LampLight - Global Illumination For Roblox (New v1.2)

I just tested out a Roblox default big scenes (over 1000x100x1000), and it worked. I think the error has something to do with mesh part or roblox unable to detect hollow terrain (1 studs thickness) on raycast (this bug was reported a while ago).

Ngl, this plugin is pretty amazing if it works properly. The results are astonishing. The plugin had issues with hollow terrains. Other than that it works like a charm. I set the brightness low to create a vintage spooky vibe.

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Hey, I wonder if you would allow smaller grid sizes in the future?

It would require something to change on roblox’s side. Pointlights at that fine a grid resolution do not emit light properly.

couldnt get this to work does anyone know why??
i havent tried in awhile but ive been wanting to get this to work for awhile now

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how well would this handle larger maps? I’m going to do sokme benchmarks but out of curiosity, could it support it natively or would a system have to be made to handle it intelligently?

No idea! I did a few test maps with 20-30k lights in it (fairly coarse) and it was fine.

Looks good! But, it’s a big rough on my builds.

There’s random bits of red, green, and yellow lighting in different places. Looks good on other builds tho!


Try cranking up the number of samples?

I set it to the max number of samples.

Oh. Hmm! One thing to check is to make sure meshes with textures on them are set to the correct color - the part color is used to color the reflected light.

i wish there was a global illumination like that except is real time instead of baking

First tried it in one of my places, it did not seem to work. After it not working, I tried doing it in another place, and it worked just fine. Results are actually quite good, especially for showcases that don’t worry about lag or optimization. For some reason, it still does not work in a certain place. I’m not sure why, since I’ve tried many different variations (different objects or parts, higher sample, brightness, or grid size, etc.) that worked in previous places, probes remain white, and there are no changes whatsoever.

Looks amazing when it works though, hoping you find the solution to this issue, because it seems others in this thread have had this issue, or at least a similar one.

Do you have a .rbxl file that shows the issue they can use to debug?

Disregard my post, it started working - seemingly randomly? It might just have been buggy at first. :sweat_smile:

There was a hack week that did this. Here:

I don’t know if they scrapped the idea or if it is coming. There is a thing on roadmap tho, it is a new Voxel Lighting grid so that might be it.

Hack week isn’t supposed to be a final update just a concept roblox employees make for an event they organize. A lot of stuff that is made can perform badly or not be supported on some devices.


I am assuming that this will NOT work with Procedural Generation?

Not at present, no.
You’d have to run a cut down version of this live… but the codes all there so have at it :slight_smile:

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Lol, I would have seen this response an hour ago, but you didn’t reply directly to me… :joy::sob::sweat_smile: