Max Player Count Increased (in Beta)

Nice Update for Beta users. What I’m concerned is that adopt me will fill up extremely fast. But, the thing I’m most concerned about is raids on this platform. As of right now I believe games that cater to lower end devices crash at around 350 players. If this was implemented into games like adopt me people with a fanbase is clearly able to raid these servers, crashing them upfront. Hopefully, roblox does a really big performance jump so that it can handle high player servers easily.


i dont even think the creators of adopt me would turn on more than 300 players (unless they did.)


Even if they did 250 players, the chat will be extremely unstable. Raids aren’t a huge problem on the platform right now, but if these changes are implemented for all users I fear that, because more users have access to this, more users would go past 150 at least, and people would find more of a reason to raid servers. (Actually because people would find more to raid) Whether it is because of their own reasons. At this point future raids are gonna be from the ones from big groups.


Wow. This is amazing, I am thinking of many game ideas and that would really help me and other developers wanting to expand their community and make their game even better. :grin: Except I think that it would sometimes be laggy and filled servers would maybe have everyone forced to an advanced gaming pc, also if the game was already a bit laggy with smaller servers, it would completely destroy the gameplay! I think that big game developers would need to think a lot about this but otherwise, this is a great update!

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Please, make 50 maximum players count runs smoothly before increasing the player count. I’m not even sure why you would choose to increase the maximum player count before improving the performance. 200 players was more than enough. why would we choose to use 700? it’ll only harm our player statistic and possibly overheat or damage the player’s device.

I’m glad that Roblox is trying to give developers more freedom to their server’s limit but, this is too much.


Yeah this is awesome but I still don’t understand why they’re pushing for 700 when they can’t even handle 200 smoothly yet


This is incredible. But I have a question. What is the science behind making roblox more optimized for bigger games. And i don’t even mean for streaming, I mean with the plans i think roblox has to make games look MUCH bigger, this update is an example. 700 players in one server is a lot. Reminds me of like AAA mmo rpg things with like thousands of people on one server and that kinda thing. But how is roblox achieving this, and taking the strain off of the client?


Really nice update that would be very helpful for my new game thank you for increasing the limit player count!


Did they changed the Humanoid as they said? Because, if I make my game more people, it will actually lag. With 30 people it lags, I don’t want to see with more… (My scripts ain’t lagging, mostly are my models the one that causes lag because I used UNIONS) well going back to what I was saying: I hope the lag gets reduced for many games at least a bit, cuz my game map is supper huge and is hard for people to find each other.

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Thats a lot of players! wow :tada:

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I think this is amazing buuut roblox servers shut down from adopt me servers so I dont think it will do well with 700 players :confused:


We need to be able to disable default player replication before this is even remotely practical. There will be serious privacy concerns when a single person can track the activity of all 700 players in a server.

With respect to performance, replicating every player in the server, to every other player in the server does not scale for huge servers! The complexity with just managing this many players as they come and go on the client is impractical, especially considering how inefficient CoreScripts have been in the past. Here are a few posts I’ve made about this:

While it’s doable to have search-for-player functionality in the core menu that uses a RemoteEvent, it may also be necessary to trust developers with a ReportAbuse API similar to PromptSendFriendRequest. Here’s why:

  • It’s unreasonably difficult to find a player in a list of 700.
  • Usernames like “iilIlIl11illII” are unreasonably difficult to search for.
  • Usernames could potentially contain non-latin characters someday, and we can’t expect players to be able to type characters from every alphabet.
  • A context menu that enables the user to report the specific content in question is a much better UX.
  • Developers could supply moderation with helpful game-specific context. (It would need to be server-side for this though, which isn’t an easy design problem.)

If roblox even wants this to be remotely lag free they need to completely rework humanoids, thats the biggest thing holding 700 players back right now.


Just imagine a:

  • Server Anti-Exploit checking the 700 players at the same time.
  • 600 players clicking a button that fires a remote event at the same time.
  • People exploiting, many people flying around and speed running.

Finally my overly paranoid network and script optimizations will bare fruit.

On the serious note, remotes (and whole networking in general) will have to be reworked as I really don’t see how a server can handle replication and chat for 700 users. It’s not an issue of too many messages being displayed as a proximity filter is easy to implement, but just thinking of a 700 strings remote queue is somewhat painful.

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We’ll be releasing further optimizations throughout the rest of the year.


And soon enough we will push it to 1000 players!

Just kidding, but I do wonder if this will become a forgotten feature. Very few games have even 50 players, so I wonder how it will affect the platform as a whole.

Also, I think it’s time we ditch the drop down menu. The player count sizes are getting too big! We might as well just type in our number then have the website clamp it to the max players. The dropdown menu seems a bit much. If we keep going and expanding player count then we will be scrolling through options forever! (Or again - not doing that and just ignoring the extra player count)


I’m excited to see this feature. At least one game I work with would benefit this as once a month as we often fill a 200 player server.

Unfortunately we often have to bring the count down as malicious players spam the chat remote event and bog down the server. Hopefully adjustments are made to not just game services but default roblox systems (such as the chat) to ensure they can continue running under this type of strain.


As laggy as 700 player servers sound like, at least the performance improvements will be useful for current 50+ player servers, which is always good.


Pretty cool cool!

The servers are going to crash like really