Made a console communications system!

I was chatting with a friend and we started talking about how i cant talk to console players, my friend (being a console only player) was a perfect tester for if i ever made a chat system for console, so we did!

Heres what the UI looks like:

Theres many features! like these:
Space bar
Caps lock
Symbols, letters, and numbers are able to be accesed
Backspace/Clear message
View messages sent by PC/Mobile users
Chat bubble appears above a console users head when spoken (Not visible on console sadly)
And more!

Heres a pic of it being used (Communicating with myself)

seeing “Chat” in the username indicates that the message was recived from the roblox built-in chat, AKA Pc/Mobile users.
But they can also use the console chat!

The ui is mainly just for testing, and i may improove upon it later, but im happy about making this
This was mainly used to help me learn more coding stuffs, because im semi-new to roblox luau.
So if you find any issue with it, Please tell me!

If anyone wants, heres the game:


This is an awesome project. The UI could be improved, as you mention. I massively respect and love that someone stood up to the plate on this issue. The fact that it connects to the Roblox chat, amazing quality of life thing.

You’re gonna hate me when I say it, but…

I REALLY hope you don’t face any issues because this is literally what I love seeing: people tackling problems Roblox isn’t.


funny how i beat a multi million dollar corparation to it, im one guy, doesnt know a lot about scripting, and made it in one single day… LOL


Speaks volumes. And, I don’t mean to vent or rant, but it’s annoying really. The question that’s been sitting in my mind for months -years if ya count Xbox and not PlayStation- is “why?”.

lol, it’s ridiculous. Not even sure if Roblox really care for their console ports