Layered clothing's cage mesh got a lot of edges that aren't exist in mesh itself. How I can fix this?

Hello devs. I’m trying to make my first Layered clothing. It’s been over 3 weeks, and only now I found true reason why it ruins my mesh. Just look at this cage:

You will notice a lot of extra edges, or vertices that got removed.
Example: this hand got a lot of unwanted connections from 4 fingers part to fifth one:
EVERYTHING turned IN COMPLETE MESS! Just look at this:

If I’ll tell in short, every verticle just got connected with 30-40 extra ones, which aren’t connected together in blender:

Is there any way to fix this weird behavior, because I can’t continue developing my game while I don’t finish this clothing equipping?


I think roblox might be auto-triangulating your mesh. Try triangulating the mesh in blender.


Sadly, triangulation made it only worse.

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You triangulated the mesh, right? Have you tried triangulating the cage itself?


I tried to triangulate in all possible combinations:
Only mesh
Only cage

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Is your cage a solid object? Maybe roblox was trying to solidify it?


My cage is solid, and watertight.

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K so I don’t really know what’s going on here. The good news, it’s probably preventable.

In this screenshot by V34, you can see that the Roblox avatar DOESN’T do this however this official Roblox model has the same issue

Try I dunno… importing the mesh and cage separately? Im really running out of ideas here, and it might just be a Roblox issue…

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I already tried importing mesh and cages separately. This resulted in finding mesh importer bug which I reported, but this still not solved my issue. Somewhy, when I import mesh, it will be good, BUT ONCE I type it’s ID in wrapTarget/Layer, it’s ruined with extra shapes.

If you will compare roblox default avatar, you will see that every vertex connected to other like needed, BUT it have sone holes:

Howewer, If you will look at that fish character, you can easilly notice that it got same problem as me: every vertex got connected with dozens of unneeded one.

If this’s Roblox issue, we need make Bug report about this I think?


I noticed the holes too… you said your cage was watertight? What if it wasn’t? Try cutting up your cage so there are holes. but only in reasonable places. like between joints.

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I tried do this thing in things like eyes. On Roblox def mesh, there’s no any mesh splitting. But I’ll try do that now…

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Tested - absolutely no diffirence, but I’m unsure about are extra vertex which did “holes” was merged after importing or not.

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After looking at that fish character, I can say that this holes occur bc R15 uses diffirent parts, so 1 part = 1 part of cage.
Also, I did bug report about this:


So is the issue because the cage was not split up into separate parts along with the mesh?

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nope. Fish character is split into 15 pieces, BUT still glitched.

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Is the mesh cage one piece? like one cage piece per fish piece? (are the cages supposed to be split up like that?) The real question is how is the Roblox avatar different since it doesn’t have such deformations.

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There’s 15 pieces of character, and for hand part, there’s separate piece of cage. for lower arm, there’s another one, but when you will look at all of them, they will look like solid cage.
The only thing I can think about roblox avatars is that their cages was edited manually after import, but IDK how they did it.

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