KRF Development Sneak Peaks #3

Hello everyone!

This is the third article of the Kepler Research Facility (KRF) Development Sneak Peaks (DSP) series, a series of documents where I post sneak peaks of my upcoming game, Kepler Research Facility.

Logo Change

I have changed the logo for the Kepler Research Facility for several reasons:

  1. The logo is too complex
  2. I have already used the same font for another fictional company I made
  3. The logo would look very out of place for the game

With that said, here is the new logo:

The “HQ” in the logo represents that it is QSC’s headquarters.

Changes /w Pictures

We are finally moving out of the Administration Center and going into the main section of the facility.

The exit to the “exterior” of the facility, as seen in KRF DSP #2

Before you reach the main section of the facility, you come across a road.

Looking back at the Administration Center while viewing the crosswalk

After you cross the street at the designated crosswalk (or J-walk it, I won’t care, but the law would (please don’t tell the law about this or we may face charges for allowing you guys to J-walk!)), you will come up to what will be the spawning location for visitors, the Scientist Team, and the Construction & Maintenance Team.

After you pass that area, you have officially arrived at the front gate of the main section of the facility!

The main entrance to the facility

But before we reveal what is (currently) inside the facility, lets take a quarter mile walk to a security checkpoint restricting access to the Employee’s Parking.

Security checkpoint parking entrance

Heading back to the main entrance, we notice a bridge that goes across an underground creek. (Don’t blame me for the messed up water textures btw, its a bug that has been present for years.)

The bridge to the front entrance of the facility over an underground river

Now that we have covered all of the exterior features, we can now head inside and explore the front entrance area! When you first enter the main section of the facility, you will come across a set of two doors.

The first two doors you will see when you first enter the facility

Obviously you take the right first. If you take the left, we may have to ████████████████.

Moving on, we come across to what is another security checkpoint, but due to the facility experiencing a huge crash in its system, the ID Processing Center has also stopped working, so it cannot properly detect people’s identities.

The main security checkpoint

We will have to take what is normally an employees only route to get to the otherside of the security checkpoint.

The security checkpoint has seen better days…

Luckily, we are employees, so we can go through another employee only route, that employees are mandated to go through. Once we get into the room, you will be required to pick up orders from the Administration Team about tasks to do.

Did you forget your orders?

Stop! You forgot your orders, get back here to pick them up!

The employee orders booth

You must pick up your orders before you start your duty!

(Note: When the game releases, you won’t actually be required to pick up orders as employees. This is here purely for decoration. Awhile after the game releases, I may add employee orders that can be completed for extra cash (basically side missions).)

We have come to the end of our journey for now until I get more of the map finished.

Advanced (or average) Change List from the Previous DSP

  • Added several roads
  • Added two security booths
  • Added the front entrance to the main facility
  • Added the Employee Orders booth
  • Added several new signs across the map
  • Added keycard required doors both for glass and regular doors
  • Added several new assets (including streetlight, filing cabinet, office chair, keycard slot holders, road signs, etc.)
  • Changed transparency on some signs in the Administration Center, particularly in older sections of the facility
  • Changed the KRF logo to something a little more fitting


And finally, I want to say that developing this week was really rough for me, especially with four consecutive days of 90°F to 95°F (32°C to 35°C) heat, with two more days forecasted to reach those temperatures again. Keep in mind, I live in the Seattle area, where barely anyone has A/C. Luckily I have one, but just one, and I have been needing to help my parents with some things during this heat.

And finally, one more image. Here’s an employee standing at the front entrance.

Have a great day/night everyone!

Development Sneak Peaks #1

Development Sneak Peaks #2

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