There are a lot of new game logo designers learning how to make logos on ROBLOX. Many have trouble navigating and learning how to make logos. For example, colors on logo designs. it is very hard for new designers to pick the right color scheme, or to shade the logo itself have decided to make a little (but helpful) guide on how to use colors when designing logos.
It is best to have Photoshop for this guide.
Table Of Contents
1 - Logo Colors from a Player’s Respective
2 - Picking Out The Right Color Scheme
3 - Warmer and Cooler Colors
4 - Overlay Helps You with Colors
Logo Colors from a Player’s Respective
Colors in logos are probably one of the most important aspects to logos. It helps build up an appealing logo, and it can effect your player count if the logo is satisfying. Using the right colors for your logo is a very important aspect when it comes to appealing users. If you use the wrong logos, you can potentially make the user unsatisfied with logo, causing them to not look into your game any further. Colors can also give the players an understanding of the game’s genre.
Here is an example below:
Basically, using the right colors in logos give a player an understanding of the logo itself.
Picking Out The Right Color Scheme
So, you might be wondering how to get the correct color scheme when creating your logo. It depends on what the logo is about and what the logo includes. Now let’s say we were going to create a logo about plants. The text for the logo is “Planting Time”. When we start off by picking some colors for this logo, we will need a useful color scheme to make this logo fit the topic of this logo, which is basically, plants. We can use some green to help make the logo show how it might represent plants. We can add some brown to the logo to represent dirt. For flowers, we can use colorful colors for this, such as yellow, red, blue, purple, etc. Make the logos look like a topic to plants. Pick out the colors from the topic, and think about what the topic includes and what colors go with the topic’s contents.
Here is a sheet to give a basic understanding on which colors to use on certain topics:
Warmer and Cooler Colors
One thing that a lot of beginner artists tend to do is use a darker variation of the original color. This isn’t a good way to pick out your colors! It makes your logo look muddy and not smooth. Using warmer and cooler colors help when needing to shade another color.
Here is an picture of the wrong and right color pallet being shown to demonstrate what darker or lighter colors goes with the base color:
And now here is another picture showing the results of using the colors on a red circle, giving an effect to make the circle look three-dimensional.
The warmer colors give an better effect to the circle, making it pop out at you. It gives a better effect to the circle to look more like a sphere. Warmer and cooler colors will help make your logo look more cleaner.
So you might be wondering, “How do I get warmer colors?” It is very simple. All you have to do is turn your base color into a darker or lighter color, then shift the hue slightly up or down.

Purple, blue, and pink are cooler colors. Red, orange and yellow are warmer colors. Green is in between both warm and cool colors.
Overlay Helps You with Colors
Some useful tips when it comes to achieving darker or lighter colors is to change the layer’s style. So to achieve this, first select the text and create a new layer above the original text. Now select your paintbrush tool and have the color at black for shading. Now color the bottom of the text on the new layer, having the outline of the text selected.
Now, go to the layer’s style (It should say “Normal”) and click the arrow next to it.

There are many to choose from, but we are going after “Overlay” After you select overlay, you will notice the black blends in with your base color.
You can adjust the way the darker color looks by changing the transparency of the layer. If you need light, have your paintbrush at white instead of black. This can make the logo look nicer and clean.
Overall, it makes a better difference to use overlay instead of just lowering the transparency of the black. It is much cleaner, and not muddy.
This was a simple tutorial on how to use color on your logos. Not only can this help for logos, this can also help for creating any art. Use your color wisely, and make sure it looks appealing.
And remember, keep developing!