Make a ClickDetector be activated with a keyboard key

Hello! I want to make it so a ClickDetector can be activated with a click or with a key. (kinda like Doors & Rooms.)

Here is an example (pay attention to the overlays):

Is there any way I can replicate this?

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See: Adding Proximity Prompts | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Proximity prompts can be clicked (this is mostly for mobile support, but PC users can use it too) and naturally can hold down a key to trigger it (duration can be customised).

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I’m using a custom gui, and it doesn’t work when I click it sadly.

Enable this property:

If you want custom UI uhhh give me a second and I’ll see if it can do that…


For customised prompts

Oh I don’t mean that type of custom gui, I mean like something comes up in a ScreenGUI, like a TextLabel or something like that.

You can use the functionality of a proximity prompt but keep it hidden:

and then use your own GUI overlay

I found a solution using ProximityPromot:InputHoldBegin() and UserInputService.InputBegan. Thank you for helping me though, any reply is appreciated from me.

if your using a surface gui, use the adornee to the part it should show up so that the button will be clickable.

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