The video below demonstrates the issue. Rotating the camera around makes the object disappear at certain angles. This only happens when the CollisionFidelity is set to Box. When set, the property will revert to ‘Hull’ for some reason and the MeshPart won’t render fine. This MeshPart was uploaded an hour before making this bug report. I have not noticed similar problems on other MeshParts in my game (yet). This problem also occurs on MeshParts uploaded months ago.
I have attached a place file in private with a copy of these meshes at the exact same location. All you have to do it rotate the camera to the left/right to see the problem.
I can confirm this issue is happening the moment you switch the CollisionFidelity to Box/Hull, it also messes up Frustum Culling making meshes unload randomly at the edges of your screen and sometimes even if they’re in front of you.
This issue does not happen if you place down meshes that haven’t had their CollisionFidelity changed recently as I could confirm by replacing the tree models with older versions before I changed the fidelity.
I can also confirm this is the case. Additionally, this bug messes up the offset of the collision box from the rendered mesh only in cases where the collision is set to Box or Hull. This seems to become worse and more pronounced the further the mesh is from the world origin. I’ve attached some more images and a video of this offset occurring. I imagine this is part of the reason behind the culling. As a final note, this bug also seems to automatically change the mesh’s collision to Hull even when set to Box.
One note for everyone who experienced this bug as well: You will probably need to reset/update the CollisionFidelity property on any meshes that were affected. The issue @Mukar highlighted where the collision and visuals are desynced won’t go away otherwise!