It's Back: Intermittent Internal Server Error when saving a place to the Roblox cloud


As mentioned in the title, the issue with getting an Internal Server Error when saving a place to the Roblox cloud has returned. The place does not update in the cloud as the version number does not change. I haven’t tried it with publishing, but I suspect that the issue is there as well. This is an intermittent issue and retrying the operation for a second time usually works. When saving an unpublished place to the local computer, the error never happens.

At this point, since the error has just started to reappear, I do not know if there’s a pattern associated with this return of this issue or if there was some kind of network issue. Considering the fact that the error message is specific, I’m leaning to it being a server issue. This appears to be related to a previous bug report that I had on this matter.

HTTP 500 = Internal Server Error

Additional Information

Parameter Value
Problem Area Studio
Problem Component Saving and Publishing
First Noticed 8 Jun 2024
Priority Critical
Impact High
Annoyance Level Moderate
Game ID 5207881632
Place ID 15112688736

I have included both the published game and place Ids that I am experiencing the issue with.

The beta features that I have enabled are as follows:

  • Assistant Preview
  • Material Generator
  • Material Picker
  • Notched Screen Support
  • Texture Generator
  • Updated Docking System

As for plugins, I have a bunch that are installed, but very few are enabled. The ones that are enabled are listed below with links to their details page on the Roblox store website:


What I expect to happen is that there are no errors when saving a place to the Roblox cloud.



To reproduce the issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a published place in Studio.
  2. Make some changes.
  3. Save the place to the Roblox cloud.
  4. Observe the results.

The problem happens intermittently, and only when saving a place to the Roblox cloud. I haven’t tried publishing, but I suspect there’s an issue with that as well.


Log files attached in private message.

A private message is associated with this bug report


I looked through the logs you sent. The failures seem to be all caused by NetFail which is a client side networking error. This suggests your device was not able to reach roblox server.
e.g. 2024-06-10T18:32:53.648Z,15615.648438,1620,12 [DFLog::HttpTraceError] HttpResponse(#4768 000001BC22B21A40) time:355.3ms (net:355.2ms callback:1.0ms timeInRetryQueue:0.0ms) error:8 message:HttpError: NetFail url:{ " " } ip: external:0 numberOfTimesRetried:0
We apologize the error message in output window is misleading here and seems to suggest HTTP 500.

Yeah. It was definitely misleading. If it said Network Failure, then a bug report wouldn’t have been needed. Perhaps have it retry for network issues instead of just failing it on the first try since I see that the number of retries is 0.

yes agreed. We will investigate adding retry and improve error message here. Thanks for reporting. We will let you know when we have an update.

This is happening to me as well, however, in a different way. It takes around 2 minutes for the Output to display the message, and it says the same thing:

However, it does seem to save, since I close Studio and when I loaded the place again I saw the things in there.

Are you sure this isn’t related to this current issue?


Same issue happening to me. I can’t save the game and the internal server error keeps getting shown after a few minutes. The speed at which my camera turns in studio also randomly turned really slow.

Now it’s giving the error
Operation failed. Please check your network connection and try again. If the error persists, contact Customer Support

Yeah, I have the same issue. I tried to publish/save my place, and it gave me an internal server error.

Internal Server Error all evening today. Unable to publish anything. Also, unable to upload decals/textures.

With the fact the Roblox stated that the Internal Server Error is actually a network failure (I don’t think they fixed the wrong error message yet.), and coupled with the outage they had a few days ago, I think they are having some kind of intermittent network issues.

Either that, or there is one or more servers that handle uploads which are having a problem. The failures would be constant for the specific server, but it looks intermittent because of the load balancer.


Now I’m getting “Internal Server Error” every time I try to save the place to the Roblox cloud. I know it’s not me because I can access everything else on the internet, including the dev forums as evidenced by my activity here. Roblox has a serious issue.

EDIT: After trying 5 times, it says it saved. I’m going to save to a file as a backup in case the save didn’t take on the cloud.

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Studio also crashing whenever I run and stop the game…