Motion Blur Effect

I sporadically thought of this, and I think a motion blur effect would be a whole new realm of beautiful lighting. Imagine someone build a mystical forest, and it just needs that last bit of magic. Imagine that you are in a stressful moment of a storyline, and there is something chasing you, These are just some examples of places that a motion blur would be very effective.

Though, a problem may exist: I’m not sure if such an effect is doable with Roblox’s engine. I’ve never made any modifications to the lighting’s code, so I wouldn’t know how difficult it is. Hopefully this proves worthy of some feedback.

My ideas for possible properties:

  • Blur - A number that describes the amount of blurriness.
  • Length - A number that determines how long certain areas are blurred in seconds.
  • Sensitivity - A number ranging from 0 to 1 that determines how sensitive it is to movement.
  • Vignette - A bool that determines if areas closer to the center of the screen are as blurry as the edges. If true, the center is less blurry than the edges. If false, the whole screen can be equally blurry.

I don’t think this would be a good idea. Motion Blur is an ugly effect that in my opinion does not add to a game’s aesthetics but instead degrades it. (Uncharted 4 is a good example, extremely good looking game but Motion Blur just kills it)


Motion blur has no place in games. it only exists in film because the framerate is so low. It feels awful to move your camera and a significant amount of your screen doesn’t change.


There’s more to motion blur than just when the camera rotates…

I feel like there’s hate for motion blur because games have it always on when you turn the camera. I do think it’s a bad idea if its just on the camera whenever the camera moves, but if you use it on fast moving objects or for rapid scripted movements I think it can be a great effect. Support.


Honestly yeah, those who oppose it are thinking about cases where the effect is overused, when the amount is adjusted correctly and used in an aspect that isn’t immediately distracting it can add a whole new level of immersion.

I mean com’on who doesn’t want this in their game:


One thing i’ve learned from playing various front page games is that a lot of developers have a bad eye when it comes to effects, lighting and color management. When sun rays were announced people would crank it up so high that you would get absolutely blinded when looking at the sun. Bloom gave the the constant urge to rub my eyes and the increased saturation gave me headaches.

Whenever a new visual effect gets shipped it seems like developers feel obligated to put this in their game and make it extremely noticable because it’s the hip new thing, when in reality it does more harm than good. Motion blur is one of those effects that make you say “Oh sweet” the first five minutes, and then make you feel sick after playing ten minutes.

I get that it’s very subjective and that a lot of developers really like it, which is fine. Personally i despise it. I haven’t played a single game where i found motion blur to be more enjoyable then it being disabled. Even in that Redshift video above me. I hate how everything gets blurred. I want to be able to see things nice and crisp.


I’m not much of a motion blur fan, but just cause 3 does it really well, but that’s one of the only games I can think of that do it well. If Roblox can pull it off and make it look good, without making the game look worse, then yes, I support.


I couldn’t agree with you more on that.

As a builder, the greatest challenge one can face is to balance lighting and make sure it looks realistic/appropriate to the style. I have several builds, some of which are actively included in games, that I haven’t been able to light-balance after years of updates.


I didn’t mention it, but it also needs specific options for the actual effect.
(I will edit the original post to add this)

  • Blur - A number that describes the amount of blurriness.
  • Length - A number that determines how long certain areas are blurred in seconds.
  • Sensitivity - A number ranging from 0 to 1 that determines how sensitive it is to movement.
  • Vignette - A bool that determines if areas closer to the center of the screen are as blurry as the edges. If true, the center is less blurry than the edges. If false, the whole screen can be equally blurry.

That effect would most likely be much cheaper to achieve with a zoom blur (which also has a lot more use cases than motion blur)


I think adding a motion blur effect object would make games feature more realism. The type of motion blur I thought about was a part moving at a certain speed, a helicopter propeller, a spinning top, or even the camera’s movement speed. It could also complement the feature for it to render decals, textures, Surface Guis and thing mostly in the category of a surface image. As well, for it to have options to apply blurs to a rotational/spinning blur (e.g. helicopter propeller), a movement blur (e.g. bird moving past you fast), or both. This feature would be especially useful for people who want fast moving or rotating objects to look fast and more smooth, regardless of frame rate or lag.


Despite all the hate for motion blur I think some developers might find great use for this, As long as a developer uses motion blur right it can be very beautiful and cool. I’d also suggest adding gaussian blur, this effect is useful in many situations.


Motion blur would be great as it gives a sense of speed, immersiveness and thrill while playing the game.

zoom blur = good?
rotation blur = bad?
side movement blur = bad?
idk its what everyone thinks
also ye i like how motion blur looks sometimes, but not with roblox’s default blur.

Bump. Even if nobody likes it, it can still be a feature, just don’t use it if you don’t like it.


Motion blur already kinda exists, but with higher FPS in Low-Poly games. if you have over 144 FPS there is motion blur. You can make Motion Blur with a simple script using X,Y,Z and the blur properties, However it’s not going to look natural.

And Motion Blur is not something for Roblox to add, it’s something for Developers to add. Roblox just needs to add the right tools for us to create Motion blur.


Nobody cares what you think about a game, this is the developer’s choice to add it or not. Most games have the option to disable motion blur such as Forza Horizon 5 and CS:GO. Even call of duty has motion blur.


Would be cool to see directional blur effects on roblox!

It’s not about what I think but instead contributing to the discussion and aiding direction. I would suggest doing the same, making a reply that adds no value almost 6 years later is not a good way to do that.

Widgeon brought up a very good use-case that can be used to amplify the effect of fast movement (and this is also an effect the OP was wanting as well); BUT, this is NOT Motion Blur, instead this is Radial/Zoom Blur.

Motion Blur is blurring that occurs when the camera moves during the exposure period (which is an artifact from film/cameras). Replicating this makes no sense in a Video Game and often (by common public perception) is unwanted and disorienting.

Instead of Motion Blur, Roblox should focus on adding more purpose built movement blurs that actually can improve aspects of the game, here are a few I can imagine and their use-cases:

  1. Radial/Zoom Blur: Blurs outwards from a point. Great for amplifying speed/movement (what Widgeon displayed was a fantastic use-case)
  2. Directional Blur: Applies blur in a specified direction. This is fantastic for visual effects in the world (to add more emphasis to their impact) and for the example Widgeon displayed.

Here are some nice mentions for creative uses:
3. Spin Blur: A Radial Blur that is centered around a point and makes it seem as if the object is spinning around, this is great for effects like Dizziness or eating something bad (or taking a bad potion)
4. Tilt-Shift Blur: This is a blur that is applied on two vertical portions of the screen to make a scene look Miniature, creating a small narrow band of focus, this is great for effects like actually becoming Tiny (so imagine a game like “It Takes Two”)

Not every type of Movement Blur is Motion Blur - when people say that “Motion Blur” is bad in games - we are not talking about those other types of Movement Blurs: we are specifically talking about the blur effect that emulates its Film counterpart.