Live Animation Creator [Beta]

I’ve been having some fun with this and it’s scary good, Props to the devs. Although the dummy npc always turns 180 degrees every time it’s loads and it’s weird. I tried re-recording but I face away but I get the same result? Is anybody else having the same issue?


this has to be the best roblox update that has come this year, theres so many opportunities waiting to happen. animating just got 200x more easier!


this implementation is simply revolutionary :star_struck:


I am astonished.

Jokes aside, I’m impressed with how well it tracks an otherwise really blurry and choppy video. As a solo dev, I’m excited to be able to use this to supplement my own lacking animation skills. Great update, and I cannot wait to see what other innovations Roblox has in store for animations.


Is great! I wish the time can be longer

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I will be using this a ton as I suck at making animations via the Roblox Studio animation editor, and I prefer to be a solo developer. This is what I wanted since I heard of it coming to Roblox. The possibility with this feature is going to be truly endless and something I am excited to use this and work with it.


Cool :+1: :moyai:


To anyone wondering; no, it does not work with R6. Only the neck gets animated.



I already linked a plugin that allows you to convert it to R6.


No need to have an attitude; I was just saying that the direct, built in upload system does not work with R6.

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Wasn’t giving you attitude, the Developer Forum’s lack of embedding was irritating me.


the best part of this in my opinion is the highly refreshing sight of a classic avatar in an official roblox post tbh


I gotta say that solution seems really tedious, hope roblox fixes the issue soon


This is incredibly cool!

This is an awesome feature that creates a big competitive edge. This would have simplified my previous work by so many hours! I can’t wait to play around with this tool.

GG Roblox!!

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Looks great! Can’t wait to see this rolled out to the platform, this will really revolutionize the animation-industry within development.

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Im having way too much fun with this


is it possible to export a roblox animation as an fbx file?

if so, how?

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here is the easy fix
open blender and face the model to (y) and than export to .fbx

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It’s nice, I guess, but aren’t these resources which could be more heavily allocated elsewhere? The engine is so lacking in its current state and the decade-old tech we finally do get is missing so many features and control. I’d love to call this “the icing on top” if there were much of a cake to begin with, but even if that were the case, that’s all it is, it’s a supplemental feature which doesn’t add any potential to what you can make in the engine. This may have been a trivial use of resources, idk, but seeing stuff like this being actively worked on is frustrating, knowing I still can’t do some of the most basic of things, many of which are years down the line at the current pace


AYEEE! Looking through those names- I can’t explain how amazing this is!