Inventory not loading and Avatar editor only showing up to 97 purchased characters

they seriously need to fix the avatar editor

its breaking more and more overtime


Your ‘ticket’ was filed in December of 2022, my first reply to you was back in August, and it’s been close to a year with no new update regarding this issue.

It’s a struggle to look for items we purchased because of this. It’s a struggle to express ourselves when we can’t utilize new features this company puts out because they disregard obvious in-your-face bugs like this.

Why is there radio silence? Can a more focused employee bring us information regarding the progress of this bug fix or are we as players and consumers forced to deal with irresponsibility?


and now none is loading


This issue is sort of fixed now… well, not really. More outfits (characters/heads) will now continue to load as you scroll down, but the rate-limiting is abysmal.

Additionally, if you go to a different tab in the avatar editor then it will unload all of the outfits, and if you’re already being rate limited then it will refuse to load any outfits when you go back. The universal app does not do this.

So using the universal app to view your purchased characters/heads is still the way to go until rate limits improve.


I cannot load more than 48 of any items within the avatar editor on either chrome or edge. And only 24 items on the mobile app for android.


This issue has seen a regression to a much worse issue in the scenario that you purchase too many dynamic heads after purchasing a character.


This now seems to be affecting Head Accessories, as well as body parts. (likely others, too)

This part of the issue started to occur after being re-granted the “The High Seas: - Beatrix The Pirate Queen” & “Noob Attack - Mech Mobility” bundles, which i’ve owned for years - they seem to have been given out due to Roblox updating the bundles to support the dynamic head type.

I attached a video showcasing the issue.
If you were given an accessory or body parts from a bundle which recently got a Dynamic Head variant, it’ll lock you out of loading anything of the respective asset type, hence why I was able to load other accessories that weren’t under the “Head” category.

Please, fix this soon before it gets even more out of hand.


I have this problem with head accessories too, it only loads a few, cutting off and not loading the rest. I’ve tried logging in/out as well as clearing cache/cookies - neither seems to work.


Same issues here. Blocks off access to almost all of my head accessories.


Same, it’s only loading 50 of my hats before cutting off. I’m just trying to make a new avatar, spare me roblox… :sob:


I am also having these issues and when you buy a new hat, the Beatrix still gets put infront.


The transfer from heads to dynamic heads definitely seems to be the issue.

I just bought a bundle to test, and even the body parts get pushed up to the front. There isn’t really any other good explanation for why this happens.


so what do you think would be a good temporary fix for now? removing the package from my inventory?

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This isn’t working anymore for me, in both the web and universal app’s avatar editors. It’s now impossible to access my older characters/heads without directly calling a web API.

In the universal app, this applies to user-created outfits too.

The OutfitPages returned by AvatarEditorService:GetOutfits() also does not include more than one page of outfits.

EDIT: It’s back to how it was previously.


there isn’t really any fix to it, as you can’t remove bundles from your inventory

the only thing one could do is wait for roblox to fix it themselves

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For me, its still not working properly. Only sometimes it will continue to scroll down (at a terrible rate) and even when it does, it doesn’t show all the things I have purchased.


Definitely. Also when I scroll through my bundles in my inventory (not avatar) the pages are never-ending with the same bundles repeatedly showing up every 4 pages.


It seems that this issue has gotten worse and has spread to accessories and outfits.

I reported it here.


Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like this will be fixed anytime soon. Kind of stinks because having to look up accessories and using advanced mode is highly inconvenient and only partially solves the issue.


I can confirm this as well, same goes with dynamic heads.