Material Service Beta Updated with Per Part Custom Materials + More

it doesnā€™t mean its out of beta although it does definitely mean its getting a bit closer to release as they now have a solid plan on the route they want to take with this update. They are mostly likely still going to keep in beta for at least 2 months (my estimate) as they did mention they were going to gather a few other ideaā€™s we may have with the progress theyā€™ve made so far.

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They should definitely do something about the tiling on the previews:


PBR Website:

I understand that this is brand new, but the seams can make some materials difficult to preview.


it will take some time just be patient. its not a smart choice to start using material service for your game if it is not out yet, as people said its a BETA.

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Iā€™m loving it, this was a much-needed update and canā€™t wait for this to be complete and rolled out of beta. This was a godsend.

Iā€™ve been working with them ever since the beta was released and it was problematic that I had to overwrite materials over just making a new material, but the material manager gives you the option to override materials or not and I love that.

New materials such as mud have been added with this beta but the old materials for pre-existing materials are still the same and thatā€™s good but Iā€™d really like it if the new materials were added a long with it named ā€œHDā€ Metal or something of the sort. Iā€™d love it to be added as another ā€œoptionā€ in the material manager.

I did try adding them myself but theyā€™re not coming out the same.

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I know this might be too much work, but would it possible to add a way to apply different material variants on the same terrain material? It would be of great help on games that wants to apply a bigger amount of textures to their terrain. Currently I can only change the textures, and its not possible to have more than one rock shaped texture on the same terrain instance, for example.


Hi, so I finally created a post about the feature i was talking about ( its a little bit of-topic because it talks a lot about surface apperance, but its stil has a lot to do with materialvariants)
it would be nice to help me adress this to the roblox staff and maybe make these dreams real, I look forward to the possibility that this feature will bring to roblox studio

Thank you for your help in this matter :smiley:

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This is the best part of this update.

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Amazing update! Iā€™m so excited for when this will work in games.

A few questions:

  • How would I change the materials like I normally did? Do I have to go into Properties to do this now?

  • Also, on my old computer, when you clicked the materials icon, you would get a ā€œmaterial penā€ and could click on parts to change them individually. On my new computer though, I have to click the part, and then click the material I want. How would I change this back?



This is a must to come back, the new widget now forces extra button pushes to get a material, i like how fast the older widgets worked.


It would be awesome, great, brilliant to have an unseen power of changing AlphaMode for MaterialVariants.

Of course, we can STILL use a classic method of Humanoid + MeshPart with SurfaceAppearance slapped onto it, but then this update is pretty useless in A LOT of cases. Seriously, I could use this in a load of stuff.

I guess no mortal will ever get their hands on such a magnificent source of power.


Will shader materials be added?


Iā€™ve noticed a few problems with some of the custom materials I upload, I get an error
Failed to upload asset rbxtemp://0 stone_brick_wall_001_arm_4k.jpeg
and I have only been able to replicate it when i use stone brick wall 001 on, as well as concrete brick wall 001. I have looked at some of my other textures. while almost all have worked I have only recently noticed that they only are saving the normal map. while on the other hand, I used a wood texture as another material and this was able to save all three texture maps. I am unable to replicate this other than with my own downloaded textures, I have tried redownloading the maps as well moving them around, checking the resolution, and it seems to be random. does anyone have any insight into this, I am completely blown away and I have no idea how to look into this

Iā€™m so exited for the updates to get pushed to games! I made some awesome textures and canā€™t wait to see them in-game :smiley: :+1:

Change 1 pixel. Or change the brightness by +1%

It would be intriguing if they added the ability to change the physical geometry of Terrain rocks and Basalt.


Will we ever get displacement maps (and/or height maps) and ambient occlusion maps too? (would also be nice to have it for surface appearance)


We already have normal maps which work better, so this isnā€™t needed.

That isnā€™t the point. Normal maps just give surfaces better looking lighting. Displacement maps actually displace geometry as you can see here (compared to a normal map, and yes I know its a bump map but technically the same thing still)


What youā€™re referring to is Parallax Occlusion Mapping or Tessellation, height maps alone donā€™t do much.

Oh I thought you were talking about displacement maps. Other than that though, height maps are used for large scale displacement, while displacement maps is for smaller displacements. Even if height maps werenā€™t added I would still love to see displacement maps. Imagine the possibilities (and realism).