Hello guys. I’m trying make my game. And one thing which I want implement is slow-mode rounds, where EVERYTHING moves and acts like 3 times slower.
While I know how to make every object that I scripted myself to behave slower as much as I want, IDK how to slow down physics simulation. Like if normal time of ball falling is 1 second, it will make same way in 3 seconds. Altering gravity isn’t best choice because it also makes objects “lighter”, and they are much easier to push.
Check out this post. He made a basic framework for this:
I can’t say that this’s what I’m looking for. He just adds velocity modifier to every unanchored part, and also removes some of it from part when going into slow mode. So as result, we can see that parts almost haven’t any gravity (when boxes fall they jump back around 30 studs, while in slow mode - 150+ studs).
Not possible with the way you are thinking of. Assuming what you are thinking of is direct control of the physics engine through time step and its delta time similar to unity and other game engines.
Due to reason below:
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