Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello everyone, My name is Jamie_1, and I am new to the devforum. I never really "applied* but, I’ve viewed the devforum daily for about a year now, and the system promoted me itself because it thought I was ready.

How Did I find Roblox?
I found ROBLOX in 2013, while looking for some new games. This account is made in 2016, but I have accounts made earlier. I always made new accounts because I liked to start fresh.

How did I get started in development?
I got started with development on the ROBLOX platform in 2014 when I started toying around with Roblox Studio.

What are my current goals?
My current goals are to learn how to code better in LUA, and develop more survival/games and obstacle courses.

What is your role in the developer community?
In the developer community, my role is a slight mishmash of everything. a little of GFX there, lots of building, and simple scripting.

Hey all, FartingaBeavers here. Please ignore my name, I regret naming myself that now.

How did you find Roblox?
To be honest, I have no idea how I found Roblox, at least, not anymore. I’m pretty sure I joined somewhere in between 2011-2013 through an advertisement… but that’s probably not the case. I made this account in 2017 after a long hiatus from Roblox, but I do have accounts from 2013 or 2014.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I started developing back in 2017 (on this account), probably to just mess around and spam free models. Then, I decided I wanted to make a racing game, so I searched up some tutorials by Roblox and made my first car. After that, I believe I became obsessed with Roblox Studio.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
Well, one goal I have is to learn how to script. Currently, I can only do basic stuff, like change the color of a part or make a light flicker. I also want to get better at building all sorts of things, because currently I can only really make “”“realistic”“” buildings and objects.

What is your role in the developer community?
I consider myself to be a builder, however the one area that I’m really good in is smooth terrain. I’ve been using it for a few months now but in that time I’ve garnered a lot of experience with it.

Anything else you would like to include
I want a name change. Really badly.
Also, I have a really bad memory. That is all, I hope to see you all on the DevForum soon!

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Hi, Im Dorx86 and im glad to be finally here.

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I found roblox back in 2012 when a friend introduced it to me.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I started developing on roblox a little over two years ago. I was curious how people made these addicting games and so I tried it out for myself.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My current goal is to make a successful game and have a fan base.

  • What is your role in the developer community?
    My current role is scripting, GUI, and animating. However I excel in scripting and gui development.

Hello, I’m ChiefMatthewAlex, an aspiring Roblox developer that just got accepted into the Developer Forums.

How did I find out Roblox?
A friend introduced me to Roblox back in 2013, and I fell in love with the game.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
Back in 2013, I started looking around scripts, modifying them.
And it worked quite well, until Experimental Mode was removed.
I used all my knowledge, and browsed the forums and started
Messing around with Filtering Enabled. Now I’m pretty good at it and can do
Pretty much anything

What are my current goals?
I hope to learn more about DataStore, as I’ve never really got the hang of it.

What is your role in the developer community?
I consider myself as a Programmer.

Blox on

Greetings, everyone!

How did you find Roblox?
I originally joined Roblox back in 2009 when a friend from school told me about it.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I’ve been interested in Roblox game development since 2011. My main interest over those following years included creating some form of adventure game.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
I’ve helped build and design some levels in Super Paper Roblox back in 2016 and Adventure Forward 2 in 2017. My current goal is to release a game under my own name, which I’ve been working on for about 7 months now with unfortunate inconsistency arising from life’s responsibilities (mainly college).

What is your role in the developer community?
I was previously primarily a builder on Roblox, but I consider myself more of a programmer in recent years.

Anything else you would like to include
Ideally, I would like to be a game director down the line, if I am able to get a game out and assemble a team to make more. Thank you for having me on the forum, I look forward to having valuable discussions with other developers!

Hello, i’m Novix! Although I never applied, I have continued to use the devforum for a while now and I ended up being promoted.

How did I find Roblox?
I found Roblox in 2016 after watching a friend play the game. Later I decided to try Roblox for myself.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I began developing around early 2017 by starting off making some basic buildings and places. From there, I continued to use Roblox Studio to improve my skills on the platform.

My current Goals on the platform
As of right now, my goal on this platform would be to continue developing and improving my skills as well as working on creating games that people may enjoy.

What is my role in the developer community?
I consider myself as a Builder and UI Designer

Hi everyone, I’m w_armaster! I’m the proud leader of the Republic of Aerius and most of my development is for my group. I am primarily a programmer, although I sometimes attempt to build, create UIs, and dabble in GFX.

How did you find Roblox?
I found ROBLOX through a real-life friend around 2012.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
Clans really peaked my interest in this game, and I wanted to understand how everything worked and eventually get around to making my own creations. I initially started by using free models to piece together a very, very, very bad base and continued tinkering from there. I began programming somewhat proficiently in early 2015 after learning from a friend with knowledge of the platform. My first successful Filtering Enabled gun system was completed in 2016, and since then I have enjoyed creating a variety of technology for my group.

** Current goals/achievements on the platform**
My primary goal on the platform is to create a fun and unique gun-clanning experience for the members of RoA without entirely removing the distinct identity of clan combat. I’m talking about the 3rd person, anti-shift lock/first-person combat style that is unique to gun clans. I enjoy the tactical aspect of gun clan combat and often keep this mechanic in mind when designing bases and technology for RoA.

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
As previously stated, I am primarily a programmer, but I have modest experience in building, UI design, and very modest experience in GFX.

Anything else you would like to include
I enjoy learning new things and am always open to constructive criticism, discussion, and debate. The developer forums have been a great aid to me in terms of programming, and I look forward to contributing and, in turn, helping others to the best of my abilities.

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  • I joined way back in 2009, I forgot how I found it as a result but have been here ever since essentially.
  • I was invited to work on a game called Expedition given my intense interest in it and having submitted two bug report videos on it, prior to that I had Zero experience in development whatsoever, three or so years later I’d quite happily call myself a “Decent” scripter. With enough practice and motivation, anyone can learn how to script.
  • My grandest project Roblox is just not capable of supporting but I would like to break it up into several standalone portions instead titled: “The Hanblon Series”, so Colonies, Ship Combat, Boarding, Stations, Shops, Planet Exploration are a few features I’d like to add.
  • I’m Primarily a scripter, although through necessity I am capable of performing almost all tasks.
  • Very excited to finally be able to join this forum, will be quite glad to be able to participate.
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Hello! I go by Zeustice here on Roblox. Happy to be apart of the developer forums after applying many months ago.

  • How did you find Roblox?

I discovered Roblox through my younger sister. She played Roblox quite often and I joined to play with her as a bonding experience.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

Once I realized that Roblox was a user generated content site it really got my creative side going. Once I downloaded Roblox Studio it was a natural process for me to start building and programming things straight from my imagination.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform

My current goals on the platform are to release high quality games that immerse players in a memorable experience. Since joining about 2 years ago I have founded Imaginary Kingdom Productions and launched two games Adventure Blast & Butler Chase. Butler chase was featured for December 2018.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

My role in the developer community is Programmer. I enjoy building as well but nothing beats what you can do with programming.

  • Anything else you would like to include

I am happy to be a part of the Roblox community and look forward to new a exciting opportunities ahead.

Welcome to the DevForum @Zeustice, @EB8699, @w_armaster, @NovixHD, @BeetBowl and @ChiefMatthewAlex! :wave: Enjoy staying here! :smile:

Welcome to the DevForum @Dorx86, @gluGPU, @Jamie_1, @spyro10jf, @AlessandroG200 and @ItemNumber44432! :wave: Enjoy staying here! :smile:

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Welcome to the DevForum @AllisonBluu, @liuthemoo and @Ancient_Orange! :wave: Enjoy staying here! :smile:

There are so many new members in just one day. Unbelievable how fast it goes!

I’m not new though. And you really should not be mass-tagging like this, especially in 3 broken responses. You may get flagged for spam.

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Oh :stuck_out_tongue:

Well apparently I’m a “New Member” now so that’s something.

My name is Unseen and I first found Roblox in late 2008 (i’ve jumped accounts a few times since then) looking for a train simulation game and finding one on Roblox.

My introduction to development was through the Script Builder community in 2011/2012. Specifically Anaminus Script Builder was my first experience with scripting and people would always show off the cool things they were working on. I started to dabble in Lua and made friends in the SB community before later moving to Oxcool1’s Script Builder and then Anti’s Script Builder. I’d say that this experience was what got me into programming.

I don’t really have any “major achievements” or notable work on this platform but I have worked on several smaller projects as a scripter. One of my successful small SB projects was “RBXDice” inspired by the item box roulette from Mario Kart where you can roll a positive, negative or neutral outcome with varying effects on the user and the dice itself. It was also partially inspired by a roulette button script created by one of my SB friends @AmbientOcclusion which was enjoyable to use.

I was a developer for a script fighting game called “Script Skirmish” (Script Skirmish (Closed) - Roblox) which was conceived with some close SB friends of mine in summer 2017 (and closed in 2018). It was basically a free-for-all skirmish game with around 30 or more different scripts to use - a few of these were mine but I mostly worked on the game’s framework. A lot of people played and enjoyed it but it was closed due to the complications and time consuming process of converting the weapons to support FilteringEnabled.

One of the most enteraining moments from working on this project was when I wrote a silly script inspired by the late Stefan Karl Steffanson’s “Robbie Rotten” character. It turned you into Robbie Rotten and allowed you to shout various voice lines and drop banana peels which make other players slip.

Someone had the great idea to prevent people climbing up a truss by constantly dropping banana peels:

My current project is “Project Luna” (since December 2017) which is a Script Builder that will (hopefully) support legacy (pre-FE) scripts. I am working on this project with a small team of developers who also originate from the community. We have made quite a lot of progress and we hope to release it relatively soon.

I would describe myself as a scripter (or programmer) interested in going into web development or software development as a career. Anything else to include… hmm… I guess I’m into video games and anime.

Thanks for reading.

EDIT: Fixed some mistakes and stuff, will spot edit if I spot any more.


Hello all:

My name is OmegaInvictus and I have been on Roblox since late 2011. I have lead my group, called C.S.A. Army, since 2013. Interestingly, it seems I was promoted on the forums, so I will post my introduction here:

  • I found Roblox in 2008 or 2009 while I was with my friend. He introduced it to me, and I played for that day while using the old drop down menu safe chat. I didn’t have my own computer at the time, though, so when I got a computer a few years later in 2011, I thought of what games I should get for it, and I remembered Roblox.
  • I first got started with development on Roblox shortly before I took over my group that I have now been running for six years. I consider myself very lucky to have found a group that I was able to meet people in and eventually take over and help run for so many years.
  • The only goal I have for Roblox these days is to run the group I mentioned previously.
  • My role on Roblox Studio is programming. I am not very good at building, but luckily I have a few friends who are the opposite of me, and are proficient at building.
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Thank you!

Hello. :wave:

My name is matrexfaiz, I’m a new member in DevForum. I recently got promoted from Guest to a New Member. This happened for me being active at the DevForum. And I would like to say thank you Roblox Staff for trusting me as New Member.

So, I’m 13 years old builder. I used to play Roblox in 2016 in a different account. Now, in 2017 I just created my new account for a new startup. I was just learning back in 2016 about Roblox and other things. I found Roblox by my brother when he was playing the game, he invited me to play with him. I was very interested to play Roblox.

I’ve been improving my skills in the past 7 months. I wasn’t really good but, I’m determined to finish these lessons and become Skilled Builder.

My Current Achievements is having 2k+ visits, being in a moderation team for several groups (resigned), owning a group.
My Current Goals is to have a successful game that is in the front page, get nominated for the Bloxy Awards.

My role is Builder in the DevForum. I could learn scripting as well.

Sorry if my English bad. I’m Arabian and I’m still improving my skills on English.

That’s all, have a nice day!:sparkles:

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Hello all! My name is Dev_ek, and I’m 15 years old. I’m pretty excited to be a contributing member of this marvellous community.

How did you find Roblox?
I am honestly not sure. I believe that I had a genuine interest in developing since the start of my account on the platform and that Roblox was the only platform that catered towards my interest and ability, in addition to providing the necessary tools to get started.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I learnt through utilizing the wiki and learning from the scripts of others at any chance I could possibly get.

Current goals/achievements on the platform?
I have produced many theatrical productions using the platform and though it was an invigorating experience I certainly enjoyed it. I have also helped create a game which gained over a 100,000 visits, which is absolutely insane.

What is your role in the developer community?
Programmer predominantly, however, I do try and exercise the other aspects of game development wherever possible.

Anything else you would like to include?
I must admit that, in the past, I was not a huge fan of the platform, however, I’ve recently shifted my view and absolutely adore some of the changes being made to make the community a safe, and happier one.


Congrats Dev! So glad you made it!