My custom chat system (BetterChat V3)

Yes. I wouldn’t release a custom chat for testing if it didn’t have a filter.


Wonderful system for chatting! I love how the style is really inspired by Discord, I think it’s great to have in-game.
But, my only (slight) concern for this would probably be the avatar icons on the left of the username. If there are a lot of conversations going on the server, I think that the icons would slightly clutter up the chatbox.

Keep it up :happy3:


Oh my gosh, we can finally have Discord in Roblox!!!

All jokes aside, this plugin looks super awesome, and I’d definitely use it. Here’s a suggestion: Name colors? Gradients? Even, animated names?


Elaborate on animated names, that sounds interesting?

Also: The fact only the preview has ~ 25 likes makes me so hopeful for releasing the system.

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Sound when you finish typing and icons according to your category in the game (Roblox Admin, Roblox Star, Vip Gamepass and more)


Just implemented

  • Functioning channelbar
  • Permissions system (you can now set it so only select users can edit, reply & use markdown if desired)
  • Bug fixes

Next todo

  • Group chats (I want to create a way for you to be able to make group chats with your friend as a channel, it’ll probably take while to implement but I cannot wait for this!!)

If you’re wondering how that’d work I’m thinking something like:

  1. There’d be a group chat option to the right of the chat window or something like the topbar
  2. Click the button to open a group chat menu
    2A. There’d be a max limits of group chats you can be in and you can create a chat and then invite your friends from in-game (configurable)
    2B. It could also have things like an icon and whatever
  3. Once joining a group chat, you can talk to the people in the channel freely
  4. Potentially have an option to make it work globally (configurable for developers ofc)


Should group chats save? (At least the name, not sure abt the messages)
  • Yes
  • No
  • Make this configurable for the developer

0 voters

Genuine question

Does anyone know where I can find translators that work on DevForum since I don’t have discord?


Someone to translate or a type of function?

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Translate like text for the chat for localization. Also gotta go, I’ll read replies after school.


A self-translation?
For example: an English person writes in English, and if there is a Spanish person, the message appears in Spanish or vice versa.

No. Translation for the chat itself, to get by with localization I’m using a fork of the default LocalizationTable Roblox included but I want to add text for some features like the group chats.

Like ‘Invite your friends here’ and stuff like that. I am currently using icons to get by this language barrier but for features like the group chats that’s a bit difficult to describe with only

I could use Google translate which is what I did for the ‘edited’ stamp but that’s only a temporary solution. Google translate isn’t very reliable way of translating to other languages in my opinion.


Effects, particles, moving gradients, etc.

Also, translators should be relatively easy to find here on the Talent Hub. You could make a post looking Spanish or French translators, or something like that.

Created a draft for a group chat creation menu:

Feedback? (This whole group chat thing will also be toggleable)

Edit: completely forgot to add a group icon to this menu


I would add the photo of the winged avatar next to the name, in case there are two players with the same names on the server.

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Probably going to use a thing like:

Player (@ActualUsername)

(in the case they have a display name)

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I recommend you to put a DisplayOrder in the GUI.

I have tried the first version and it has that problem, if there is a gui the chat comes out from the bottom when it has to come out from the top so that it does not get in the way when writing.

Default Roblox Chat:


BetterChat V1:

Captura de pantalla 2022-01-28 113434


discord to roblox!!11

totally better than any of my junk


This is really well made, good job!

I have found a bug:


The custom bubble chat doesn’t seem to respect the voice chat bubble.

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Yea, I don’t know how to fix it. Hoping this might be fixed with the ‘AlwaysOnTop’ property I’m shipping in the next update with some checks to make sure the billboard is visible.

Also, will make my own voice chat button thing in the future if Roblox adds API for that.


It looks like I’ll have some version of release functional in early to late March. I’m aware this seems like a long time, but I have some really cool features I want to add to make this chat even more unique.

One of them being:

  • Minigames

You will have the option to toggle minigames in the settings and then users can create them through the chat and play them entirely within the chat.

Examples would be like:

  • Uno
  • Rock paper scissors

As always,


Would this be a nice addition to the chat?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters