[Limited Availability Beta] Asset Privacy and Permissions for Meshes, Images and Models

Relieved to see that they’ve learned from 2022’s Private Audio mistakes. The importance of this feature being opt-in cannot be stressed enough. When sound files break, it’s an inconvenience. If every MeshPart retroactively became invisible, it would break countless games and avatar items. Assuming all goes well, the era of games and models being leaked will finally end. Thieves will be left with nothing more than an empty baseplate.


Well, the 30k robux game transfers are real and those use a gamepass.


yall straight up dont care about small devs anymore wth


I don’t think they care about any dev with moves like these


There are MANY suitable alternative restrictions imo. Such as: how long the account has remained under the same email address, how many times if at all the region of account logins has varied or how long since the last region change. Ensuring the account is atleast x years old. I also think that requiring premium is a perfectly acceptable limitation for publicising audio, so long as you don’t require it to maintain existing public audio as public.

Generally loads of monitoring of the users activity can be used with machine learning / AI to best recognise how legitimate the account likely is. Very few people would hop countries or move across huge regions of a country (although there should be a way around that for those who do, such as for work or family etc.)


I think that it is perfectly acceptable for some groups to require that assets created for them are uploaded through them, those would simply be the terms the developer accepts when choosing to work for them.

Perhaps when permission is revoked, the developer of the experience is notified and given a window, ie 2-4 weeks, before the asset is no longer functional in their experience to allow them to make modifications (such as sourcing a replacement asset or fixing their bodged code to not break).

Frankly if any code breaks or fails in any way due to missing assets that’s not the assets fault, but that window of notification before the permission is actually revoked should help those who for whatever reason would be impacted (newer developers, or complex solutions that were the developers only way of making that feature work given their experience, no shame on developers ofc)

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Instead of charging 30,000 robux for a great feature, why not offer some top developers this feature… …like they’ve been doing for years now?

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Are there plans to allow developers to change the asset access type from public back to private when the system is eventually released?

There are a number of assets I have uploaded in the past which I never intended to be publicly usable, and as such I would like to be able to change their access type retroactively.


During the beta, AND after the beta, all previously uploaded assets will remain “open use”. This will ensure that any games that depend on the asset are not impacted. The option to set an asset to “restricted” will only apply to newly uploaded assets.


Roblox has to pay employees to enable the feature manually, to help you through it, to maintain it as they migrate… it’s a process that is offered early for people that need it before it’s completed, because some people or companies genuinely cannot wait.

They already offered this system for other things before. Otherwise, paid early access is a pretty common industry standard. So yes, that seems professional enough.

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Top devs often will see 30k R$ as pocket change if they really need this feature.

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Wait, does this mean we won’t be able to make previously-uploaded assets restricted? If this is true then this is kind of disappointing, as I have previously-uploaded private assets that I’d really like to be able to make restricted.


Paying $300 worth of Robux (about $100 via DevEx rates) for a beta feature that lacks basic functionality and should have been available years ago is unreasonable. To make matters worse, the feature is planned to be free in the future, so whats even the point ( though who knows when that will be knowing Roblox )

Go ahead and lick the boots of your favorite billion dollar company, but don’t be surprised when they start locking more and more features behind absurd paywalls ( after all, your praises only serve to motivate them )


thankfully this can be avoided by saving models/images/audios/whatever under your own profile as private. still sucks

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haven’t you learned yet that roblox releases half baked feature doesn’t touch them for half a decade and suddenly they ruin it or finalize it or they announce something and it never comes out (like robux gifting)

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  1. So what about mesh parts that are currently not for sale right now but are available as a model?
  2. After reading multiple posts, I am still looking on clarification on weather after beta all models and meshes will be set to restricted or will continue to be open to the public as they were prior to this update?
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they used the same justification for group transfers, its for high priority users who need this feature right now before its 100% finished. the average user is for the most part completely unaffected - if you don’t want to pay then don’t.


Just because I don’t have to buy it doesn’t mean I can’t critique it. Not only do I want to critique this change given its potential impact on future decisions, but I also do it in the interest of fairness and my own morals. (I can guess which side of the debate you are on regarding endless microtransactions and DLCs in modern games nowadays—yikes!)

What’s all this about high-priority users? So, to Roblox, high-priority users are just the people who can dish out the most money for an unfinished feature that lacks basic functionality. Seems fair. The real irony here is that the actual high-priority users—the eager new developers trying to publish their games without having their assets used by others—are probably the least likely to get access to this shoddy beta test. The taste of boot leather must be great for you.

While I’m not saying Roblox shouldn’t conduct a beta test for upcoming features, I am saying they shouldn’t lock this basic and unfinished feature behind an egregious paywall that few would be willing to pay for (only to have it go free in the future anyway). If they want only a few testers, they should do a raffle or hand-select a number of developers to test it.


Anyone got 300 dollars they’d be willing to fork over for a service that will eventually be free and much better by the time it comes out?

cuz i dont

Great step forward in terms of security and I get that the price point is to limit the amount of users that get to join but come on this is absurd, especially since we can’t choose to disable this option yet.


A high priority user would be a person or studio that consistently gets their assets leaked or copied, it just so happens that 99% of the time this happens to established studios with popular games already under their belts, there is no discrimination here just logic. Regarding selection a pure chance raffle would not factor in people who are concurrently being affected by the current system, plus there would be the same backlash if not more-so if they were hand-picked.

The resistance to this feature would be far more justified if it were entirely automatic, but when you factor in there is manual engineer effort going on and that they’ve done this before for the exact same reasons it is not absurd that they want to minimise the waiting list.

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