Looking for a 2D artist for my youtube


Dm me if you are a 2D artist who can make my roblox avatar

Optional charging

My discord is @TG Rellort Jacob#0061

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Please reply ur cord I have over 1k freind request pending

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Hi, I mainly do 3D art, but I can still do 2D! My discord is Raiinbow#5519

That sounds great… I’ll try to make something, I not very experimented doing these things but I think I can do a good work. My disc is Gataller#5926 (I really don’t remind if is 5926 or 5629 but…)

I think I’m good for this job
portfolio : Zaq's portfolio

I’m interested.

Portfolio: [CLOSED] Ashaliar - 2D Artist

Discord: ashaliar#0205

I’m interesed!! :smiley: I’m flexible

Portfolio: (CLOSE - LOW PRICES) 2D Digital Artist | ETLark Portfolio
Discord: StarWest#1024