Is my uploaded shirt item rejected?


I have uploaded a shirt. It seems like it got rejected but I can still wear it in a public game.

It shows rejected icons on the website. I have tried re-uploading the item by changing the font colours, shirt base colours a couple of times; and it did not fix the issue.

Wearing the shirt in a game:

I am wondering what is wrong with my shirts. They aren’t actually rejected but the rejection icons show as the item thumbnails.

Thank you.


Update 1:
I found the issue, it might be a VPN software on my computer that caused this problem. I turned the VPN off and the problem seems to be solved.
Thank you so much for the replies. Much appreciated!

Update 2:
The same issue has started again from 8/30/2020 9:59 PM PST. I had the VPN software turned off.
I did some tests. It seems like the problem is not likely caused by the VPN software. I tried recreating the problems on Safari, and Chrome without any extension. The results were the same.

Note: I have already contacted DevRel team. Now waiting for their response.

Video evidence:


No it just has not been reviewed yet so only the creator of the shirt can see it.


There is a different icon for something than hasn’t been reviewed yet. I had something similar happen to me with a decal. I believe it has been rejected by a bot. (In my case I made a copy of a decal someone else made with text added on it. I think it got rejected by the moderation bot for copying.)


Nope that is it. That is the only one lol

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Don’t make the same mistake as I did. You aren’t allowed to post topics about moderation. I recommend you take this down.


Please contact the @Mod_Review_Requests group if you’re believe your asset was incorrectly moderated.


Thanks for the heads up Imthebuildguy. Really fast, there are two other moderation icons. There is one with a check list and a hour glass and another with a blank file.

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He is asking what the moderation means btw.

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Okay! Thanks for the suggestion. I will try contacting Mod_Review_Request.

Thank you for your reply!
Yeah, this has never happened to me. I will try contacting Roblox regarding this issue.

Thank you for your heads up. It is not that I disagree with the moderation decision; It is just I am confused about the status of the uploaded assets.


You’re shirt isn’t rejected. All decals, shirts or pants has to be viewed by a roblox moderator to ensure that its safe. That icon appearing on your shirts means that it’s not confirmed that it’s safe yet, but after a few hours ( or even days ), your shirt should appear.


I’ve been getting this a lot too. Sometimes I upload a shirt, realize there was an error, or I get feedback and change it, but then roblox decides to deny it. Really, quite honestly, irks me that I pay R$10 to upload a damn shirt, but roblox sits there and denies it without even refunding me.