List of a few useful game development resources

Hey all! Have been contemplating whether or not to post this, but figured I should as it might possibly be helpful…

All of the things I’m posting here I explain briefly its license, usage requirements, and price.
Note: This post contains only the resources I’m aware of and use/other devs use. If you want to add something, be sure to reply and I’ll add it to this list - we can make this as a sort of mega-thread for helpful resources.
Disclaimer: Even with me mentioning usage requirements, be sure to thoroughly read licenses and ensure you have access to the content and with fair use!

Sound Effects
More than ever, I hear developers say “roblox’s library is full of APM sounds - it’s hard to search for sound effects!” Even with that in mind there are some websites out there that offer sounds, but they contain all sorts of agreements and probably with eye boggling prices.

This website is my go-to for sounds. It contains a library of over 63,000 sounds and it’s maintained and hundreds of sounds are posted weekly. Furthermore, they do have some music tracks as well.
Zapsplat allows you to use their sounds for FREE with ATTRIBUTION required in-game (cannot be attribution on social link). Don’t want to attribute and want access to thousands more sounds? You can pay for their Gold membership goes for around $25 a year - not too shabby.

Not much to explain here, but I did find one cool thing. Besides the standard animating in blender or in Roblox, some devs have a unique take by using Motion Captured (Mocap) animations from Mixamo, a website that contains a library full of them! This website is owned by Adobe and all animations can be used for FREE commercially. To learn about how do this, follow along this thread for the essential assets:

Icons and Decals
Need a magnifying glass icon? Trash can icon? Shopping cart icon?
Uxwing is a FREE commercially to download icon website that offers tons of icons are useful and generic. Most of them come in black and white.

Opengameart is a popular resource that I’m sure has been posted multiple times, but this pack here contains over 500 user Input buttons that are a part of the CC0 public domain license! It has keyboard buttons, mouse icons, xbox icons, tap gestures, etc.


Personally I find amazing for icons since they have over 2,000,000 of them all editable in most software.


Thank you greatly! These will definitely come in handy at some point.

Indeed! I was about to reply about using flaticon!


I strongly recommend “Canva” for game icons and thumbnails. I have been using it for a while and I think it’s great. It’s free as well!

Personally, I use iconsdb for getting my icons. They’re always so clean and you can choose which type of file extension/file size/colour you’d like.


Thank you for this! Will definitely come in useful for my future projects.

For animation, I wouldn’t use mocap animations at all. I recommend Moon Animator, as it’s one of the most diverse animators out there. It’s also pretty easy to use and it has a lot of easing styles to go for. Mocaps still pretty decent to use though. Moon Animator link:

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Icons8 has a great selection of icons that are free to use! However, they do ask that you credit them where you can.

Material Icons by Google are completely free to use. They’re the icons used across Google services and Android.

Kenney provides a wide range of free to use game assets; from UI kits to sounds. No license or attribution is required for their assets.

Finally, Figma is a vector graphics software. Completely free to use, collaborative, functionality can be extended with plugins, and available on all platforms, due to it being a web app. There’s even a mobile app for testing prototypes on your phone.


If you’re looking to create an external API in your game with Node, for use with HttpService, I can recommend Glitch and RunKit for quick and easy deployment of servers. Both are completely free to use; however, Glitch projects will “go to sleep” after 10 5 minutes of inactivity, so be sure to wake the server before making requests. Both services have web-based editors, so no need to use a CLI to interact with your project.

If you want a full Node hosting solution, Heroku and Firebase both have free plans that give reasonable limits and for small games, you shouldn’t need to worry about those limits. Firebase projects even come with built-in databases and authentication, so you can focus on your server.


Note: Glitch Project go offline after 5 mins :smiley:

Thanks for this post, will definitely be useful next time when I start creating my games. (I already created an obby but I mean like more planned out and well thought projects)

@Beartikal May I also suggest PhotoPea? It’s basically a free online Photoshop.

I use “Icons 4 design” plugin of adobe xd.

literal lifesaver THANK YOU SO MUCH

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I absolutely LOVE this website. I love these android icons. Even though I prefer iPhones lol, I’m thinking of making a plugin to allow you to use these icons :sweat_smile:

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