Making high-quality and smooth GFX clothing

Hello again whole GFX and not only GFX community on DevForum

In the past tutorial I was explaining how to set up good lighting for your GFXes. In this one I’m going to try to explain how to make quality clothing without noises and add smooth bump. Let me show an examples.

Without quality cloth and smooth bump:

With quality cloth and smooth bump:

A lot of beginner GFXers make a huge mistake that don’t get rid of noise in bumping, but in this tutorial I will explain how to make bump smooth without noise. Let’s start!

1. Find upscaling service.

That’s very simple, just go to Google and search “Upscaling image”. Upscaling services allow you to upscale images (make higher resolution without quality losing). I usually use this one (idk if are links allowed that aren’t Roblox’s, if they aren’t pls tell me and I will put only service name).

If you’re going to use BigJPG, set those settings:


As soon as it finished upscaling, replace texture by it on your character. Now you can see how texture looks qualited.

2. Set-up the bump.

Select your clothing’s material and go to nodes. Add “Bump” node and put it in “Normal” like this:


Now put Image node’s Color into the Bump’s Height like this:


You character now can look creepy, but don’t worry, we just need to do finishing touch. Add node called “ColorRamp” between image and bump like this:

Now start very slowly move white’s slider to the left, but dont make it be more left than black’s one. You will see how your character starts to get rid of noise. Like this:

When you get nice position for white color, move black’s slider to the white’s one to the closest position like this:

Now put Bump’s Distance value to the maximum (like 99999999). Don’t worry, it won’t mess up anything.

Pretty simple steps. At the finish we will get something like this:

If you have any questions or issues reply on this post. Show your GFX by tagging me on DevForum or Twitter (@Lie_StarIsChill). I’m gonna give you some positive feedbacks or retweet. Feedbacks on my tutorial are very appreciated. Character used: @Pashanskiy. Goodluck! :blush:

P.S. If anyone like my tutorials, please give me any ideas for the next tutorials, ty


this is really useful! thank you so much, i had no idea about this


I’ve never seen more easier explanation about smooth GFX clothing, thank you so much for this great tutorial once again, keep up a good work

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Very interesting, i’ll bookmark this for later use.

Thanks for this!

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Omg thanks! I was always stuck on making textures less pixelated, I never knew upscaling existed!

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We’ve learned how to image scale and make the bumps better and hair simulations

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Another great tutorial! Great for beginners.

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Wow I just used this tutorial its amazing!

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