Make bounding boxes option disable latest selection feature

As a Roblox developer, it has been really painful to build after the recent selection update. For example, it’s really hard to see the size of a part at a glance since the shaping is very odd. I was optimistic about this change until I saw that the new selection boxes could be seen through walls. I was glad that you guys added a bounding box option, but I soon realized that selecting this option enables the bounding boxes on top of the highlight instances. I feel like this button is very misleading, and bounding boxes and highlights would be useless in most situations if you use parts like myself.

I propose a change that would disable the new selection boxes when bounding boxes was selected, and vice versa.

Thank you.


I totally agree with you, the new bounding lines are simply not too good, I rely on bounding boxes to place Parts in the right places and now I can’t anymore…
(Also I think there should be 2 buttons for bounding boxes and bounding lines, because maybe someone (don’t know who) would still like to use the current toggle)


It would also be nice to have a setting called “Selection Opacity Behind Objects”, this is the thing that mostly bugs me.


I think in studio options you should be able to set the selection hover and line thickness to 0 as a minimum instead of 1. I don’t know why they would force us to have this feature and not give us the option to turn it off in a way…


Would be nice to see a studio setting for them, like

  • Outline Only (Default)
  • Bounding Box Only
  • Outline & Bounding Box

…as they all do have separate use cases, and I still rely on the outline/highlight selection being able to be seen with the bounding box (ex. model), so flexibility of toggling between them could better satisfy everyone’s preferences.


There is “Bounding Boxes” in VIEW > Settings, replacing this setting with what you suggested would be a really nice thing.

Also I have tried to set line thickness of selection and hover to 0, but even messing with XML file will clamp those values to 1 anyway.
While selection line looks fancier and more modern, sometimes it’s still better using selection box.

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How did I miss this one? This would be great!

The highlight instances are not only painful to look at, but they also aren’t good for special meshes inside of parts. Having a way to disable them would improve the building experience greatly.

They did mention that SelectionBox will not be deprecated in favor of Highlight, so I have a good feeling that this will be added.

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Bumping to let you all know that they have added a toggle to switch between outlines only, bounding boxes only, and both.

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