Introduction thread for new forum members


How did you find Roblox?
A friend introduced it to me many years ago. I played it as a guest for a bit until I finally made an account at around late 2012.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
When I started to learn developing on Roblox, I searched up Youtube videos and read tutorials on the Roblox Wiki. I was a bit stressed and confused on it at the time, but eventually managed to learn enough to make a couple of places that weren’t too bad.

Current goals/achievements on the platform

  • Reached 10K visits in one of my games with mostly positive ratings
  • Actually finish a big project for once instead of just abandoning it
    (I don’t really have a lot of goals/achievements right now :stuck_out_tongue: )

What is your role in the developer community?
I guess my role would be a programmer, as I learned that the most, but I’m also trying to improve on building and I guess UI designing too.

Anything else you would like to include?
Nope. :slight_smile:


Hi all, WhoooDattt here.

How did you find Roblox?
I joined Roblox one year ago because I wanted to play Zombie Rush. Of course, I’ve tried many other awesome games since then.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I started a game about three months ago, learning building and scripting by doing countless web searches. There’s a lot of great content out there, but I found that things can become outdated quickly. This dev forum has been extremely helpful. I’m glad to now be a part of this community!

Current goals/achievements on the platform
My goal is to create games that people can have fun playing and don’t have to pay to win. My near term goals are to become more fluent in the coordinate system, physics system and animations. I hope to someday be able to answer other people’s questions here to give back to the community.

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
So far, I have been doing everything because I don’t know anyone well enough who also likes developing on Roblox. It has been a lot of fun and often challenging.


I am new to the developer forum, and i’m known as darthmaul011. I found Roblox by just browsing around in 2012. I started getting into development a couple years back as a builder. After a while of building i decided that wasn’t the path i really wanted to take so instead i started programming. About a year and a half ago was when i first started programming on Roblox and I have constantly been trying to improve. I always looked around on the devforum trying to get help, and also help others. I never had the ability to reply though, but now i do! I guess what i’m trying to say is i’m a programmer, and i’m glad to be a part of the community.
- darthmaul011

  • Hey guys.
    I found ROBLOX about 5 years ago while I was browsing around the internet for games.
    I found it via an ad, which is quite ironic because I always thought ads were useless.
    Well, at the time I didn’t have Ad Block.

  • I started development when I realised that at the time, all(or most) of the games were developed by teenagers just like me.
    I was quite surprised and shocked, because I seriously thought adult professionals were behind them at the time. After that I started learning to program, and went through tutorials etc.

  • I’ve released a few small games throughout the years. All are fighting or RPG games.
    I’ve got my share of robux, but haven’t been wildly successful yet.

  • I’m mainly a programmer, but I do other stuff like advertising and design at times.

  • I’m a solo programmer, for my games I program everything.

  • I’m currently working on South Blue, a massive open world pirate RPG. My goal is to release that, and hopefully be able to opt in for Dev Ex and get some cash.


I originally found Roblox in 2011 through a friend and began playing games and experimenting with the (now deprecated) build mode.

I slowly began to mess around in studio and eventually taught myself enough Lua to make my own tycoons and release them, since then I’ve gone on to create a Heist/City Game called Robloxica and a Block-Based Building game called Fort Wars.

My goals with Roblox are to obtain eligibility to Devex and to establish an income source via Roblox and to win a Bloxy Award for one of my creations.

My role in the Roblox community is most prominently as a scripter for my games.

I’m excited to be here and can’t wait to swap thoughts and feedback with you guys! :grin:


I found ROBLOX in June of 2013 while I was playing with my friends.

I was in and out of developing throughout the years and gained a strong grip for it since 2017 to now.

I plan on making stunning games for people to be able to enjoy and to impact or change how ROBLOX is enjoyed as a platform.

I am a Scripter/Programmer.

I want to influence more users to develop and impact ROBLOX and to see the fun in making your own things.


Its awesome to finally get accepted into the forum! Roblox is a cool platform for creating projects and improving your development skills :3

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Hello I’m xdeno, I’m a Computer Science University Student who develops/enjoys Roblox on the side.

I found Roblox in late 2010, I’m not quite sure how I found it but probably through an advertisement.

I always enjoyed playing Roblox games, more specifically football/soccer games and I spent most of my time playing this. I found the standard of gameplay could have been improved a lot, so I began learning how to code from scratch by trying to develop new gameplay for a new league with my friend who builds stadiums. The league has been running for 2 years and 700 members currently enjoy on the daily.

My goals on the platform is to make a public game rather than a community game, that everyone can enjoy on all platforms.

My role in the developer community is as a programmer.

I would like to say thank you to the Roblox Wiki, the forums and the dev team. Through this I have learnt a lot regarding programmer and it has improved my understanding of programming in general which has helped me in university.

I always wanted to join the dev forum and spend ages on it looking for answers for questions and learning new stuff and I was waiting to create something impressive to apply but I am glad Roblox saw my interest and accepted me automatically, thank you, I am truly honoured and cannot wait to participate.


Hello everyone! I’m Apertureonline, you can call me Aperture if you want to.
From the moment I played Roblox for the first time, I knew I wanted to be a part of this awesome community.

Before I knew Roblox I made 3D models for indie games as a hobby and I always wanted to make my own game. This always looked far too complicated but in Roblox, everything looked so easy. I have not really made great achievements yet, but I am now working on working on an educational game.

My role in the dev community will mainly be builder and programmer.

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Hello! I’m grateful to receive this privilege and am excited to see what this community has to offer.

How I found Roblox
Despite this account being created a mere three years ago, I’ve actually joined quite a while back. I don’t really know for sure what had brought me to this platform, but I assume it must’ve been because I was looking for some online building games to play 11 years ago.

How I got started with development on this platform
I actually never thought I would use the platform for development to begin with. I would toy around with Studio here and there, making small builds and whatnot, but it never crossed my mind to engage in any real development. By the time I discovered that I was able to code, I immediately sprung into action, developing several independent projects that were in the range of my skill level at the time (although none of them ever saw the light of day due to my overambitious ideas).

Current goals/achievements
Well, for starters, I really need to stay committed to the projects I start. It’s become a habit lately to ditch all efforts made into what could’ve been a game due to being deprived of motivation or having a complete loss of confidence. I’ve seen several potential developers suffering from this sort of predicament as well, and I do hope to overcome such obstacle.

My role in the developer community
Programming as of late has become my most confident ability in the industry, however I do hope to greatly improve my abilities to model/design/animate in order to keep my skillsets more balanced and versatile for development.

I joined this community for the sole purpose of being able to connect with developers of different skillsets and levels rather than keeping to myself inside a lonely shell. To improve myself, I wish to be able to help with the community to the best of my abilities, and hopefully receive tips/advice in return for me to grow.

That just about wraps everything up about me. Thanks for reading!

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Hello! I am Zuzur and am very glad to be a part of this community!

How did you find Roblox?

  • I first found Roblox by finding a youtube video of it back in 2011, and I have been playing ever since!

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

  • I started developing on Roblox in 2014, inspired by adventure collectathon games such as Roblox Quest and Roblox Adventure, and I have been working on multiple adventure collectathon projects ever since

Current goals/achievements on the platform

  • I hope to be able to create a game that I am both proud of and that will be fun for anyone who plays it

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

  • I am primarily a scripter!

Thanks for reading this cheap introduction that I wrote at 1 am! :smiley:


Welcome @Zuzur @yin_yang @apertureonline @Life_Blox @apertureonline @xdeno @Aclysmic To The Roblox Devforum.


I found Roblox when my friend KomodoDragon275 introduced me to the platform. They told me that it was this amazing place, where you could create whatever you wanted, limited only by your talent and imagination, and that there were millions of User Created games that you could play. I was immediately interested, so I pressed the “Sign Up” button. I got started with development on the Roblox platform when I was inspired by berezaa’s 2 Player Gun Factory Tycoon to try and create my own tycoon. I watched every one of berezaa’s tycoon tutorials, and I was so excited when I had a game which was atleast kind of playable. I haven’t really done anything note-worthy on Roblox yet, but maybe that’ll change someday. My current role in the developer community is a Programmer, though I am working on improving in other fields as well. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day!

Hello, I’m AllisonBluu. Proud to be a new member of the Dev Forum, although a bit disappointed it’s due to my activity (aka browsing through this a lot) instead of the work I’ve submitted in the past.

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I’ve been a Roblox player since 2011 after finding it with a friend.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I’ve been a developer since 2013 after finding interest in an uncopylocked game.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I enjoy and excel in scripting and UI creation.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I hope to eventually be recognized for my work as a person, and thank those who have made it possible for me to be here!

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How many people are coming here from the auto-promotion system? I literally posted about how there were so many members coming in 5 days ago at post 1659. Almost 100 posts have added here since then. That’s quite insane. I did like it when the Developer Forum required an application (as that’s how I got in, prior to the New Member program as well), but oh well. I could pitch something for why it’s good as much as not.

Either way, welcome new members to the DevForum. Hope you learn something new by interacting with our developer community and work to improve your craft, as well as that of others.

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Yea same thing i looked today and i saw so many introductions last time before was 1531 know 1731 so much members.Welcome new members

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Hi everyone ! I’m Ancient_Orange and I’m glad to finally be here among the greatest developers there are.

I first found Roblox back in 2014 when I made my first account. This is my third account currently registered in 2018.
A friend told me about the platform.

Started development in 2015 and I’ve been making my own places ever since. I’m interested in military and sci-fi things.

My current goals and achievements on the platform : There are many resources I need to learn and many I already know.
I want to finish and release my current project , a military base. :smile:

My role in the developer community is programmer. I learned to code using the wiki and other public resources.

Thanks for reading and thanks for giving me the opportunity to join such a great community for developers.

New programmer here, just saying hello. I started playing roblox around 2007-8 ish, lately i’ve taken an interest in making games on the site, however. The dev forums have been a major help in learning to script, and navigating the platform. I’m hoping to help other new members the same way the dev forums have helped me until now. Just wanted to say thanks, and hello!

Hey everyone! I am AlessandroG200 and I am excited to be in the Developer Forum!

  • I found Roblox after a friend showed it to me around 2016 and I created this account.

  • I started creating in mid-2017 with tutorials and of course, the Roblox wiki (Developer Hub).

  • I don’t have any goals on the platform as of now. I am just developing for fun.

  • I would define myself as a scripter as I always script in Roblox Studio.

That’s all! Thanks for reading, and giving me this opportunity

Hello, I’m spyro10jf, also known by Dwiin on disc.

How did I find Roblox?
I found Roblox back in 2012 from a friend showing me Natural Disaster Survival.

How did I get started with development?
I started looking into scripting in Roblox around late 2016 after seeing various games that caught my interest, which caused me to want to get into the scripting side, as I was already familiar with other programming languages.

What are my current goals?
My current goal would be to make a game that gains its own community and people seem to enjoy and keep coming back to.

What is your role in the developer community?
I’d say my role would be ‘Programmer’ as I’m far better at scripting than any other aspect of development.