My new game menu UI

I’ve been teaching myself to make better UI lately, so I’ve made the UI for my game, Project X.

Feedback would be nice.

Play Menu (Soon to look like shop menu)

Credits Menu (Soon to look like shop menu)

The reason there is a big gap is that I am gonna use more in the future, so the gap is temp.

Shop Menu

Just learnt how to use the new UIStroke

Settings Menu (Soon to look like shop menu)

Please just like the post to say it looks good, reply with critisim and feedback :).

Fixed and improved:

I just want to say thanks for everyones feedback from my previous posts about my UI, i’ve learnt a lot. You can see the original UI here:


very realistic i wouldnt suggest that and top bar where shop settings and pay are bad make them little nearer dude


Finally matched it all up, took some time but thanks to reclass it was faster than it should’ve taken.

Instead of a ton of screenshots, take a video instead :).

due to a line of code i forgot to delete it loads a lot faster than expected


It looks nice, what did you use to design it?

Also, for a better UI experience, disable the other Roblox core GUI like chat, leaderboard, inventory, etc.

Everything is made in roblox! Apart from the image background with the fading dots.

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