Modesty layer should not be required on bundles that support 2D Clothing

The not good in question:

Seriously. Until your moderation is actually at a semi-reasonable level, you shouldn’t be enforcing arbitrary restrictions such as the modesty layer.

Additionally, plenty of clothing groups bypassing inappropriate stuff make it past moderation every single day, and Roblox has had some of those reported within the past month with no action taken.

Doesn’t this also pretty much admit that moderation isn’t manual and Roblox is just using bots to moderate everything that goes onto the catalog now? Surely if something was being mis-used, the “human employee” doing the approval would notice.

Except they wouldn’t. Because there is no human employee. Until Roblox’s moderation steps up its game, there shouldn’t be arbitrary enforcements like this. You should be moderating these items on a case-by-case basis instead. We KNOW that bundle is used for good, so there is no reason to moderate it based on this.

“But other people might use it for bad!”

So, moderate the bad ones, obviously? We’ve already confirmed that this one is used for good, so moderating out of “fairness” is just off-putting.

Additionally, this is just further driving me away from ever migrating to a 3D/UGC body avatar, which seems to be Roblox’s #1 desire for the past few years. It’s literally shooting yourself in the foot.


i feel like this would’ve been the obvious fix to this issue instead of just forcing UGC bundles to not support 2D clothing which is still a major part of avatar customization.


Well, this sums up this entire thread.

However, Roblox could definitely ask users to moderate people who incorrectly abuse the UVs of other clothes, but it would definitely not be secure.

The simple solution is to pretend that layered clothing and custom Skinned packages never existed in the first place. We were fine without it.


Yeah, you could just use the old packages just fine, but Roblox has definitely moved on from 2D Clothing and aren’t gonna release anymore classic styled packages.

Allowing creators to make new unique packages or even remake current packages with skinning and improve other aspects isn’t a bad thing, but public UGC being roblox’s goal complicates the whole thing


Just wanna make sure this discussion doesn’t die.

Slapping underpants on an animal gives the opposite impression than intended – the hamster bundle and other critters like it? Why are they wearing underpants, Roblox? Do they have something to hide? You draw more attention to the area by trying to cover it, like all the times I’ve been introduced to naughty words hiding in innocent speech thanks to the aggressive filtering Roblox was using for a while. I wonder how many kids learned about a certain adult interaction by having the phrase ‘for some’ tagged, for instance.

Don’t mind me, just rambling, but…yeah I really hope we can come to a solution that isn’t ‘leave things the way they are now’. 'Cause the way they are now is weird and uncomfortable and ruining the awesome potential of these new bundles…


Not to be cynical but with how hyperfocused they are on monetization it seems mostly like a way to get people to buy layered clothes to cover the ‘underwear’ the same they would with a realistic humanoid one.

When the new batch of corp/entertainment branded cohorts come to the platform in Nov/Dec (or whenever the switch to service platform happens) to make their gamevertizements and storefront games they were reassured that every player would have avatars fully optimized for buying their in-experience layered clothing and avatar accessories. They will want to see ROI on their new fully immersive ad-system ‘games’.

That said…

It’s hard not to see modesty layers in cases where they aren’t necessary as a way to ‘nudge’ those players away from 2D clothing as well as to nudge them to buy clothing just to cover that modesty layer.

In other words, aesthetics being broken in favor of further monetization.



That’s what i’ve been suspecting, seeing how literally all shirts are 5 robux im not surprised roblox just gave up on them lol

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Tinfoil hat conspiracy theories are not helpful in this discussion, or any discussion here for that matter. Please keep these to yourself. Roblox is following a large-scale platform vision, inevitably hitting many bumps along the road to get there. Maliciously charging people an extra 10 robux for pants to cover up a modesty layer and rubbing their hands together like a cartoon villain all the while is not in any sane universe part of that vision. Get it together.

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The theory comes from seeing many things in the investor documents like this one from over a year ago.

I wondered how this transition would happen. It makes sense that it would be gradual with ‘nudges’. It’s admittedly a cynical take, but reading those investor docs tends to lend to that.


“we expect 100% of users to be using layered clothing.”

no it isn’t, it’s most player wearing 2d clothing

Look like roblox think new players wearing 2d clothing are nostalgic :sob:

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2d clothing is far easier to make in addition. you just need artistic skills
as for new clothing, modeling skills are required in addition, which not all artists can take.
it should remain an option of either 2d or 3d clothing. trying to eliminate 2d clothing will only hurt artists, and i highly doubt majority of artists know much about modelling, but thats my assumptions. plus it’ll just completely screw with say blocky (standard) package, as NONE of the 3d clothing fits (other than those glowy things)

but yeah, 2d clothing is not about nostalgia, its more about the fact its a lot easier to make and use and is far friendlier to artists.

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well, “eliminate 2d clothing” means many players quitting and getting huge backlash for reason

2d clothing is very popular

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FWIW, realistically it’s only a matter of time after UGC is open to everyone before people start publishing free resources with public-domain clothing assets that you only need to texture. Just look at Headpets in the catalog, they’re uploading lots of different textures on the same clothing assets, which is effectively what the majority of more casual UGC creators will be doing.

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It’s honestly disappointing to see that classic clothing is now receiving the same awful treatment as R6 avatars and will likely be slowly phased out as Roblox continues working on layered clothing.

And judging by the response from the Roblox Staff earlier, it doesn’t seem there’s any planned future for it aside from a few ideas that were likely thrown around at the last minute.

Many clothing groups will defiantly suffer from this since every new package going forward isn’t allowed to support 2D clothing according to the terms of service.

It’s really hard to take the idea of being free to make your own avatar seriously when classic faces, classic clothing and R6 supported packages are in the process of being sidelined or discontinued.


It seems like whatever this dictionary is seems to agree with Roblox.

It is their “big vision” after all, but they should not expect such fantasies.

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If uv maps are such a problem then just check the bundle with the modesty layer that is applied to players not wearing any 2d clothing to see if the bundles private areas are covered by the correct piece of the modesty layer(the grey part of it) if it isn’t make sure the bundle already has a modesty layer built in.


It’s more people wearing 2d clothing then layered clothing, you know just why

roblox care about realistic, normal avatar is more popular than rthro :sob:


Just keeping this alive.

Even the candy corn has underwear. Why does a candy corn need underwear? Help.


to make their “imagination” dirtier??? idk lol it sounds like so. it doesnt even help with making it feel less dirtier as you mentioned
sincerely sorry for the usage of such word, i cant describe this any other way.


why did roblox keep accept ugc blocky bundle have modesty layer


look like roblox moderation not knowing about official blocky bundle