Mesh Glitches & Deforming

Tested in a live game, problematic meshes seem to have been fixed thankfully.

it seems the issue might be fixed!

Yes please do consider increasing the limit!

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After tested in a new instance of my game, I am still experiencing these issues

Edit: Things are back to normal, I am not experiencing it anymore

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The issue looks to be fixed, thank you !!!

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It seems to be solved!


Yes, issue is solved!

Thank you roblox!


Issue looks to be fixed! thank you

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everything seems to look good, not seeing anything out of place the the time being.


Washware Testing - Roblox :wink:

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Yep, got the same problem but the most weird is that I fixed it just by adding a surface appearance to the model.

- how it looked before

- how it looks with surface appearance

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yo how many polygons is that car

280k, pretty HQ car cuz I imported it from AC

does nobody here know that the mesh triangle import limit is 20k not 10k now

it says 10k u gotta show me where it says that

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Wait what? They did increase it? When?

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thats what i say :sob: i was questioning

I noticed this tbh, and I was really shocked then finally roblox increased this limit

bro it would NOT let me upload anything above 10k idk how to increase

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