ScriptComplete - speed up your coding experience!

I recently created a plugin to improve coding experience and wanted to share it !

Get it from creator hub.

Video example


  • Complete Roblox services
    • Auto-detect services
    • Provide a description and preview inserted code
    • Place automatically services just after comments
  • Complete ancestors
    • Quickly access ancestors
    • Place automatically ancestors just after services and comments
  • Complete module scripts
    • Quickly require your module scripts
    • Only show modules descendant of selected instances
      • Modules ancestors can be tagged with “.ScriptCompletionModulesRoot” to prevent bloat
      • Optionally inject a script in ServerScriptService to remove that tag from instances during runtime
    • Place automatically ancestors just after modules
  • Complete directives (bonus)
    • Only show up if no directive of that kind is already defined
    • Supports nocheck, nonstrict, strict and native directives
  • Auto-sort
    • When completing, sort the newest alphabetically
    • Keep a blank line between blocks


This plugin was initially meant to be a fork of @Baileyeatspizza’s Service Autocomplete but then I added new functionalities so I decided to publish it as a new plugin.
it is the successor of my old plugin LibrariesPlus.

Inspiration and sources


You are free to fork this plugin and republish it as you want as long as you credit me and creators of resources included in your plugin.

You can download this plugin’s source code using the following snippet in studio’s command bar game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://18708289053")[1].Parent = workspace.

If you find bugs or issues, comment them and I’ll try to fix them.


Update: Roblox denied my appeal without explaining the problem. I am trying to reach the support through email.
I don’t know if releasing the plugin directly on github could be against TOS but if not I might consider this option.

Shot in the dark here, but did you get permission from the original owner to fork this? Their repository doesn’t use an open source licence.


I’ve not but I’ve seen many plugins based on his work which passed auto-moderation without problem and his topic hasn’t been active for a year but I’ll try to reach him. Thanks for the idea.

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Oh I see, if it’s an automatic moderation issue, perhaps you’ll want to make sure that your plugin is meeting the standards for clear and secure source code.

That’d involve not using features like getfenv or loadstring, not including obsfucated blocks of code, etc, because those are things that can lead to automatic demotion of plugins in the Creator Store.

This was previously mentioned in another thread - cited reason being to improve trust in promoted plugins by penalising plugins which could be vulnerable or malicious.

I have no idea though - I’ve never heard of someone’s asset being taken down automatically like this. Only ever demoted in rankings and search results.

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I don’t use getfenv and loadstring, I don’t require and external asset and I haven’t obfuscated anything. The only two ideas I got were. 1) a script injected in ServerScriptService to remove tag used by plugin during runtime to prevent breaking games 2) a fetch to Roblox’s documentation repository to fetch summary of services. I tried removing those 2 features and republishing it but it also got auto-moderated.

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Initially no, but I’ve given permission for them to use it now.

Unfortunately several other plugins just blatantly stole from my original plugin and wouldn’t credit until I reached out. So its nice that this guy chose to provide full credits to both me and the plugin immediately where others chose to hide it or have still never provided any credit.

As a result I don’t work on plugins anymore and im happy for people to reuse my old plugin while providing credit to the plugin in some form I’ll update the github to reflect that.


Alright awesome. No idea why this got taken down then. Hopefully it can get sorted out :slight_smile:

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Update; I found what triggered the auto-moderation system
And… it come from the language module of the lexer…
Roblox shut down the plugin if an only if I have this module without it I’m able to publish it

Fixed, plugin on sale !
To prevent auto-moderation from thinking that lexer language is a luau VM, I download it from the github repo and insert it in the plugin.
Edit: I tried to report the bug but I am not in the bug reporting group so I can’t.

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