Light Guides - Visual Assists for Light Projection

If you’re editing a lot of lights, I have to recommend this plugin. Makes all of the lights in your place selectable in the viewport and also makes this new visualization more quickly accessible!

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I’m in love. I never used light projection because I thought it was too hard. I’m looking forward to a new age of advanced lighting used by all of Robloxia!


Well I guess I have to say bye to this plugin…


I highly appreciate such update as it really comes handy when working with lights!


Had a very glitchy plugin for this in the past really cool that i can have an official roblox feature now

We currently do not have plans to support visualization of fading behavior, but we’ll definitely take note of this suggestion.


Are there any plans for raycast visualization? Bit unrelated to lighting but it would be useful to have such feature built-in.


Best Ray For this lighting Beautiful.

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This is a great feature. It will help with builders and scripters all around

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This makes me extremely happy. Instead of randomly guessing where light was projected and using excessive guessing, I can actually visualize where light will be! Freaking amazing, thank you so much!


Super excited for this update! For years I’ve had to rely on plugins for this feature or just guess and checking.

This update works perfectly with future lightning, but really shines on some of the older lighting settings. Having a visualization of where the light will be projected onto will save so me the headache of figuring it out on my own.

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i have some random question about this
if this update is here, will this replace the 3 light options like surfacelight, spotlight, and pointlight

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I’m assuming by this you mean having the ability to add a visual element like a laser when making a raycast, correct? This is more-so client than studio-related, but I’ll take a note of your request. In the meantime you may want to look into using cylinders, or handle adornments relatively positioned to the caster to get the results you’re looking for (If you haven’t done so already).


this is half-useless, half good

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Yes, that’s correct.

I’ve done it but it just takes a bit time to set it up.

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I don’t see anything wrong with this update just makes lighting a scene 10x easier, this is great Roblox thank you and keep up with the updates. I love launching studio and it saying there is an update puts a big smile on my face!

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If there is anything specific you have an issue with, please let us know so that we can try address your concerns.


Could you add a toggle button or something of sorts? Its annoying to have to click on the light, go back to the part and do whatever then click on the light again…

For example, if you are trying to make a light in a specific direction its best to see the exact direction of the light in real-time while you are rotating the part

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We decided not to show lights when clicking on parts due to performance concerns, as noted here: Light Guides - Visual Assists for Light Projection - #22 by YodelerYoshi

However, if you’re on Windows (CTRL + Click) and if you’re on Mac (CMD + Click) allows you to select multiple instances at once within your explorer. So you should be able to select both the light and the parent part/attachment at the same time. This will show you the light guides and allow you to scale, reposition, and rotate the parent part while those light guides are active (and yes they will update properly). Hope this helps!


This is a really cool feature, especially for me who is learning about lighting in roblox studio. :+1: Also was I the only person who noticed that they said “game” instead of “experience”?

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No, this will not be replacing the three light options, rather it improves the functionality of those existing options.

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