Introduction thread for new forum members

Hi there! I’m Merc, and I’ve been enjoying the lovely field of coding!
I came to join Roblox in 2012 from googling ‘3d mmo’, and just so happened to be the first pop!
Ever since joining, I’ve loved seeing creativity in every game with the owner displaying their idea of a game and working on improving it to be better. From seeing some popular games back in the day, I wanted to try and code my own stuff. I looked at free models to be a great learning source, and I’m now capable of doing semi-advanced stuff without using complex math(I am not a math person!!).
What I hope to achieve is to make a fully automated group system, with automatic rank handling, shout handling, training system, and to be able to share it with other people.
I’m a scripter in the Star Wars Genre, and I’m currently working on releasing free stuff for any group to use and my hope is that they learn from it and try to make something from my work by learning.
Aside from RLua I like to expand my abilities in Web Design & Coding, NodeJs and Javascript being the two languages.
I’ve recently applied with my discord bot that took roughly 2 weeks to make(school got in the way), but was denied due to a early-year moderation. Thankfully I’ve been allowed as a New Member and hope that I can show that I enjoy being here and respect the chance given. Thanks for having me!


I found Roblox after my friend told me about it in 2011, and I’ve been playing it ever since!
I started scripting in Roblox for a group with thousands of members about 3 years ago when I got interested in creating and sharing my own projects.
My current goal is to make a popular game to reach the front page using my expertise in scripting and a proficient builder’s helping hand, though I’ve been hindered at times by IRL matters, such as school work.
I’m a programmer and a UI designer, but if I had to choose one of them, it’d be a programmer.

I’m happy I got into DevForum! I’ve already made a few posts!




Hi all,

I found Roblox when I was a tiny kid through YouTube. By late 2016 I had an extremely basic grasp of Lua but wanted to experiment more on studio and I became interested in developing. I program my games but I’m also a (mediocre) builder and UI designer. :grinning:

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Hi, I’m lolableXD, thanks for accepting me into the developer forum!

I found Roblox back in 2012 when I was searching for building games on the internet, I saw Roblox and made my first account named “terrytai”. I switched over to my current account when i realised using my real name for an account wasn’t the best idea.

I started developing back in 2015, but i soon lost interest when one of my beginner projects had a bug that i didn’t know how to fix, however, after a year or so, my friends, “Exanimatedn9dean” and “annabet_h” inspired me to start scripting again.

I’m currently trying to use ModuleScripts and Object Oriented Programming inside of my code.

I’m a programmer, builder and (kind of) a GFX artist.

I’m looking forward to contributing to this community!


Hello, I’m Middoken, and i’m very happy of being able to be a part of this amazing community :slight_smile:

I Found roblox back in 2014, when a friend of mine showed me it… i fell in love with it instantly.

I Started developing back in 2015, but i didn’t knew anything about studio/how to use it, so i started searching about it, started to watch videos, etc… Then some time later i found out that what i really love is programming.

My current goal is just being able to learn more and more, and being able to anyways make something better than what i did before.

I’m a programmer and builder (not that good).

Sorry if i spelled something wrong, English isn’t my main language.


Hey! :smiley:

I am F_F, I was introduced to development in late 2014 experimenting with free models. I then taught myself how to program with the help of the Roblox wiki. I am currently trying to finish a project (I never finish my projects :joy: ) but hopefully I tend to finish this one.

I’m really excited to be part of this community and hope to discover and learn more!


Hi guys! My name is Owen, aka Official_MrBob101, and I am so happy to have been invited here! I joined Roblox in September of 2017, and I have had some incredible experiences since then. I joined as I had just started computer science in life, as I began CS classes at my high school, and I wanted to further my education by using Roblox as a learning resource. 15 months later and I can say that I have learned quite a bit. Primarily, I program things related to aviation (a big passion of mine), as well as skiing (another big passion of mine). In addition to Lua, I also know Python, Javascript, and html (though I am not great at it). My goal is to improve my programming knowlege further, as I prepare for college, and maybe one day have an oppurtunity to intern here. :upside_down_face: I am almost always in a good mood, so if you need someone to talk with, just send me a message! See ya around! :slight_smile:


Hello everyone! My name is Creaturre and I would like to thank you for being invited to the Developer Forum!

I found Roblox in 2016 through one of my best friends and rapidly got addicted to it. It amazed me to see all the creations people made and it inspired me to try out new stuff. I was messing around on the website and then I found Roblox Studio. It didn’t take too long for me to learn the basics of it and I started playing with the features of it. It was pretty fun! My current goal would be to create a successful game with some of my friends and get it on the front page. At the moment I enjoy building and doing GFX.


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Hello! Thank you for promoting me into the DevForum. I’m Blupo (or BlupoV2).

I found Roblox in 2012, although I don’t really remember how. I got into devlopment Roblox in 2014 by experimenting with free models with a lot of trial and error. I’ve wanted to make a few games and other projects but I never end up finishing them. :upside_down_face:

I don’t really have any plans right now other than learning and experience, although I eventually want to make my own game. I’m mostly a programmer, and I make a tiny bit of art on the side.

Thank you again! :slight_smile:

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Hey everyone, I’m HexagonCode :wave:

How did you find Roblox?
I started playing on Roblox since late 2011 and when I was young I really liked to build. So I tried to search for an building game and found Roblox.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
Sometimes I found really inspiring games on Roblox and decided that I want to do the same thing.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
One of my goals is definitely to create an amazing game and only through Roblox I started to learn programming!

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I’m a Builder and Programmer.

Anything else you would like to include
I’m from Germany and this text might contain some grammatical mistakes. :innocent:

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How did you find Roblox?

  • My friends showed me Roblox and I was fascinated at the tools Roblox had at the time, my imagination was sparked.

How did you get started with the development on the Roblox platform?

  • For quite a while, I started off playing games however, I saw communities that were based on groups and so I had the interest of building a theatre, so I started with the most basic increment the 1 stud and I started from there. 0 free models apart from the Lights but that was just it, I am so proud of how I got from a small developer to a more matured developer I am now.

Current goals/achievements on the platform:

  • Get into DevForum :white_check_mark:
  • Own a group over 500+ members
  • Work with my friend on a city game

What is your role in the developer community?

  • Builder / Semi-Scripter

What else would you like to include?

  • Nothing.

I originally played games like minecraft, but I was getting bored and was looking for an alternative. I found Roblox in 2014. I played for about a day as a guest and then created an account. The games were amazing. I really wanted to make my own games like the ones I played, but it required a good knowledge of scripting. I then decided to learn scripting by reading on the wiki, and the PIL (Programming in Lua). My role in the developer community is a programmer. I love to code. I do try to build, even though my builds are crappy. A few more personal things about me:

  • I love Mexican music
  • Favourite food is tacos
  • I have a little brother

The devforum seems like an nice community to be in!

I found ROBLOX when my older cousin showed it to me. The first game we played was a survive the disasters game and it was pretty cool. There was buttons you press to buy items with your credits. I started developing off the platform because programming sounded cool and it would be a fun hobby. I soon learned ROBLOX had their own platform and I started to develop on it. My goal is to help others with their scripting questions and become a better programmer. I would consider my role to be a “Programmer” despite not having a tag for it. That would wrap it all up. Glad to be a part!


Welcome Zucchini!! Nice to see you here :wave:


Hello everyone, My roblox name is umadekid (although everywhere else I’m called Zelo101)

Im usually around playing roblox games (Magnet Simulator, Roblox Bhop/Surf, Tower of hell) and trying to create games.

  • How did you find Roblox?

I’ve kinda forgotten really. It was somewhere in 2012 and I think I just randomly stumbled upon it. I started playing as a guest, but soon i made an account called asd1990 (or something along those lines).

Around Jan 2013, I made this account that i still use to this day.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

I really liked RPG’s back in the day, so I went on roblox studio & tried to create one. Obviously me being a noob at lua back then it really didnt go well and I pretty much made nothing. It took me a year to print hello world and another to move parts & create buttons that work. (Yea, I was very slow back then, lol)

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
  1. (Goal) Finish a game :angry:
  2. (Goal) Get a WR on one of the roblox bhop’s maps.
  3. (Goal) Have at least 10 people playing at the same time in one of my games.
  4. (Goal) Learn Datastores and the Roblox API.
  5. (Achievement) Get 100 vists in a game
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

I’d like to think that I’m a Programmer, although I have more experience in Building.

  • End

Thank you for reading this introduction and I hope can I be a part of this awesome communtiy :smile:


Hey my name is Sam and I started Roblox a while back (early 2016) just playing around with things on studio after playing around with a few models and around a year of work I started to pickup lua and found it simple and a good language for scripting. Currently I am 14 and just recently was excepted into the devforums which is great for me since I am currently working on a game. I hope to release my game packed full of interesting content such as missions and a freeplay mode. I work with Photoshop to create my UI’s and script fairly well but I am not the best with building. Thanks and its a honor to be accepted here.


I found Roblox back in 2008, when I was shown to the game at a very young age. My sister and my older brother had shown me the game.

I started developing back in around 2012, my first creation being some mini railway game. As I was still young i wasn’t the best at building. 2016 forwards became my most successful years, me learning to script more and more complex to what i can now. 2018 was my most successful with me building my first ever Diesel Locomotive and my scripting being VERY advanced

Finish my Railway game that has been in progress for nearly a year.
Finish my secondary UK Realism Game that has been in progress for a year.
Take my scripting to the most advanced level.
Start being able to sell my work

Building my first realistic train
Getting advanced in scripting in the past 3 years
Opening my first games.

My role in the developer community would be a Programmer as I’m very good at it.

Anything else I would like to include?

Yes, I like trains. I own a YouTube Channel (East Midlands Trainspotting Hub) which is all about UK trains. I’m British.

Thank you for accepting me, as it’s an honour to be here.


Hi there!
I’d like to introduce myself on the Roblox developer forum.

When I was 9 years old a friend of mine showed me Roblox, we used to play Base Wars and Welcome to Roblox building back then.

I started developing because I found Alvinblox and other developers on youtube, after a while I got bored of copying / editing code of his videos and decided to experiment with code myself.

I have made a few audio visualizers + gui,
a minimap generator using rays, javascript, css and a bit of php and php. Also I am very glad that I met @Precisionly another creator on this platform, he gave me an opportunity in August 2018 to help him on this game:

My main role in the developer community is a scripter, but I also do a lot of UI design and web and discord bot development.

My developer Account is Auxority and the account I play games on the most is Auxintic, my oldest account is mischagaaf1 (which I lost the password to for a year but regained access by sending some emails to Roblox.)
Thanks for reading my introduction to the developer forum.

