Kinematic Physics Module - Simple part movement in server scripts

Do you hate how fiddly it is to set up things like elevators, sliding doors, rotating platforms and things like that?

Well, I wrote a script that removes almost all the hassle of this.

This code lets you simply tag anchored server parts and models with “Kinematic”, and then you can move them however you want, and all of the physics and visual smoothing is magic’d away for you.

Instances tagged with Kinematic work as follows:

  1. they can be cframed wherever you want each frame on the server and they will move smoothly on the client
  2. any other physics touching them will work properly, like players standing on them or crates stacked on them

This lets you skip having to attach BodyPostion+BodyGyros or AlignPosition to things, as well as having no risk of any physics parts stopping your kinematically animated instance from moving.

You can get it from an uncopylocked place here:

You can read the code in a gist here:

This was written as a proof of concept for this post:

If you use this and find it useful, please post some gifs, videos or screenshots of your creations in this thread :slight_smile: