Modesty layer should not be required on bundles that support 2D Clothing

Please allow some form of 2D texture editing for layered clothing, or please release your “experience-to-avatar” teased feature soon. It’s a really, really big shame that I will not be able to create 2D clothes for fur on avatars, and as for some bigger-sized avatars, the 2D clothing was the way to go when the layered clothing was way too “puffy”/“wide” or wouldn’t fit onto character in an appealing way.


Hello AlexA,

Roblox has a default modesty layer that exists on Roblox’s website that applies to default bodies when it detects no 2D clothing applied to their existing avatars. If Roblox detects a body is UV Mapped to allow 2D clothing (which Roblox already does when it shows the grid pattern in the catalog) it can default apply the existing modesty layer, solving the entire issue. This isn’t hard to implement (Roblox again, already does that.), it would easily solve the issues you mention. I understand you’re a messenger though and not the decision maker, so please discuss this in more detail with your co-workers, the development and UGC community would greatly appreciate it.

Assuming that arbitrarily UV Mapped clothes is an issue though, this could easily be caught in the moderation process when the default applied clothes do not cover a body’s … uhh… “regions”. Unless there is no moderation process? In which case, we’re already on track for disaster.


If it were possible to have underlying modesty layers that could be covered up by classic clothing but visible on transparent layers it wouldn’t be perfect sure, but it’d still be better than killing off support entirely for classic clothing on modern bundles, trying to kill off classic clothing entirely is just outright depressing, as “Great” as layered clothing is, the options are still rather limited, and the system for layered clothing is still flawed in many ways with how it wraps layered clothing, as even just layering the most basic layered clothing can cause it to distort heavily,

To say the least, removing classic clothing from modern bodies entirely is just killing off player customization slowly but surely.

If that’s the future you want for Roblox, So be it, But don’t expect the community to want to stay.

You’re already losing multiple UGC creators as they keep getting their content falsely moderated, content deleted with no reasoning as to why, and drastic rule changes suddenly making things that were once fine, all of a sudden bad, and at a cost to the UGC creators in the process.

I can only hope this decision gets re-evaluated, and not crudely dealt with like trying to put duct tape over a leaking pipe, you might think it works, but to anyone else it’s a hack job.

Nonetheless, AlexA, I appreciate you interacting with the community enough to at least give out a response.


AFAIK Bodies and Heads go through human moderation


Not sure why the team can’t just bring the default 2d modesty layer to UGC bodies. It’s quite easy to see if a UGC Package potentially is gonna lack a modesty layer, unless moderation is barely doing a job reviewing an incoming creator package.

I really don’t get why this needs to be enforced at the moment considering UGC isn’t fully public yet and there’s still human moderation and as you mentioned, there’s no alternatives planned yet.


That works fine as long as the models are UV Mapped correctly to the template

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reading through, this is all just very disappointing. wall of text incoming…

i understand that roblox wishes to prioritise safety, but the modesty layer is simply just too much, and will kill the 2d clothing industry in due time if roblox continues to pursue this, meaning many artists may find themselves completely out of a job on the platform.
even then, with all of the other things getting through UGC moderation right now ( like gore, inappropriate assets, copyright infringement ), i really struggle to believe that safety is a top priority after all, especially when roblox seeks to make UGC open to all users; their moderation will simply not be able to keep up, when it certainly isn’t keeping up even now.

either way, getting back on topic, i appreciate that roblox is even partially listening to the community here. there’s been many solutions offered already, but i thought i’d throw my hat into the ring anyway.
i’ve thought of 2 detailed solutions that fix the same problem in different ways. they should cover most of the problems that arise with 2d clothing ( outside of moderation alone dragging the whole thing down… ), and provide solutions that not only combat inappropriate assets in some ways, but allow both 2d clothing and layered clothing to coexist together with ease.

first of all, i believe a simple solution would be to just remove the modesty layers entirely and have the old default 2d modesty layer apply to all bodies when necessary ( i. e. the character isn’t wearing 2d pants ). this would be the simplest solution, as this is the very solution roblox themselves have used for their own bodies for years, why not let UGC bodies use this as well? the workload on moderation wouldn’t be affected much, to my knowledge, and it would be the best of both worlds.
one concern some may have is about layered clothing, should the old modesty layer be brought over to UGC bodies. the current modesty layer acted as underwear for layered clothing, in a way, so removing that would mean the old modesty layer may start to show up on peoples avatars when it didn’t previously. i think the solution here is pretty simple, roblox could just replace the old 2d modesty layer with one that closely resembles the current modesty layer ( i. e., black or white underwear covering the chest and crotch, instead of the current multi-coloured shirt and shorts ), meaning the affect it would have on layered clothing would be minimal, the people still using 2d clothing are not impacted at all, and it still acts as a good enough modesty layer, according to roblox’s own terms at least, even if it covers less overall than the old modesty layer.
unfortunately, this can be bypassed to some extent, in the exact same ways the old layer has always been able to be bypassed. the only way to fix this is to crack down on inappropriate assets, really. which, roblox will have to do no matter what they do with 2d clothing.

second, another idea may be to simply have 2d clothing override the modesty layer. so if i wore, say, a 2d pair of shorts, the modesty layer would get covered and overridden by those shorts. however, if a bad actor wore a malicious asset which was transparent for instance, the modesty layer would still cover it up adequately, because since it’s outright transparent, it doesn’t cover the modesty layer. it also means, by extension, if someone wore a very risqué and revealing clothing asset, for example a piece of clothing that barely covers the chest or crotch area, the modesty layer would also cover that up.
of course, like the previous idea, this can be bypassed. if someone made a shirt that coloured over the modesty layers using colours identical to skin tones, that would be a very easy way to bypass the modesty layer. once again, there isn’t much that can be done aside from focusing on moderation.

so, apologies again for the wall of text ( i suppose that’s just my thing now, lol ), but this isn’t even everything. there are surely many more solutions to this dilemma, or even more problems i have not considered, especially with all the UV mapping stuff people have mentioned. i’m simply just offering my ideas which i believe to be the most effective ones that roblox could implement, should they decide to continue supporting 2d clothing.
the only downfall to 2d clothing is moderation, that’s how it’s always been, and that’s how it is especially now, and deprecating 2d clothing would not only result in severe backlash, but it would also result in people possibly even losing their careers on the platform, and it won’t singlehandedly fix roblox’s poor moderation, not by a long shot… and of course, it would fuel the fire of R6, gears, classic faces, and more being removed, deprecated, or hidden away from public view.

i’m a bit excited but also scared for the thing they told us to stay tuned for, but either way, avoiding the issue is not solving it. avoiding moderation by removing or deprecating 2d clothing will not solve the issues it’s having; it will simply just delay them.
if anyone at roblox is reading perchance, please reconsider.


as a creator of primarily 2D clothing, it’s incredibly disappointing to hear that Roblox is disallowing the use of 2D clothes on UGC bundles. if players are unable to use my items, it makes my entire catalog of clothes completely worthless. am i supposed to just be okay with this?

this moderation argument could be made about any user-made content on the platform. anyone could make a “seemingly innocuous” game, 2D clothing, 3D clothing, accessory, decal, model, plugin… this isn’t a new problem created by UGC bundles and their UV maps, this is just a normal outcome of any platform that allows user submission.
and this problem should be solved by moderation, not trial-and-error from the community.

also, this problem has been solved already in the past. the default 2D clothes, the blue-white checkerboard, this isn’t a new problem and it doesn’t need a new solution. forcing creators to make their avatars a certain way should not be the solution.

thank you for the response Alex! it is nice to have some transparency once and a while :face_with_spiral_eyes: i don’t mean to direct any of this to specifically you!


I understand that the 2d clothing could be used for bad, but modesty clothing wouldn’t really hide that, especially if they say put it in the middle of the torso while keeping the black pants. 3d clothing usually is too bulky or too expensive since you have to buy multiple different clothing, and they aren’t even supported in certain games, leaving me without clothes and for old packages, leaving me stuck with ONLY underwear. It’d be impossible to moderate every package, but I don’t think taking down the packages that ARE fine like the Steven and Mini Plushie is right either, as it would probably be better if people just reported the rule breaking packages in order to keep freedom of customization.


did you know ugc creator make weird layered clothing stuff on marketplace?

if only there was already a functional pre-existing 2D modesty layer that disappears when you put on clothing that could solve this issue… that was already in the game for over 6 years… maybe it could have the roblox logo… and randomized colors… really makes you think


Most of the recent replies have been missing the point entirely, custom bodies can have custom UV mappings and as a result, could map the area that the modestly layer would cover to a different part of the character texture. The fact that Roblox “has a default shirt and pants” is irrelevant since a malicious UGC creator could just bypass that by mapping the UV to show, let’s just say a few pixels of the left arm texture instead of the torso.

I do however agree that this makes UGC bodies pointless and a waste of time, not only do many experiences disable layered clothing, making those who wear it look incredibly awkward in their underwear. But layered clothing can make already bulky characters even more bulky, and for those who just don’t wish to use layered clothing, they are left with an obvious black underwear which most of the time doesn’t match their avatar style. At the very minimum, modesty layers should be customisable in colour on a platform level rather than requiring UGC creators to upload multiple copies to do so (assuming non-black modesty layers are even allowed, I haven’t seen one)

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I don’t think this is the critical issue here as Roblox are not blocking any UGC body which has 2D clothing support (which would be required for this to be the problem), instead they are only blocking bodies which don’t include the modesty layer.



I’ve been noticing you folks forcing packages to have modesty layers even when they aren’t human. E.g. someone recently uploaded a hamster and a gecko. Those kept getting moderated until they added a modesty layer.


These should not require a modesty layer. I really hope this is fixed before my custom dragon bundle is finished, because I really don’t want its look ruined by this.


that’s a good point, but i’d have to disagree, honestly.
looking at the bigger picture, as i said, all of the problems 2d clothing presents can be fixed simply by roblox cracking down on moderation. ( it’s also part of why i’m against the UGC program being open to all users, considering roblox’s moderation is already struggling, big time; opening the floodgates would make it so much worse. )

but, all in all, if there are malicious clothing assets, they should be detected and removed.
if there is a malicious UGC body bundle, it should be once again detected and removed, and in both cases the bad actors should be removed from the UGC program ( if applicable ), or removed from the platform altogether. simple as that.
roblox has already promised to do both of these things, so if they actually followed through with their promises and stepped up their moderation efforts, why should UGC bodies and 2d clothing artists then have to suffer, when the problem that required such an inconvenient modesty layer in the first place, no longer exists?

there are most certainly bad actors and people with malicious intent attempting to get into the UGC program, or upload bypassed assets. there always will be, unfortunately. and i understand roblox’s desire to ‘fix the problem before it starts’, but the modesty layer does not feel like the end-all solution roblox most likely hoped it would be. even ignoring 2d clothing as a whole, it can theoretically still be bypassed in many other ways, for instance, 3d assets, which are, in theory, much harder for roblox to moderate, yet it seems in all of this, they have completely missed that.

as i said, the solution to all of this is just… moderating assets adequately. regardless of if they even remove, or work around the modesty layer at all, it is not a solution to inappropriate assets, it’s a bandage fix ( which technically doesn’t even account for everything, which might just be the worst part about it ), for a loud minority of bad actors making inappropriate clothing, which in the end causes harm to the community as a whole due to the poor handling of it all.
the only thing roblox can do is crack down on inappropriate assets, and then allow some sort of workaround for the modesty layer.

the modesty layer’s current implementation is flawed in many, many ways, and i don’t expect it to last, nor is it really necessary to have the layer be so ‘in the way’, all things considered.


that could be said for everything… why not just apply a modesty layer using a modified version of the system that default bundles (r6 and r15) have?


There’s a built-in modesty layer to any bundle with 2d clothing support.

They do.
(Smooth S15 UGC Bundle)

I dunno why they still require built-in modesty layers for packages like this, it’s weird but okay.


shouldn’t that be on moderation then? We don’t ban UGC despite the fact that people bypass and occasionally upload inappropriate hats. I think that burden should fall upon moderation. Avoidance because “oh because some people can abuse it” as if they can’t moderate it is just a weak excuse.


Also relevant for @Penguinzuma 's reply

The issue is that this is a much more difficult issue to solve than UGC moderation, UV maps are difficult to moderate because in-theory they need to be moderated against every classic shirt, shirt graphic and classic pants on the platform. If you do have a suggestion on how this could be moderated at scale please reply to the admin who stated this.

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They absolutely don’t need to be moderated against literally every piece of clothing, that’s absurd and unnecessary. Any issue with the UV Mapping would easily spotted by the human moderators when the model is being processed or detected by the automod, they just don’t want to bother supporting it.