Migrate to TextChatService: Removing Support for Legacy Chat and Custom Chat Systems

as long as you follow the guidelines of textchatservice it will be fine, using the filter method of this will probably differ on filtering based on age and verification status (maybe also device?)

Studio chat got removed now. Where are the promised annotations and comments? If you remove a thing in exhange for something better, maybe actually add the other thing or otherwise wait with removing the first one. Currently there is no way to communicate within studio.


Does anybody know if it will still be possible to change the chat message length limit after this? I urgently need to be able to increase it for my game’s concept to work.

worst update ever compared to the compatibility lighting removal.


I am aswell. This is purely ridiculous. I already hated text chat service to begin with, too ugly, basic. Too ridiculous to get used to, auto fill. legacy chat worked fine.

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Why though? Why can’t you guys just do it? You’re a multibillion dollar company after all, 90% of developers have less than 1% of the value of Roblox combined.

Wow, you’re right for once.

Why? We don’t need to fix what isn’t broken.

Worst decision ever.

What if games aren’t being updated anymore? Take TreeLands for exasmple, let’s assume the devs don’t add TextchatService, and the game can’t auto migrate, you’re just going to disable the chat? What if that fails as well?

Screwing a lot of developers over, wow. nice one. What about game like RetroStudio, where they use custom chats?

Oh, so games like Treelands could get restricted?

Why can’t you just allow developers to keep Legacy chat, and modify it since you’re so committed to “protecting the children” but yet won’t even patch this critical bug that has been around since November of Last Year.

But yet if you plan to keep the young users safe, why aren’t you doing anything about this critical bug regarding filtering?

But what about custom chats? You said we’d have to use the CanUserChatAsync API.

Why can’t YOU do that for us since you wanted to implement this change?


Biggest downgrade since BodyMovers


Also, why not just update team chat to comply with parental controls? Comments/annotation within the workspace itself can be very intrusive and… guess what… TEXTLABELS CAN ALREADY DO IT, all without the annoying filtering. Why should we use whatever you manage to replace this with over TextLabels. Are you gonna filter TextLabels now or what??? (this is not rhetorical)

Better yet- scripts. We can communicate in scripts without a filter. Are you going to prohibit people with parental controls from editing a script??

Did any thought go into this decision, and if so, why has it come to this conclusion? I expect answers.

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Same here. This is a massive problem. Some developers did communicate to others with the now deprecated team chat without any external software. It was pretty useful, but having it removed shouldn’t be the correct move. That’s why I’m going out of my way just to make a better team chat implementation so us developers can speak with others again.

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It already did comply with parental controls, if you had the option where you were not allowed to talk to friends, you could not talk. Maybe its a certain new parental control they want to use.
But yes, it should be implemented instead of removing the entire chat

Why Roblox? Why…?

I get that you want to migrate, but to remove it? You could have just forced all games (Focus on non-updated games) to switch to it and have them (Updated games) switch back if they didn’t like it or something like that.

It isn’t even broken!!!

Thanks for the downgrade…

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Roblox, why even do this??
I cant even chat from roblox studio rn and i have no other way of communicating with the devs while working.

This is game gets worse and worse the more money we feed it…

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“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

a phrase that should be said more often.

I can’t communicate with my developer friends, besides the private message feature on the ROBLOX website.
and which brings me to my questions that I have the following is about the studio chat system.

1. how do you even configure the chat in studio if it’s out?

why 2.0

2. and if it’s not out yet, why on earth did you all deprecate the legacy studio chat?

just when I thought the features or updates on this site couldn’t get stranger, I get disappointed.

could any of you help me with the replacement, is this feature even up? or do I have to chat on a third-party site until it comes out?
I’m probably not the only one annoyed at this update, I genuinely have no other words to say about this update, it’s just not needed, moreover it limits the developers for this small period with no communication at all, without even a replacement for the old team create studio chat.

and after looking at the comments here, seems like I’m not the only one that’s annoyed.

you are a multibillion-dollar corporation and yet you can’t even give us an alternative, or better yet!
have the legacy chat still be in operation until the new and HOPEFULLY improved chat system comes.

could someone who is a developer on the new system give me a blunt as the front face of a hammer answer that is straight to the point when it comes to this.


After having migrated my game to to TextChatService, there are two main pieces of feedback my players have expressed.

  1. There is no way to drag and resize the chat, leading to a bad experience for mobile and tablet users for whom the chat window appears too big. Considering this feature was there in the Legacy chat, it would be nice if it made a comeback.
  2. Messages said in Team channels no longer also show up in the General channel, like it did with Legacy chat. Considering my game has a gamemode where you need to coordinate with your team, this has led to a degraded experience within that specific gamemode.

Both of these things used to be good features within the Legacy chat, and are now suddenly absent. Please do bring them back.


If you want, you could try out Team Chat: Revived. It’s a plugin I’ve been making for a week now, and it does everything Team Chat needs to accomplish, alongside a couple enhancements related to the UI, and added on features. If you’re interested, you can take a look. Team Chat: Revived (Open-Alpha)

Mobile users should have the option to be able to scale down the chat. It’s not a good user experience when you have a massive chat box while you’re trying to play a game. I noticed that Roblox doesn’t seem to really focus on the usability level very often, and I think that should be a thing that they focus on in the future.


I am wondering, if any experience is not migrated to the new chat service by April, will creators have a choice to have their experience not auto-migrate to the new chat system?

Many games will break, would the chat just be disabled in non-updated experiences? (instead of being moderated?)

Thank you.


There is a small bug regarding this which sort of messed up my admin system. We know that player.Chatted is an event that gives you the message someone said ingame, the issue is that symbols like “>” or “<” get converted to “&gt ;” and “&lt ;” inside of the message variable you get. So if someone in chat said “>kill all”, in player.Chatted it’d become “&gt ;kill all” (I added the extra space to avoid it getting turned into a > in this post) which doesnt make sense at all!

Here are images of the problem.
Screenshot 2025-02-16 200607
Screenshot 2025-02-16 200611


Roblox has terrible unreliable chat moderation. I can make a custom chat system which has better filtering with a customisable word blacklist, so if someone says the f-word, the message will be removed by my system and it will output a log in the chat telling the user to not use curse words. My custom chat system will be more reliable than Roblox’s already existing chat filtering because Roblox’s current filtering blocks innocent words which my system will not do, it will only block truly disrespectful words.

How will my custom chat system work?

  1. Custom Filtering: With Roblox’s inbuilt chat moderation, you are unable to change any of the words. However with my system, you are able to change the filtered words depending on your experience. This more smarter filtering will only block truly disrespectful words. Want to make it more strict? Go right ahead! Want to make it more lenient? You can do it!
  2. Clearer Feedback: Instead of hashtags which don’t tell you why it was censored, from using my system, you get clear feedback on why your word was deleted, Roblox’s moderation just makes it all hashtags, and it isn’t very helpful.
  3. More configuration: You can adjust message cooldowns and limits.
  4. Violations number: You can adjust how many violations it takes for a kick. And even a ban, with a variable length depending on how many violations.

I completely agree.

I’d love to see it, but unfortunately it violates the rules now because we can’t even mess with the filter now even if we’re improving it because roblox wants people to be able to swear using >, and <.