Made a new gfx :D

good or bad?
rating out of 10?
what i can improve?
how is lighting and posing


Really nice :slight_smile: Iā€™m no 3D Artist, thus not being able to say if it looks great for others. But, for me personally, it looks great


Lighting is spot on. Could use more emotion, a higher quality background. Pose is a little boring.


i actually just blurred the background, because i thought it would look better. also i agree with you on the pose i tried multiple poses before i thought this one looked good as like a ā€˜someone holding something in a game iconā€™


Cool, pretty simple but I like it.

The edges of the body seem kinda blurry, but the hair doesnā€™t have that effect.

Their (your) right arm doesnā€™t look like itā€™s connected to the body much. The lighting is fine though.

Overall, Iā€™d say this is an 8/10.

Lighting is questionable including the pose. The background is nice though.

One thing you should add are words that go along with the render. Iā€™ll show some examples.


This is very plain and isnā€™t very decorative or well edited. Add some effects and words and you end up with this:

Much better from just different contrast and gamma levels, as well as some texts.

Do this and your renders will end up a lot better. Iā€™ll rate yours a 7/10.

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@ILYFanYT @EpicTradings @SneakerDude2 @adeformed_kidYT
going to be making anew gfx soon, what should it be about?
also i wanted to add text like in a game icon: ā€˜game nameā€™ ā€˜update 20ā€™ but then i was like
idk how to make those parallelogram

Itā€™s quite simple, but looks good. Did you use Blender?

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yes, i did, lighting like this is hard to achieve in studio.
also @adeformed_kidYT

the reflection on the torso is because i used emission planes for lighting

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left arm lookin kinda stiff i like the neck the lighting :ok_hand: 8/10

Woah those shades are really cool! Iā€™d give it a 11/10 since Itā€™s not like other GFXā€™s I saw where Itā€™s not perfectly themed to Itā€™s background and too bright

Pretty plain, could have used some contrasting colors for the background instead of yellow on yellow

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i think blue would look good

do you have any idea on how to make it look more ā€˜2Dā€™-ish?

by drawing over it pretty much, theres also a cutout filter in photoshop that takes away smaller details to make an image more flat

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This looks good 10/10. Appropriate lighting in appropriate areas. The character is positioned perfect. There isnā€™t no wired body gestures. The only thing to improve is a bit lighting in the front of the hair and to watermark your work.

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just searched it up, and it looks great! unfortunately I donā€™t have photoshop or know of any photo editing softwares that can do this (heck, i donā€™teven edit my gfx).

Iā€™d say like try to make the same pose but keep the joints realistically connected.
Good GFX anyways

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I have photoshop I can share. My Discord Hax#0101

Overall, I think it looks pretty good! The hair doesnā€™t really look like itā€™s supposed to be in the gfx, it has a lot of definition compared to the other more blurred body parts. Try fixing that!

Nor bad! Although, 8 out of 10.
image image
You should denoise it because this happensā€¦ You can see these kind of ā€œgrainsā€ near the dark spots, can you?

Lighting OK, (denoising doesnā€™t have a lot in common with it), posing also OK.
You could also soften the sharp parts image (like these)
by adding some blur to them.

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