Minimap Render [RoRenderV3]

Alright, so I was trying to render my map to test this out and then I have to go do something, my PC turns off because I was gone for a while and when I come back studio opens back up because of team create and this big purple thing is stuck on my game. How would I fix this? Otherwise I would have to move everything to a entire different place. Which will be a pain and make me essentially hate this plugin, (Sorry :sweat_smile: ) how would I get this away? Where did you locate this is explorer for me to delete? I desperately need this to go away, thanks.

The purple part is inside the camera object in workspace. Delete it from there.

The alternative is much more complicated and less user friendly.

This project is open sourced so you can check the source code yourself and this project has been used by > 1600 developers so if there was an issue it would likely of been discovered by now.

alright thank you so much for the reassurance!

It looks like there’s seam lines in between terrain chunks. I have streaming enabled off.

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Looks like roblox has been working on a fix… for the past 4 months. You should add this to your initial post to avoid confusion, as @Voidage had the same issue.

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I’ve decided to do the most overcomplicated solution and rewrite some of the client sided supersampling code; now, if you encounter this issue with terrain, use this new plugin and enable supersampling.

Note: Supersampling will increase render time (even more so that the existing verison does)

Link to updated plugin

Fixed image:


Is this the official RoRender creator and the official post for RoRender? also, is RoRender free?

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Also, is RoRender open source?

Look at the top theres information and sources

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Do more clients result in faster render time? I have 16 cores but studio only allows up to 8 clients.

The cores = # of test players is more of an estimation. Just toy with it until you get reasonable times.

I am using this for the first time. I have read all the info above.
When I follow the steps, it completes in 2 seconds at 100% , but it is blank.

I can see that the start point and end point is correct, the purple square is above with the start point there and then end point marker is below the area.

I have steaming off, I have HTTP on and published.
I click on download image , and the image file is 1k, and blank.

I have downloaded the latest plugin and exe file.

I have 8 cores, and have run it at 8 players and 4 players and it is still 100% blank.

I have tried a med sized map and a small map.

Any ideas why? It seems to obviously be finishing quite fast.


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Likely your ray lengths are too small to be hitting the surface, that would both speed up rendering times and produce a blank image!

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I set my ray length to even under the ground so it would reach anything but it is still blank, am I doing anything wrong?

UPDATE: also tried to just use Auto Configure but still doesn’t work.

Thank you for reading!

Minimap Render is absolutely awesome! :+1:

Hello, I have a suggestion that I believe will make this plugin way better. This feature being the ability to pause the render. It could help in a situation where your computer (or laptop, i have a mid tier laptop, aint the best but I can run most games fine) starts to get too hot, so you can pause the render, and let it cool off for a bit. Another way this could help is allowing you to pause the render, so you can download the image. I was rendering out a final portion of a map someone asked me to render for them, and when I was just about done (97%) I ran out of storage (I didnt even know I was low on it), and that caused me to lose a lot of time when I just needed a couple more pixels for it to be complete

Other than that, I think you both did a great job with this tool, thank you for making it free and easily accessible to everybody :slight_smile:

Edit: I forgor to mention that I did clear up space and pressed OK on the prompt that told me it was out of storage, this was when the render was at 1:49. It didnt get past what the image showed, what was rendered was what I got before I ran out of storage, after clearing storage it never continued, you might want to look into that too but idk.


Sorry to hear you were having problems with the application. The problem you encountered is an edge case that is extremely uncommon. Because of the way the program works introducing a fix to that particular problem would be very complicated and fix a very niche problem.

In the future, please make sure that you have enough system resources in order to preserve your renders.

Ah I thought it was an issue with my pc not a bug. Thanks :slight_smile:

I just tried it out, but when I actually run the server (inside of roblox) with any amount of players, it just crashes the roblox server side, any ideas what might have caused this? P.S the map is pretty big (about 12769 x 11053 studs)

Those are my specs btw (just in case):
CPU: i7-9700KF
GPU: GTX 1660 Super
RAM: 8gb