Minimap Render [RoRenderV3]

Roblox made a new material update, does this render the custom materials or still the default even if you changed them?

RoRender creates an overhead (orthographic) graphic of your map. So the rendered image will display whatever material that Roblox would display if you played the game. RoRender does not change the rendering used by Roblox. It merely captures it from an orthographic perspective and lets you save it to a PNG file that you can then use directly in an ImageLabel, for example, or in another tool like Plumā€™s minimap.

Does that make sense?

TL;DR - the new Roblox material update is a non-issue.

But in the description it says it doesnt support textures?

Give it a try. Iā€™ve used it on a couple of games and havenā€™t had any complaints about the results. But the only way you are going to know for sure is to try it yourself and see if you like what it produces. I donā€™t know what else to tell you as Iā€™m not the plugin creator, Iā€™m just a happy user of RoRender.

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cc @JaxxonJargon

RoRender only gets the Color3 of the part returned from the raycasting. Material is not considered at all, roblox does not have a way to output the color shown to an actual color value. So the system will remain unchanged regardless of new material updates.


Very cool plugin. I hadnā€™t planned on having a map in my game but this is too good to not include. Took a few hours and had to do it in 4 parts but was worth it.

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I am getting the error
HttpError: ConnectFail, curlCode:7, curlMsg:Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused

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If you look up a few posts you will see that your question was asked just a few days ago.

Hi seems like im getting a number of request exceeded limit error when im rendering.Any fix?

Run less clients. I assume you are working on a higher end PC and running too many clients could burn out http request budget.

well im using a fairly low end laptop,macbook pro mid 2012 intel hd 4000 core i7ā€¦
and it has two cores so opened two clients but anyways i fixed it by waiting 1 min every 100 http request by editting the script

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That was actually the same computer that I originally programmed Ro-Render on so itā€™s very odd that you would have issues.

I love the idea of this, but i am a bit hesitant about installing the application on my pc :sweat_smile: You should try and make it so it doesnt leave roblox, but good project no of the less!

Alright, so I was trying to render my map to test this out and then I have to go do something, my PC turns off because I was gone for a while and when I come back studio opens back up because of team create and this big purple thing is stuck on my game. How would I fix this? Otherwise I would have to move everything to a entire different place. Which will be a pain and make me essentially hate this plugin, (Sorry :sweat_smile: ) how would I get this away? Where did you locate this is explorer for me to delete? I desperately need this to go away, thanks.

The purple part is inside the camera object in workspace. Delete it from there.

The alternative is much more complicated and less user friendly.

This project is open sourced so you can check the source code yourself and this project has been used by > 1600 developers so if there was an issue it would likely of been discovered by now.

alright thank you so much for the reassurance!

It looks like thereā€™s seam lines in between terrain chunks. I have streaming enabled off.

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Looks like roblox has been working on a fixā€¦ for the past 4 months. You should add this to your initial post to avoid confusion, as @Voidage had the same issue.

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Iā€™ve decided to do the most overcomplicated solution and rewrite some of the client sided supersampling code; now, if you encounter this issue with terrain, use this new plugin and enable supersampling.

Note: Supersampling will increase render time (even more so that the existing verison does)

Link to updated plugin

Fixed image: