LegoProxy - A Roblox API and Webhook Proxy for Roblox HTTPService

I wish I could do that but Roblox has no support for IPv6, if the APIs and servers and all were IPv6 supported, it would be much cheaper to host a proxy. No need to pay for IPv4, also higher performance. Even with a non-static prefix, it still manages to be better.

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The connection was reset :sad:

Are you using the internet wirelessly or through LAN?

It looks like Deta Cloud is forcing people to use Deta Space now, ill be working on a migration tutorial + how to use LegoProxy on Deta Space.


Yeah, I moved over to Deta Space and it seems to have broken it:

Hi everyone, I’m a PM from Roblox and want to learn more about your needs about accessing Roblox domain directly from your game. Could you share the features you’re trying to build?

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Hello, many developers use proxies as they are unable to use HttpService to make requests to Roblox API directly. Developers I seen on the platform have used proxies to access API Endpoints they cannot normally access with HttpService.

Such experiences like PLS Donate by haz3mn uses a proxy to get players gamepasses under their profile for other players to donate to that player.

Some endpoints that can possibly be helpful for some developers;


You’re fine. .ml domains are often malicious (because they’re free, so scammers use them cause they look more professional). But in this case, it’s 100% safe. Also, no need to visit the website. I assume there’s nothing on it, and since it’s a proxy, it probably doesn’t have any HTML on the pages.

the warning is gone but it tells me that it’s not a valid repl inside replit

Thanks for explaining the Pls Donate use cases. Looks like they want to access a user’s inventory, especially game passes.

Could you share more about the use cases for the other endpoints you listed here?

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I’m not Ben, but I could explain some use cases:

Getting user information would be easier through the users domain. Maybe you could pass an argument to HttpService saying what data you want, along with their user id?

Maybe getting a game’s likes, visits, and just stats in general through the games domain would be faster and better. (Similar to the last one, you could pass an argument to HttpService specifying what data you want from it, or all the data about the game if left empty, along with the game id.)

For the catalog, it would be easier to cache all of the accessories from there when adding an in-game outfit changer. It could return the actual accessory (textured and all), along with similar data like the name. Once again, you could pass an argument to HttpService specifying what other data you need, along with the accessory’s id. Returning the actual accessory object would be a default.

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It’s probably down then. I assume it runs off of an express server, (if it’s written in nodejs), and if it were online, it would at least display something.

What info of the user would you want to know and show in game?

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Hi, Like ben said before

Such experiences like PLS Donate by haz3mn uses a proxy to get players gamepasses under their profile for other players to donate to that player.

But for other developers may be other thing for using proxy like a game that checks current game liked, this for like if the likes reach 1000 then the game will show the new redeem code for players to use it.

Another example:
Using proxy for get players inventory data for a game like catalog editor that let you customize your character or something.

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This is pretty awesome use case!

We recently launched AvatarEditorService, which presumably solves this use case?


Name, description, followers, etc.

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That’s exactly what I’m using it for too. There’s no built-in function to check game likes/favorites, so I’m stuck using a proxy right now, which isn’t amazing to run (i’ve gotten 6m requests in the past 3 days)

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6 MILLION? Someone’s gotta be spamming your proxy…

Yeah, a bit of a chain reaction happened, when I shut it down for 5 minutes to migrate to deta space, it started nonstop pinging it until it gets a 200, but now it’s rate limiting and it’s kinda in an infinite loop lol


I will no longer be focusing on Deta Space.
This is probbably a bad news for Deta Space users as Deta Space limits LegoProxy from its features such as Configuration so i will no longer focus hosting it there.

A new (and much better) alternative for Deta Space is Replit as it does not limit LegoProxy from anything at all, so if you are hosting LegoProxy on Deta Space, it is recommended to move LegoProxy to Replit to keep features working without worrying about anything.


For the future releases of LegoProxy, i am planning on adding more useful features, making LegoProxy much faster, etc.

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