Modesty layer should not be required on bundles that support 2D Clothing

roblox need reworked moderation for ugc bundle support 2d clothing with no modesty layer

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The issue is when UGC bodies + shirts are used to overlay an image onto the character, think how you can place two decals on top of each other to create one image but for bodies. Certainly random why they’d mention that for modesty layers however.

  1. Problem for mods
  2. This is a minority of people, if this was a problem they wouldve removed classic clothing entirely knowing roblox

I HATE snitching but
assuming this is the problem you guys are referring to


I will never, EVER wear layered 3D clothing, and I am willing to bet a lot of other people are too.

This problem directly affects the sales of your UGC because people who prefer 2D clothing won’t want to buy it. This is a humorously big oversight in my opinion.

To be fair, the majority of ROBLOX players don’t care about their clothes, and the majority is the people who are buying your stuff. But this still affects the sales in a relatively medium-small way.


We know what your saying, Roblox, you dont want us to have 2D clothing and have fun. Thanks for releasing this very, very awful update! Probably 50% of people’s free bundles (or not free) are gone now in the catalog. Also, some packages dont need modesty layers because it just looks garbage on some classic avatars. What was even the purpose of doing this?!


animal ugc bundle don’t need modesty layer so

lower modesty is required for all avatars that have a skin-like or smooth texture

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Not gonna lie, it’s bad idea. Packages with 2D clothing is one of foundations roblox was build upon. Forcing it out like R6 is literally spitting in our face. 3D Clothing is looking bad on some of packages for example if they are animal based (See:Hamster)

I’m pretty sure that more than half of creators will disagree with this change, ESPECIALLY the ones who made ROBLOX Classic Shirt and Pants Clothing FOR YEARS.


Please read the replies to this topic, this was the reason given by Roblox themselves. Also, if you read my subsequent reply, you would know that no moderator could ever handle this.

I really hope that 2D clothing is supported on bundles in the future. Forcing 100% of people to use 3D clothing in the future isn’t the way to go, and is going to harm 2D clothing creators who can’t model and make 3D clothing. It’ll also severely reduce customization options as lots of 2D clothing exists on the catalog but not as much 3D clothing, and there’s way more 2D designers than 3D. (Not to mention the min price for 2D clothes is far lower than 3D, too)
There’s a lot of UGC bundles I like the look of that support 2D clothes but I can’t use them with my avatars, as the forced modesty layer ruins the look of it.

If arbitrarily UV’d bodies are a concern, Roblox could always hire more moderators to actually moderate bundles. That way they can reject any bundles that are arbitrarily UV’d, and allow bundles that fully support 2D clothing without any problems (Bearing in mind, modesty clothing is already applied to users who use classic bundles without pants, so there would be no need to add this to 2D clothing bundles - just the ones that are 3D clothing only)


If there was bad mapping the mods would see it. Every Ugc character is manually moderated I believe.

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This is true however it’s the overlay which is the problem apparently:

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by the way i think you already know this but im
a. stupid as hell
b. dumb
3. not a ugc creator or modeler

can you explain this in dummy terms pls

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You can’t exactly just tell if an UV map is “bad” or “malicious”. This is the same exact problem as people combining classic shirts with classic t-shirts to bypass moderation, which you should be very familar with (I’m talking about the one that spells out the N word by cleverly replacing letters). The shirt and t-shirt themselves appear innocent, until you combine them, which no one will do accidentally, let alone the moderation team.

You need the malicious clothing themselves to tell if the UV map would be bad. The UV map itself doesn’t do much, it’s the clothing that you put on it to finish the effect.

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Ah, I see, but won’t the blue layer tell if the uv mapping looks weird?

It can easily be disregarded as a simple mistake by the moderators. Just like that shirt that spelled “Tigger” for the pending dramatic effect :skull:

Hot take, but moderators shouldn’t accept items with bad uv mapping, and I don’t mean what I showed, I mean like the checkers not being in a full pattern along the torso (for example, but it applies to every part in the bundle)

I wish 2d clothing was able to go above the modesty layer instead of having to go below it, that’s all


Wait, that seems like a good idea.

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Thought I’d say this, this isn’t possible. You cannot UV map limbs to other limbs. All limbs (Head, torso, Left/Right Arms/Legs) have their own UV map and are kind of placed arbritarily within the packed UV map.
I understand the concern though, and to be honest, it’s still a moderator’s job to catch eventually when avatars/assets are reported.