/rigging 6 joints easier than rigging a whole lot so, yeah.

I mainly do programming and sometimes building, not really much of a UI designer because of the studio incorrectly misplacing my UI in different screen sizes, I even tried to search up the best way to do this, but the system wouldn’t cooperate—I even tried doing the exact same properties as the other UIs that work but the one I make doesn’t even work! For GFX… that’s something I used to do, but I stopped doing it since there’s no reason for me to make GFX art ATM. I do animation too. I mostly also want to be a solo developer.

(Can’t even indent which sucks, well doesn’t matter now!)
During my game development here, there will be some times where I would have to move to Unreal Engine 4 for certain things… Since there are some limits in ROBLOX. (eg. [Multiplayer → ROBLOX] [Campaign → UE4])

That’s all I guess…

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Hello, i’m Jordon and i found roblox from my friends they told me this game was awesome to play and to develop.And i got into development from other developers that inspired me to build like 3D models and music Producter, my achievements i completed a moderator for Extreme Skydiving A Featured creator from my work and a moderator for roblox fame developers. my role is builder and a 3D modeler, and if you want to see more of my work go to here to see my latest work i have done and hope to post more up. That’s all i want to share with you guys…


Hi, everybody. I’m James76, but you can call me James. I found Roblox through ads on a LEGO fan site. One day, after seeing way too many Roblox ads, I decided to make a Roblox account and play Roblox.
I got started with development on my Roblox theme park and resort project, “The Wonderful World of OZ,” which I am in the process of getting users and developers to build.
One of my goals is to complete The Wonderful World of OZ sometime in the spring of 2020 or 2021. One of my achievements was getting Lifetime Outrageous Builder’s Club back in 2013.
My role is a UI Designer. I do know how to LUA script, but not in an advanced/programmer way.
You can see some of my work on my Roblox profile if you become friends with me or if I follow you.


Hi, I’m Neztore.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
  • Get a better web API released
  • I’ve made a verification discord bot, among other web API related parts. Mainly relating to Nodejs

I’m Web developer and programmer, with a lot of experience with Node and Roblox related libraries there.


Glad to see you on here!
Good Luck!


Hello everyone! I’m glad to be a part of the community.

The first encounter I had with Roblox was in the late months of 2008. I cannot recall what led me to the website for the first time, but it was most likely a consequence of my growing interest in games as well as my creative desires. Around that time, both my younger brother and a childhood friend made accounts on the platform, and we would bounce from game to game seeing what the site had to offer.

After getting exposure to the world of Roblox, I decided that I wanted to replicate that experience myself. This decision marked my first steps into game development as a whole. When I first decided to edit my starter place, my friend and brother would come over to see what unique items could be inserted into games. The early days consisted of inserting zombies and guns while laughing and screaming as the zombies raced toward us with swinging arms. Once we were done with all the nonsense, I finally started making simple “games”. One of the first of those games was a simple plate with a spawn and an assortment of parts, and players were given a telekinesis tool from the menu. Very basic, but it was the first time I got the Homestead badge which was a wildly memorable achievement for me. That place would be constantly overwritten as I came up with new ideas and observed other front page games. Around the same time in 2009, I made my current primary account. Whatever spurred me to make the decision is beyond me, but on this new account I produced much better games. Sometime in this nebulous state of bliss from 2009-2010 I tried my hand at scripting by dissecting free models and recreating them from scratch. This was one of the biggest contributors to my knowledge of programming as a whole. Following many years of interacting with the games on the platform, Roblox Studio, the forums, and other users, I got to where I am now.

Currently, I am trying to make my last tycoon game ever before I make the jump into my first RTS game ever. It is not much in comparison to the current games on the platform, but I hope to set a new personal record by creating a game that gets over one million plays with it. So far, I have not done anything noteworthy. Some of my random and abandoned projects include an RPG, a UFO battle royale game, a procedural maze and terrain generator, placement tools, plugins, an RTT game that mimicked a certain popular one on Roblox, and some weapons.

I guess you could call me an Indie Developer like many on the site. Personally, I would like to assemble a team in the future since I am absolutely terrible at graphics design and modeling.

Overall, my experience on Roblox has been quite fun, but I think it is time for me to give back now. Thank you to Roblox and the community for helping shape my awesome childhood.