Introduction thread for new forum members

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I saw an ad for Roblox back in 2013. I signed up for Roblox back in 2016 on Xbox

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    My first games were made up of free models because I was still new to Roblox. As I was getting used to Studio and learning more about the platform, my games were getting better

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My goals on the platform are to improve my scripting and building

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    Game developer and clothing designer

  • Anything else you would like to include


How did you find Roblox?
I believe I saw an ad about 11 or 12 years ago for this. May be off!

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I started learning how to script when a game shutdown, and the (small) community really wanted it back. So, I learned to code, and remade it.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
I would like to release a game, and have it be a success! A WIP :slight_smile:

What is your role in the developer community?
I am a programmer.

Anything else you would like to include?
Um, sometimes I script things in weird ways that donā€™t make sense. Sorry for anyone that tries to help me in the future! :laughing:


How did you find Roblox?
saw a youtube video of someone playing Mega Tsunami by nelly97, so I decided to check it out myself

How did you get started with development?
thought the idea of making a game was pretty cool, and I wanted to try making my own game instead of only playing others

Current goals
None atm, just here to make games and money and have fun

What is your role in the developer community?

Anything else you would like to include
I love tornadoes and chasing them (otherwise known as storm chasing). May sound dangerous to you but to me itā€™s quite the opposite. :sunglasses: Although iā€™ve never actually storm chased irl yet, I plan on doing so after I finish college.


Hi everyone!

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I found ROBLOX back in 2010 when I was super interested in the ancient Lego Digital Designer software (R.I.P.). I noticed that there was a lot more than just building parts like LDD had to offer, so I started to become ever more involved with the community and games on the site; I have thoroughly enjoyed my time since 2010.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I started in 2011 when I was first allowed to download ROBLOX Studio (I was really young, so I was still asking for my parentsā€™ permission at the time) and I began by creating models. Eventually I started to get inspired by games like Left 2 Survive by Thenoob2899. I wasnā€™t very successful, but Iā€™d always invite my friends to come join me and play my games. I remember most of them said that they enjoyed my games which made me ecstatic, so I started to create more.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My primary goal is to create fun games that both the ROBLOX community and I enjoy. I love and have helped numerous people with scripting on the site; however, I still have my own ambitions and intend to fulfill them. My secondary goal is to involve and familiarize myself with trig-intensive math so I can create more complex games. As for my achievements, Iā€™ve scripted games for groups with over 30k+ people in them (I was formerly a war-clan tech creator), but I havenā€™t reached any big-time achievements pertaining to game population or ROBUX accumulation yet.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    Iā€™m a scripter and low-poly builder. I prefer to program because Iā€™ve become more involved with computer science over the past few years. I can also do UI and GFX at an average level to my knowledge, granted I am unaware of the standards on the DevForums.

  • Anything else you would like to include



How did you find Roblox?
I first found out about Roblox when a friend introduced me to a game on the platform that I found fun.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
After playing various games on Roblox for a while, I began to question how games on Roblox were made. At this point, I had been interested in game developing for a while; however, I had not actively pursued creating video games. After doing some research, I realized that Roblox was not only a game engine, but a full fledged platform that included its own currency and player base. After seeing how easy it was to publish games on Roblox, I began learning to program them.

Current goals/achievements on the platform?
After learning about the platform for around a year and a half, my goal is to finish a game, publish it, and it be something the community enjoys. While I have not published my own game, Iā€™ve worked on games for three different groups, Iā€™ve done at least eight scripting commissions, and started a small development group named Transcendent Studios, which has worked on a few games and is currently looking at the possibility of finishing a game by April 2019.

What is your role in the developer community?
I am a Programmer and UI Designer.

Iā€™m super excited to develop here on Roblox, and for all the possibilities the platform will bring.


im jowe, ive been on roblox for years and im so happy to finally be here! i have made several games with friends, the biggest being baldiā€™s basics multiplayer!! i cant wait to join in on discussions and contribute here!!


Aloha, DevForums members! Itā€™s an honor for me to be here as a ā€˜New Memberā€™, in the future iā€™m hoping to get this rank further above!

Anyways, iā€™m mainly a scripter but I am able to build and design pretty well. My goals on here are to learn more about the platform and hopefully help other people. At the moment iā€™m working on a new version of my restaurant as well as a new company meant to help new developers and assist them with anything they need.

Thatā€™s all I feel like writing, Mahalo nui loa!


Hi, Iā€™m DarkEthnic and Iā€™ve been programming on Roblox since 2016.

I found Roblox through my friend around 2008-2009, and Iā€™ve been an active user ever since. I have always been interested in development but I just began to start learning how to program in 2016. The first programming language I learned was Lua, and that eventually helped me to learn JavaScript (which I am still learning). Before I was a programmer I was a builder and a graphics artist, but I was not very good at either of those. My goals on this platform are to eventually release a game and to be a respected member of the community.

It is an honor to even be considered to be a part of the developer forums, and I am excited for what the future has to offer.


Hello! It is absolutely wonderful I could join this grand community! I have been waiting for about a year now. I am very excited to meet everyone, and also to get help from more experienced users! I really hope that I will be accepted into this community very fast. I also expect to help others out along with myself. Thatā€™s all! Bye now! /e wave



Hello~ I am skppiy4000, Iā€™ve been around on roblox since 2008 and Iā€™ve been trying to use this site for a while, I recently got promoted so I can use the site to talk now and communicate with other users, I hope we can get along.


Hey my name is Meta_data,

How did you find Roblox?
I saw an ad for it during 2009 - and I believe I heard some friends at school mention it, but never officially made an account until 2011.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
Although Iā€™ve never officially made a game, Iā€™ve developed my own projects (for my own fun) - mainly things like discord bots, places that utilize APIs / web servers, and I am using the knowledge Iā€™ve gathered from all of that to start development on Roblox.

Most of the ideas Iā€™ve ever had I would consider too ambitious and lacked the will to actually create it, but 2019 is going to be the year where I finally chase this opportunity.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
I just want to be proud of something I made that people will play and enjoy

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
Iā€™m more of a scripter than anything. Iā€™m not a great builder, and would prefer I have someone else to do it for me, but I have built some things I would not mind putting in my game.

Iā€™ve been playing Roblox for awhile, and have befriended many developers along the way (And even personally witnessed the success and personal growth of them), and I want to follow in their foot steps since they inspired me to do so.

Thanks for reading my long post, and good luck with your future endeavors.



I am TheGoodAsian.

I found ROBLOX, ironically, when I was researching about Minecraft when I was young.
I started with development when I discovered that my favourite games were actually made by real people.
I currently have a goal to grow my group/company into a community where I feel happy that I made others happy.
My current role in the developer community would be Builder and Programmer.

I am happy to be on the forums.


Hello, Iā€™m FishEye18. (Or just Fish.) o/

I seem to have been made a new member by a ā€œsystem promotionā€ rather randomly, I do hope this isnā€™t a bug. Otherwise:

I found roblox around 2012. I started playing as a guest in Welcome to Roblox Building and quickly found myself addicted to flying toilet aircraft, although it was technically a physics bug of the era. After I saw bib2001, with a cool flying airship, I made a proper account and hung around constantly until I could meet him and made my first friend on roblox. Iā€™ve been playing ever since.

I first started development by pushing the limits of the stamper tool. Bib and I attempted to build a huge airship in a personal server. Sadly, it was so big with so many parts the floors began to turn into quick sand as the welds glitched, until we had no choice but to scrap her. Later I tried seeing if I could improve the problem in studio, and thatā€™s when I started self teaching myself Lua for several years.

Currently my goal has been working on odds and ends that I find cool. Iā€™ve never really dedicated myself to making a proper game.

My ā€œroleā€ would probably be a jack of all trades, and master of none. I dabble in almost everything as Iā€™ve soloed all my work for the past few years.


Hi! My name is CherryLeaves :smiley: !

I found Roblox through a friend, back in 2012. I always played on a guest account because I wasnā€™t sure how to create a real oneā€¦ but here I am now!

I was always amazed to see the various games on Roblox. I used to hangout in Hereospā€™s Admin House way back when Person299ā€™s Admin was still relevant. From there, I was like, ā€œHey! I want my own Admin House!!ā€ and found some free models and called it game. It wasnā€™t much at the time but I was still pretty amazed. From there, I looked into other free models and tried to make something of my own. I learned a lot from other peopleā€™s contributions to the model catalog.

Iā€™ve developed lots of public APIs people can use over the past year to further broaden the current HTTPService developers are using. Itā€™s a fun little project Iā€™m still using. Feel free to PM me if youā€™re interested about it. I hope to someday learn how to create aesthetic UIs. Right now, itā€™s a bit complicated for me; Iā€™ll learn though. :smiley:

Currently, I am a programmer. I learned Lua off of free models(like I said previously), and I like to call myself a Web Developer because of all my API work using nodejs.

Anyways, thatā€™s my introduction! Hope to see yā€™all around.

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Welcome to the devforum Rush_X


Hello everyone! Iā€™m a new member in the Developer Forum. My Roblox username is Headstackk!

I found Roblox way back in 2009, my brother introduced this game platform to me and I started to play different variety of games. As time goes on, the more active I am on the platform.

I started to use Roblox Studio and try different features such as coding, building and UI designing in last year. I tried to get used to with Roblox Studio with different YouTube tutorials, Robloxā€™s official tutorials. Me myself appreciate the tools that were provided so much as they are easy to get on with, and I can create innovative projects with it!

There are some goals and achievements that I will love to achieve. I wish to complete my game Headstack Hunt. Currently Iā€™m revamping the game into Beta and adding a lot of new features and bug fixes. From scripting, building to UIs, all were done by myself which made me feel proud of it :stuck_out_tongue: . They may not be the best builds, UIs or game on Roblox, but I believe that I would improve overtime and enhance their quality!

My second goal is to get my game featured by Roblox. I saw different new and innovative games got featured by Roblox in each few weeks. I wish one of my games can be featured by Roblox and appeared in the ā€œfeaturedā€ sort in the games page!

My role in the community is a programmer. I usually program and do coding in Studio. Apart from it, I also make UIs. But that will be my minor job. Most of the UIs can not run without code, thatā€™s why Iā€™m also a programmer!

I would love to include my Cable Car project apart from Headstack Hunt game that I mentioned above. There are airlines, bus companies but I never/rarely see people design or operate Cable Cars on Roblox. With my interest towards cable cars, I sometimes build Cable Cars and feature them in some of my games!

Thatā€™s all I want to say, hope Iā€™ll enhance my skills in this forum and hope you have a nice day. :smiley:


:wave: Greetings everyone, nameā€™s Punable.

I created my first account sometime in 2012. I mostly played random games based on topics I liked back then and didnā€™t care much about anything development related. I went through a few name changes until I landed on Punable back in 2016. Since then, Iā€™ve gathered a fair share of experience in graphic design and whatnot.

I started amassing experience back in 2014 with the help of a few graphic designers whose names I forgot. I was involved in the development of Epic Minigames before launch but for the lack of proper experience and my immaturity back then, I got promptly kicked off the development team before the game could really ā€œkick-offā€. Over the years Iā€™ve matured and improved in the craft, and Iā€™ve been handed a wonderful opportunity by ROLVe to contribute some of my work to their game, Counter Blox.

My goal at the moment would be to continue improving and, possibly, get handed a chance at helping with the development of any game by someone who would be confident in my abilities.

Thatā€™s all I have to say on my part. I look forward to my time on the forum. :smile:

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How did you find Roblox?
I started playing Roblox around In October/September of 2015 when I found EthanGamerTvā€™s Work At a Pizza Place Content. Once I found his channel, One fateful night I decided to download Roblox on the laptop I was using at the time. From then I started playing more and more games and became who I am today.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform
Well, I canā€™t pinpoint exactly when I started but I suppose I started around 2016 with me possibly starting with this hotel called royal resorts which were a leaked game from this old group called Best Western but that really didnā€™t matter. I also could have started by wondering around studios and finding the capture the flag game and adding free models to it.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
Well, I have done some impressive things I would say. I have met some devā€™s you may know today and helped come up with ideas or helped them during hard times and now 3 of them are in the dev forums. Although I have made some small strides, Iā€™d like to do more and as a fact, I have joined a dev team as a community manager to assist on an upcoming project as of the time of writing this and I hope the project will be a success.

What is your role in the developer community?
I mainly do some UI work from time with me focusing on the consultancy side of things. [Do note I was a part of the active people invite program or whatever itā€™s called. Though I did try to apply once but failed badly]

Hope you enjoyed my little blurb.

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Whatā€™s sup my people. Iā€™m Mr. Coldfire, the spellingā€™s different because my name isnā€™t original at all. I model and design parody products mainly for Blazing Games, headed by @TheRings0fSaturn.

I played Roblox many years back, maybe eight years plus, making a new account every time I played since I didnā€™t know what remembering a password was. Or writing it down. I casually played Tycoons andā€¦ wait, thatā€™s it. I just really enjoyed Tycoons, too bad the market for them is saturated to high noon and back.

I started modeling two years ago around Thanksgiving, I made a Walther P38 for a friend that was wanting to make a WW2 game. I thought that everything I made had to made into a model, I apologized to my friend that it was in 4 different models, and not one xD. Boy, have things changed.

Now, I just go from project to project with that same friend, starting stuff and never finishing it because something else always grabs my attention. The current idea is a City RPG, which has already stopped, but might pick back up. Who knows.

I know I have a lot to learn, as my modeling is pretty slow and I need to focus on one thing at a time, but I hope to share what little knowledge I have with my fellow developers.


Hello. Since all the big boys around me are typing properly, iā€™ll do it too.

I got a ā€œnew memberā€ message about 20 minutes ago while stalking the developer forum and trying to make a game properly. I want to say thank you for letting me in here, because being in the devforum has been a thought sitting in the back of my head for months. I thought I would never make it here.

Since iā€™m here, I also want to say hello to everybody else new on this thread, and I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I enjoyed getting to now be a part of the developer forum.

  • How did you find Roblox?

I donā€™t remember the juicy details, but what I can say is that it was an advertisement.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

I had a dream of becoming an actual developer on Roblox, being able to make whatever I wanted if I put the time into it. Inside that dream was my deep hatred for the worse Simulator games that continue to wash up on the front page. I personally think that they have too many micro-transactions for a game thatā€™s mostly clicking your left mouse button. I want to place my game next to them to show the community a better example.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform

So far, just making an enjoyable game with decent traffic and a ā€œTIPSā€ gamepass.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

Iā€™m a programmer for Robloxā€™s Lua 5.1. Still trying to learn though.

ā€¦donā€™t mind the 5 edits.
Good Luck