Key frames not appearing in the animator

Hello there, so I have been working on a custom rig of a spider. This is a test model so that I can see if rigging works for my game. I am having issues with animating the spider, the keyframes in the animator have disappeared. There indeed are similar posts, but the solutions there do not fit mine.

Image of “spider”:

Image of the “rig” in the spider:

Image(s) of the motors and welds layout:

Image of the animator (Note that the keyframe doesn’t appear, this is the problem):

By looking at the rig visualizer, all the constraints are done correctly, and the hierarchy is set correctly too. The root part is anchored and welded to the back body. The problem is that I cannot add new animation tracks to the animator, I cannot enable IK, nor can I see the keyframes (the animations do run though).

I have tried multiple things to fix it:

  • Re-rigging (x5)
  • Looking at similar posts
  • Similar Post 1
  • Similar Post 2
  • Using the Moon animation suite, which does work, but I would prefer to use the inbuilt one.

It would be very much helpful if you could help me out. Again, the question is: “Keyframes not appearing in the animator”.

Also, do not hesitate to ask for a .rblx file for the world.

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Have you selected the HumanoidRootPart as the Primary Part in the model?

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Yes, I have set the primary part.

Do you mind sending me the rblx file?

You actually need to set the primary part and connect the Morot6Ds from the primary part. For example, if the primary part is “foo”, “foo” would be the first thing you connect with a Motor6D, and then the other parts will be connected after. Here’s a video of what I mean:

As you can see, the primary part gets the motor first, and then the other parts.

I’d recommend you to use moon animator because it’s much better:


This would be more time taking, but u could just make them all Separate piece’s, then anchor them and use them like that you’d have to do each part tho if u want to move the legs just move the 1st part down a little then the next snd then the next then add a script that fills any cracks

Okay, I had to delete my model, and redo everything, but this time I followed your steps exactly :+1: