My mesh is "see-through"

I just finished modeling a Nissan GT-R R35 In Blender and now I want to import it into ROBLOX studio but when I do so the mesh is weird and see-through and I don’t know how to fix it. Any help or suggestions?


in blender press Shift+N it SHOULD fix it


Your faces have flipped - select the entire mesh / go to the mesh tab in top left whilst in edit mode / go to the normals tab / click on recalculate outside :slight_smile: Cars looking really good btw!

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You can try selecting the model in blender, Going to edit mode and pressing Shift + N or you can apply a solidify modifier which will 100% fix the problem.


ah yes the common issue inverted faces

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Thanks! The recalculating option didn’t work but solidifying did.

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No problem. Great car btw! Really like it.

Solidifying isn’t a viable strategy for fixing this, it effectively doubles your polygon count and is extremely inefficient—use Ctrl+Shift+N with all faces selected in edit mode and make sure that the new dialogue that pops up in the bottom left of the viewport has ‘Inside’ unchecked, because that’s why it didn’t work for you the first time. Solidifying is never an option


i think this will help you to fix ur mesh
oh ye also to open the menu press altn while in edit mode

This won’t work either because some of the normals are facing the right way, if he batch flipped like this then it would mess up the faces that are already correct

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I’m not the OP, by looking at the spoiler and lights in the back, you can see that not all of the faces are reversed

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oops my bad thought u were the op

I think you messed up the face orientation

Either the faces are inverted :
or add a solidify modifier

Read above please


Oh im usually working with cylinders and even when i flip the normals it still imports like this

but adding a solidify modifier works

Hence why you have to uncheck ‘Inside’ when the dialogue comes up following the action of recalculating the normals. Solidifying does work, but it’s extremely inefficient and isn’t a good habit to develop


it still isnt working

but this isnt my thread and i dont wanna keep bothering u lmao

This seems to be a common problem with blender. Try 3ds max :slight_smile:

Roblox, when importing models, offers the option to reverse inward pointing mesh normals or something – does that work?

This issue exists with both Blender and 3DS Max—try not to recommend expensive software to younger developers who don’t have the resources or the direct need since blender is perfectly fine for roblox development

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